Flaybrick Cemetery – Flytipping still a problem

As you can tell from the photos below (which I have passed on to Mark Smith and the Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport), flytipping in Flaybrick Cemetery is a problem. Whilst we were taking the photos, another car pulled up and another couple of bags were thrown over the railings, unfortunately by the time … Continue reading “Flaybrick Cemetery – Flytipping still a problem”

As you can tell from the photos below (which I have passed on to Mark Smith and the Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport), flytipping in Flaybrick Cemetery is a problem.

Whilst we were taking the photos, another car pulled up and another couple of bags were thrown over the railings, unfortunately by the time we approached them they had driven off (with the railings obscuring the view).

In addition, the demolished Wirral Partnership Homes properties here are attracting rubbish (which is then set on fire). Sadly, there was less flytipping before these houses overlooking were demolished. You can click on each photo for a larger version.

Hopefully something will be done soon as this kind of irresponsible behaviour upsets local residents (especially those who have family members buried there).

My wife brought this up last year at the Public Question Time, which a journalist went on to report upon.

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Flytipping Flaybrick Cemetery and surrounding area

Planning Committee – 4/1/2011 – Part 5 – Tall Trees (Vyner Road South), Bidston – New Nursery and car parking

Next to be considered was a planning application for a nursery in Vyner Road South.

Cllr Realey asked for the plans to be displayed especially the separation from neighbouring properties and where the proposed entrances would be.

Cllr Elderton asked what the separation distance to the nearest property was. The answer given was 32 metres. He asked if it had a pitched roof, the answer given was yes.

Cllr Johnston asked about drop off and collection times. He asked if 150 cars coming in a narrow time frame would cause problems with the neighbours. The answer given was that the nursery would staffer the times and that some would be there only for 1/2 days.

Cllr Mitchell asked for an estimate of the numbers and for further detail on staff parking and movements. The committee was told there would be 12-14 car park spaces. It was recommended for approval and all councillors voted in favour of it being so.

Ridgeway closure & Bins backlog

Ridgeway will be closed this week due to flooding. It’ll now open next Monday 10th rather than the planned date of Thursday 6th.

Biffa crews are still trying to clear the backlog of missed bin collections. By tomorrow evening (Wednesday) they hope to have caught up with all missed green bin collections.

Missed grey bin collections will be collected by Friday.

Advice to residents

Missed collections

If you missed a collection last week, you should leave your bin out (including side waste if it is a green bin) for collection and it will be emptied within the next two days. Some areas that were worse affected by the delays will receive a catch-up collection early this week, in addition to their scheduled collection.

Green Bins

Please leave your appropriate bin (grey or green) out for collection on the scheduled day.

Grey Bins

If you are experiencing a build up of recyclables from last week or previous weeks, please wait until your next scheduled grey bin collection.

To clear the back log, Biffa is prioritising green bin collections. If you are due for a grey bin collection this week and it is not collected on the scheduled day, please leave your bin out as it will be collected by Friday (8 January) at the very latest.

Freedom of Speech and Censorship – Time Labour said sorry for cuts

I’ve just been reading the joint statement on Wikileaks released by the UN.

Section 4 really caught my eye with regards to the pressure put on yours truly about this story. As readers may be unaware a tax-payer funded body is threatening a lawsuit on a matter that is protected in UK law from libel lawsuits.

They also threaten to "write to" the company hosting this blog and to get it deleted. Thankfully being hosted in America there are stronger legal protections on freedom of speech.

As the UN put it "Such illegitimate interference includes politically motivated legal cases brought against journalists and independent media, and blocking of websites and web domains on political grounds."

I was ready to give Labour the benefit of the doubt in this matter as generally their councillors are honest (especially Cllr Foulkes) enough to declare a prejudicial interest. In fact I mentioned this in the article I wrote.

This whole "storm in a teacup episode" has overtones of the time last year that Cllr. Harry Smith moaned to the Lib Dems (in a letter he did have the decency to copy to myself along with a Wirral Council compliment slip with the box for immediate action ticked) that I’d stated in a Focus article (which was true) that while Vice-Chair he hadn’t gone to a Pensions Committee meeting at which it had been revealed the Fund had lost ~£700 million (which leads to extra costs to Wirral Council that can’t be used to fund frontline services).

Cllr. Harry Smith was annoyed that residents were going to his surgery and talking to him about pensions. However isn’t talking to local residents at your surgery about decisions you’ve made part of being a (well-paid) local councillor Harry? In your election literature (which I still have from 2007) your promise was Give me 15 minutes of your time and I’ll give you 4 years of mine.

How do you square choosing to go on holiday (instead of representing your residents) and being suspended as a councillor for a week with this promise? How about the person you put on your election literature under a headline like "We’re voting for Harry Smith" who didn’t even vote at all? As a local resident in Bidston & St. James I would hope that Labour’s leaflet is not misleading local residents to vote for them. Isn’t it time residents got an apology and the truth?

£48 million has recently had to be cut from this year’s budget (voted for by Labour in March) due to the Labour government’s mismanagement of the country’s finances and spiralling costs on bureaucracy. These are Labour’s cuts to services (whose Minister said there was "no money left") that will next year directly affect residents harshly here in Bidston & St. James. Cllr Foulkes (Labour’s leader) has already apologised publically to the people of Wirral for mistakes the earlier Labour administration made. Isn’t it time other Labour councillors said sorry to the residents of Wirral for the mistakes they’ve made that have led to these cuts?

Bidston & St. James Focus – Labour suggests reading it

As recommended for reading at a public meeting last week by Labour below is a link to a recent Bidston & St. James Focus.

September 2010 issue with articles on free swimming, benefits advice, Birkenhead Park Festival of Transport (other editions had an article here about a carer’s event, Action on Eyesores and Wirral’s Future – Be a Part of It.

Here is a brief update. Swimming is still free (or reduced) for many of Wirral’s residents. The economic mess left by Labour have meant many residents have lost their job, sending unemployment rates up in areas like Bidston & St. James to nearly 40%. The Birkenhead Park Festival of Transport was a great success (so was the carer’s event held in Birkenhead Park).

The public consultation attracted over 5,000 responses and went on to be considered as part of Wirral Council’s budget next year. The demolished Corsair continues to be an eyesore in Bidston Village (but is now less so since its demolition).

In a special bonus to our loyal online readers, the main photo is in colour (unlike the printed version in B&W)!

We always welcome any letters from Labour councillors (and other resident’s letters) as well the many thank yous received from local residents about articles in a Focus.

The Bidston & St. James Action Team is of course busy all year round in all parts of the ward. So keep an eye on this blog for up to date news.