Planning Committee Site Visits

Further to the Planning Committee decision to have site visits for a number of applications the following have been agreed (all on the 5th September 2011):- 5th September 2011 12 NOON APP/11/00561 – REFURBISHMENT & EXTENSION TO EXISTING BUILDINGS INTO 21 APARTMENTS AT 98 BIDSTON ROAD, OXTON, CH43 6TW 1245 APP/11/00613 – FIRST FLOOR REAR … Continue reading “Planning Committee Site Visits”

Further to the Planning Committee decision to have site visits for a number of applications the following have been agreed (all on the 5th September 2011):-

5th September 2011



1330 – APP/11/00645 – Land to north of BEAUFORT ROAD, and to the East of WALLASEY BRIDGE ROAD, WEST FLOAT BIRKENHEAD, CH41 1HG

You can find more information on each planning application by either reading the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting or by entering the planning application numbers in the Application Quick Search box on Wirral Council’s website.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Minutes 19/7 | Site Visits (5 – APP/11/00561 – 98 BIDSTON ROAD, OXTON) and (9 – APP/11/00613 – 2 DINGWALL DRIVE, GREASBY) Part 1

The Chair of the Planning Committee Cllr Elderton welcomed people to the Planning Committee meeting and invited people to take their seats. He explained to the members of the public present that the councillors on the left and right wings would be making the decisions. He also introduced the officers which would be making presentations, the committee clerk and the legal officer.

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2011 circulated separately on paper only (not on the council’s website with the agenda for this meeting) were agreed. Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Elderton both said they agreed with the minutes.

There were no declarations of interest made.

Cllr Kenny requested a site visit for item 5 (APP/11/00561 – 98 BIDSTON ROAD, OXTON – Refurbishment and extension to existing building into 21 no. apartments with associated hard and soft landscaping) and Cllr Keeley (deputising for Cllr Clements) made a request for a site visit for item 9 (APP/11/00613 – 2 DINGWALL DRIVE, GREASBY – First floor rear extension). Both requests for site visits were accepted.

The agenda was reordered to take agenda item 13 first along with its appendix first.

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 Library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 5

Cllr George Davies had had a long discussion with the traffic management team, about the triangle from Brassey Street all the way up to Bidston Avenue and the best way to do it. 20mph zones had been added with Sumner Road being the only road not having a 20mph zone in the middle. He didn’t know the logic, but supported the residents 100%. Leaving one road, just made it into a racetrack, Cllr Davies said he 100% supports them. There were a lot of children that lived there and they can’t just wait for an accident to happen. Thinking about what should be done he said the residents don’t want humps, but something novel, such as their own parking down the side of the road or a 1-way system. On behalf of them he would like to see a program drawn up and evaluated. Angela said she was concerned about bricks through her windows.

Cllr Davies said he would take it back to Joey Smith to be looked at and evaluated, but it was a long time to wait for the next Area Forum. Cllr Roberts suggested they leave either other contact numbers.

Cllr Foulkes said there was a mechanism via the Area Forums, a central pot was devolved to the Forum level to be spent wisely. They could put a market down for the money. This years money had been allocated, but it could be added to the program for next year. There was £20,000 to be allocated, he wanted it minuted as an official bid. He also suggested monitoring of traffic coming to Sumner Road through Landsdowne Road.

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 Library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 4

There was a flyer from the Friends of Wirral Archives. With regards to Needham Crescent, Noctorum Cllr Davies talked about access and provision for parking. He said he had spoken to Technical Services. Highway Inspectors had been to the area over the provision of parking. However it was down to money and access.

Michelle Gray said about the PA system, it was still under consideration, however they could use other equipment or it would be available in the venues used for Area Forums.

Cllr Roberts said she gathered there were a few people from Sumner Road to discuss road safety which they could do so now. Angela Holland of Sumner Road spoke about the speed of the traffic and parking and said something needs to be done before there is an accident. Another member of the public asked about Noctorum and how they said they couldn’t afford to do Claughton Road. Angela Holland continued about Sumner Road. Cllr Roberts suggested community Speedwatch where local residents were trained to use radar guns. Angela said “No thank you.” Cllr George Davies went through the reasons why Sumner Road was isolated.

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 starting at 6.30pm, library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 1

Present: Cllr George Davies (Claughton)
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Claughton)
Cllr Denise Roberts (Claughton)
Cllr Jim Crabtree
Also: Lucy Beed
Michelle Gray
Ian Brand
Jim Thompson
Community Patrol
Police representative
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
+ members of the public

The Chair Cllr Roberts welcomed those present to the Area Forum and introduced those present. Ian Brand was the lead officer, Cllr Foulkes was a Claughton councillor and Leader of Wirral Council. Cllr Davies was also a Claughton councillor. Lucy Beed was there from planning and customer engagement. Gary Cummings was there from Streetscene, Jim Thompson introduced himself. So did a person from the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service but I didn’t manage to catch their name. A sergeant from Laird Street was also there as well as Cllr Crabtree and Michelle Gray.

Apologies had been received from Jean McIntosh (community representative), Dr. Abi Mantgani (NHS), Pat Landsborough (community representative)

Cllr Foulkes said that he was going to every Area Forum and introducing himself as the new Leader of Wirral Council. He wanted people to approach him directly. The Area Forums when created had drifted away from their original aims in devolving power and resources. He wanted a good turnout at meetings and for Area Forums to be revived. Area Forums would play a huge part in owning Neighbourhood Plans. By December Bidston & St. James/Claughton Area Forum would have its own neighbourhood plan, which would influence himself as Council Leader regarding the area’s needs and priorities.