Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 10 Local Development Framework for Wirral – Developer Contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy, Planning Applications (delegated) 26/11/11 to 15/12/11, Planning Appeals 26/11/11 to 15/12/11

The Chair apologised that David Ball was not able to present the report which was about section 106 as opposed to the Community Infrastructure Levy. Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noting. Cllr Brian Kenny said he was happy. The Chair referred to 4.2.7 and that they had to work out a charge, but … Continue reading “Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 10 Local Development Framework for Wirral – Developer Contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy, Planning Applications (delegated) 26/11/11 to 15/12/11, Planning Appeals 26/11/11 to 15/12/11”

The Chair apologised that David Ball was not able to present the report which was about section 106 as opposed to the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noting. Cllr Brian Kenny said he was happy.

The Chair referred to 4.2.7 and that they had to work out a charge, but that was yet to be agreed.

The Chair asked for any comments on item 17. Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noted.

The Chair said that Wirral Council had been successful in two appeals. Cllr Dave Mitchell pointed to Cllr Stuart Kelly.

Cllr Stuart Kelly talked briefly.

The Chair referred to “Cllr Matthew Davies”. Matthew Davies denied that he was a councillor. The Chair jokingly asked if he was standing as a candidate in May.

The Chair closed the meeting and expressed his wish to have a meeting in private.

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 3 Corporate Plan

Cllr Steve Foulkes said he wanted to make an apology and it had not gone out on time, there were a number of reasons behind the delay, one was the issues raised by the Corporate Governance Committee/Anna Klonowski Associates report. He said these had to evolve in time enough to know where they were going. Cllr Foulkes said the Corporate Governance Committee was working well with a difficult subject matter, but they had stuck to the major themes inherited from the previous Corporate Plan. He referred to the Conservative Notice of Motion to next Monday’s full Council meeting and the new public health agenda and responsibilities that Wirral Council would have. They had launched the Child Poverty Strategy which he had said at Cabinet was a top priority. It had a slightly changed style to make it “interesting for ordinary members of the public to read” but was “true to the values of the authority”. It had to be agreed by a full Council meeting, previously it had always gone through first time. They were against deadlines to set the Budget for the Cabinet meeting of the 22nd February 2012.

It was a working draft, he didn’t predict massive changes but the Budget was linked to the Corporate Plan. He was willing to have a mini-refresh in the future but the draft Corporate Plan captured the essence and the issues that they had been criticised on surrounding corporate governance. He said it was worthy of support and might be subject to scrutiny. He asked if anyone had anything to add? They didn’t so he asked if they were happy to endorse it. They did and it was agreed.

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 2, Declarations of Interest, Minutes (24/11), Corporate Plan

The agenda and reports for the Cabinet meeting can be found by following the link.

Cllr Steve Foulkes (Chair)
Cllr Harry Smith
Cllr Chris Meaden
Cllr Ann McLachlan
Cllr Anne McArdle
Cllr George Davies
Cllr Adrian Jones
Cllr Brian Kenny
Cllr Phil Davies

Cllr Steve Foulkes welcomed people to the Cabinet meeting. A blanket declaration of interest was made for councillors who are school governors on the item on school admission policies.

Cllr Phil Davies declared an interest in item 22, Funding of Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector 2012/2013 as he is a non-executive director of the Wirral Multicultural organisation (Wirral Council appointment).
Cllr Brian Kenny declared an interest in item 22, Funding of Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector 2012/2013 as he is a non-executive director of the Wirral Multicultural organisation (Wirral Council appointment).
Cllr Brian Kenny declared an interest in item 18, Local Development Framework – Developer Contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy as he is a member of the Planning Committee (Wirral Council appointment).
Cllr Anne McArdle declared an interest in item 22, Funding of Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector 2012/2013 as she is on the management board of Leasowe Community Homes (Wirral Council appointment).

The minutes of the meeting held on the 24th November 2011 were agreed.

Jim Wilkie, Chief Executive, introduced the first item on the revised Corporate Plan. He said it was a proposed Corporate Plan which set out the vision for Wirral Council and its set of proposed values highlighting the sections on health, well being and child poverty. Mr. Wilkie brought people’s attention to the five themes of the previous Corporate Plan, it set out the goals for the next few years as well as the next year, he was happy to answer any questions.

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 1 Motions (libraries, Autumn statement, 0% Council Tax increase)

There were three motions to Wirral Council’s Cabinet meeting. For each motion you can click on the images for a larger version. The motion on libraries strategy is below, which will mean libraries will be open on Wednesdays and at lunchtimes after the merge with the One Stop Shops is complete.

Libraries motion (Cabinet) Wirral Council 8/12/2011

The second motion is on the Chancellors’ Autumn Statement.

Autumn statement motion (Wirral Council) Cabinet 8/12/2011

The third motion was on the Budget and is across two pages. It signals the minority Labour administration’s desire to have a 0% Council Tax increase for 2012/2013.

Projected Budget Motion (Wirral Council) Cabinet 8th December 2011 Page 1 of 2

Projected Budget Motion (Wirral Council) Cabinet 8th December 2011 Page 2 of 2

Audit & Risk Management Committee (Wirral Council) 29th November 2011 Part 2 Budget Projections 2012-2015

Cllr Simon Mountney also asked about the processes in place.

David Taylor-Smith said it was a decision of the administration, they were provided with the information which was then discussed. The Budget would be set by the statutory deadline.

Cllr Simon Mountney asked about actions taken by officers.

David Taylor-Smith said that there were a number of processes. There was the Budget Simulator which was running to the 30th November. The administration was making deliberations.

Cllr Simon Mountney said the decisions were based on a game?

David Taylor-Smith said there were assumptions and the report was a projection. It had been quickly revised over the 1% in 2013. There were also implications for Housing Benefit. He asked if Cllr Simon Mountney wanted him to share such matters with the Chair and spokespersons? He said the Budget Projections was a regular report to Cabinet and the latest projections would be in the next report. There had been announcements today but the next meeting would be mid January.

Cllr Ron Abbey asked if there was signficant movement then it should be shared with the Chair, Deputy Chair and spokespersons, as the longer it was delayed the less time they had.

Cllr Alan Brighouse asked if there were enough resources to fulfill the requirements of the Budget process?

David Taylor-Smith said it was kept under regular review.

Cllr Jim Crabtree asked what officers were doing to stay within projected budget spends?

David Taylor-Smith said that was up to individual Chief Officers. The budget allocations went to Cabinet along with assurances. He was happy to take specific instances to Chief Officers.

Cllr Jim Crabtree and the committee agreed the report and moved to item 4 (Internal Audit Update).