Was figure of 803 new homes a year in Wirral Council Cabinet report on the Local Plan calculated incorrectly?

Was figure of 803 new homes a year in Wirral Council Cabinet report on the Local Plan calculated incorrectly?

Was figure of 803 new homes a year in Wirral Council Cabinet report on the Local Plan calculated incorrectly?


House building on the Wirral 2018
House building on the Wirral 2018

I’ll start this look at how the housing requirement figure was calculated for Wirral Council’s Local Plan consultation by pointing out some good news. The housing requirement figure was calculated based on population projections. The government response to the draft National Planning Policy Framework was published last month and states on pages 26 to 27:
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What’s in the 40 page contract to distribute Wirral Council’s controversial Wirral View newspaper?

What’s in the 40 page contract to distribute Wirral Council’s controversial Wirral View newspaper?

What’s in the 40 page contract to distribute Wirral Council’s controversial Wirral View newspaper?


Last year Wirral Council asked organisations to bid for the delivery contract for its controversial Wirral View newspaper.

The distribution contract (Lot 2) was awarded to Smart Distribution Solutions Ltd for three years starting on 1st December 2017 (with an option to extend for a further two years).

Despite in section 5 of the contract Smart Distribution Solutions Ltd stating that they would be able to guarantee full coverage of delivery door to door, the publication has suffered distribution problems.
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What is the timetable for the Bromborough byelection following the resignation of Warren Ward?

What is the timetable for the Bromborough byelection following the resignation of Warren Ward?

What is the timetable for the Bromborough byelection following the resignation of Warren Ward?


Former Cllr Warren Ward at a meeting of Wirral Council 9th July 2018
Former Cllr Warren Ward at a meeting of Wirral Council 9th July 2018

Due to the resignation of Warren Ward (pictured above) earlier this month voters in Bromborough ward will be voting later this year for candidates in the election of a councillor. Warren Ward resigned as a councillor to take up a job offer working for the Wirral Chamber of Commerce. A brief timetable for the election is below. Whoever is elected following the election will be elected for the remainder of Warren Ward’s original term of office (which is to May 2020).

The Returning Officer for this election is Eric Robinson.

by 4pm on Friday 27th July 2018 – Deadline for candidates to submit nomination papers by hand to Electoral Services Office, Ground Floor, Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, CH44 8ED

by 4pm on Monday 30th July 2018 – Statement of Persons Nominated to be published by Wirral Council

Tuesday 7th August 2018 – Deadline for receiving applications to register to vote

by 5pm Wednesday 8th August 2018 – Deadline for amendments, cancellations or application for postal votes

by 5pm Wednesday 15th August 2018 – Deadline for applications to vote by proxy

by 5pm Thursday 23rd August 2018 – Deadline for applications to vote by emergency proxy on grounds of physical incapacity or for work or service reasons

Between 7am and 10pm Thursday 23rd August 2018 – Voting at polling stations in Bromborough ward

23rd August 2018 or 24th August 2018 – Result declared

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Auditors state Wirral Council doesn’t provide value for money for 3rd year in a row!

Auditors state Wirral Council doesn’t provide value for money for 3rd year in a row!

Auditors state Wirral Council doesn’t provide value for money for 3rd year in a row!


Chris Whittingham (Grant Thornton) 29th January 2018 Audit and Risk Management Committee (Wirral Council)
Chris Whittingham (Grant Thornton) 29th January 2018 Audit and Risk Management Committee (Wirral Council)

Wirral Council’s auditors Grant Thornton will be telling councilors on Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee at a public meeting on Monday 23rd July that Wirral Council doesn’t provide value for money. Their concerns about Children’s Services are outlined in a report by Grant Thornton to be discussed by councillors.

The auditors also mention in their report the late publication of the draft Annual Governance Statement (as previously reported on this blog).
Continue reading “Auditors state Wirral Council doesn’t provide value for money for 3rd year in a row!”

15,033 people sign petition opposed to proposals for banning dogs on Wirral’s beaches and parks

15,033 people sign petition opposed to proposals for banning dogs on Wirral’s beaches and parks

15,033 people sign petition opposed to proposals for banning dogs on Wirral’s beaches and parks


Cllr Chris Blakeley presenting a Say No To The PSPO petition to Wirral Council on the 9th July 2018
Cllr Chris Blakeley presenting a Say No To The PSPO petition to Wirral Council on the 9th July 2018

Yesterday evening, Cllr Chris Blakeley presented a petition on behalf of Wirral Good Dogs and Peaceful Protest Wirral Dogs Ban of 15,033 people opposed to Wirral Council’s proposals to ban dogs from parts of Wirral’s beaches and parks.

Wirral Council’s consultation on the Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Orders ends on Sunday 15th July 2018.
Continue reading “15,033 people sign petition opposed to proposals for banning dogs on Wirral’s beaches and parks”