Budget Meeting (Merseytravel | Merseyside Transport Authority) 9th February 2012 Chair’s Note

Chair’s Note from Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority Budget Meeting of the 9th February 2012.

I came across this Chair’s note for Merseytravel’s Budget Meeting in February, which I found interesting and explains why Cllr Mark Dowd (Labour Chair) did things the way he did at the meeting. I’m not sure if I was given it by mistake.

Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority

Budget Meeting

9 February 2012

Chair’s Note

1.       Apologies for Absence

Declaration of Interest

2.      Minutes of the Last Meeting

(Copy attached to this note).

3.      Mersey Tunnel Tolls

Chair to move the recommendation in paragraph 11 of the report.

4.      2012/2013 Budget – Financial Perspective

Chair to move the attached recommendation.

5.      Independent Review of Members Allowances

Chair to move that the Dr. Halls report be noted and comments be sought.

6.      Feedback from Members Workshop

Chair to receive, if any, from Members feedback with regard to the workshop held earlier in the day.

This information can be provided in alternative formats on request.

Police and Crime Commissioner Candidates (Merseyside), 2012

Most read page in the last seven days (23rd October 2012), polling day is 15th November 2012. In answer to a reader’s question, two candidates are based on the Wirral, Gubb (Conservative) and Jones (UKIP).

Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner Candidates | 15th November 2012

There are six candidates for the one Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner vacancy following close of nominations yesterday (19th October 2012). Polling day is on 15th November 2012. They are as follows (in alphabetical order):-

Candidate Full Name Commonly used surname (if any) Commonly used forename (if any) Party Description
GUBB Geoffrey Ian GUBB Geoff The Conservative Party Candidate
JONES Hilary Jane UKIP
KEAVENEY Paula Clare Liberal Democrats
KENNEDY Jane Elizabeth KENNEDY Jane Labour Party Candidate
REID Kiron John Cuchulain REID Kiron Independent
RIMMER Paul Duane English Democrats – “More Police – Catching Criminals!”

As there is more than one candidate it is a contested election. Each candidate is allowed to spend up to £182,529 on their election campaign and has to provide receipts for any expenditure over £20. Each candidate has had to pay either a cash deposit or banker’s draft deposit of £5,000 (6*£5,000 = £30,000 in deposits collected in total). If any candidate receives less than 5% of the vote their £5,000 deposit won’t be returned. Donations over £50 to a candidate’s campaign also need to be recorded.

The vote will be under the Supplementary Vote system, which means if any candidate gets more than 50% of the 1st choice votes they will be elected the winner. Everyone voting will get a 1st and 2nd choice vote. If no candidate gets more than 50% of the 1st choice votes, then the 2nd choice votes are used (but only 2nd choice votes that were for the candidates that had the most and second most 1st choice votes). So say for instance 100,000 ballots are cast. The candidates are Candidate A, B, C, D, E and F and the first choice result was D (32,600), E(32,400), C (15,000), F(8,000), A(5,000) and B(2,000) would result in:-

First round
Candidates C, F, A and B eliminated. B loses £5,000 deposit.

Second round

First Choice Second preference votes for D Second preference votes for E
C 5,000 4,900
F 2,000 3,000
A 1,500 1,500
B 600 600
Total 9,100 10,000

These votes are then added to the totals for the first round. So:-

Candidate D 32,600 (first round) + 9,100 (second round) = 41,700
Candidate E 32,400 (first round) + 10,000  (second round) = 42,400

Candidate E is declared the winner with a majority of 700.

UPDATED 20/10/2012: The author received his polling card in this election today.
Declaration of Interest: The author is an elector in this election.
Declaration of Interest: The author was a student at a university which employs one of the candidates (Kiron Reid).
Declaration of Interest: The author was previously in the same political party as two of the candidates (Kiron Reid and Paula Keaveney).

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