Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019

Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019

Wirral Council planning application dispute involving 3 marquees in greenbelt listed for Court of Appeal hearing in March 2019


Wirral Council greenbelt 18th July 2017
Wirral Council greenbelt 18th July 2017 (but not the site in question)

Later this year (floating dates of either the 5th March 2019 or 6th March 2019 have been set) there will be a Court of Appeal hearing (estimated at 5 hours long) in London about a Wirral Council planning application decision involving three marquees at Thornton Manor in Wirral’s greenbelt.

The appeal to the Court of Appeal is from an order last year of Mr Justice Kerr ([2018] EWHC 560 (Admin)) dated 23rd March 2018 that quashed the planning permission that had been issued without conditions. This followed a hearing at the Administrative Court in Manchester on the 31st January 2018.
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Councillors resolve to have meeting in February 2019 to consider whether consultation on Walk In Centres was “adequate”

Councillors resolve to have meeting in February 2019 to consider whether consultation on Walk In Centres was “adequate”

Councillors resolve to have meeting in February 2019 to consider whether consultation on Walk In Centres was “adequate”


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Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee 11th December 2018

Cllr Ben Powell (left) Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee 11th December 2018
Cllr Ben Powell (left) Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee 11th December 2018

Last week was the first public meeting of the Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee to discuss the Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group consultation on Walk In Centres and Minor Injuries Units.

The consultation finished on the 12th December 2018.
Continue reading “Councillors resolve to have meeting in February 2019 to consider whether consultation on Walk In Centres was “adequate””

What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?

What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?

What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?


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Cllr Phil Davies 26th November 2018 Cabinet discussing golf
Cllr Phil Davies 26th November 2018 Cabinet discussing golf

The ancient Hundred of Wirral rests peacefully between the Dee and Mersey estuaries.

Its very crest shows a Oystercatcher upon a red sandstone rock between two sprigs of bog myrtle.
Continue reading “What are the Labour Budget proposals for Wirral Council for 2019/20?”

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018 By-election): Upton: Labour hold (Jean Robinson)

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018 By-election): Upton: Labour hold (Jean Robinson)

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018 By-election): Upton: Labour hold (Jean Robinson)


Ballot Box
Ballot Box by NAS, CC-BY 3.0

Below are the results of the by-election in Upton ward in November 2018 of the election of a councillor to Wirral Council following the resignation of Matthew Patrick in October 2018. As the winner of the election was elected in a by-election, Jean Robinson serves the remainder of Matthew Patrick’s term of office and was elected as a councillor for a term of office that ends in May 2020.
Continue reading “Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018 By-election): Upton: Labour hold (Jean Robinson)”

Wirral Council’s Cabinet asked to agree to consult on Birkenhead Town Centre changes and to outsource the running of the Floral Pavilion and 2 golf courses

Wirral Council’s Cabinet asked to agree to consult on Birkenhead Town Centre changes and to outsource the running of the Floral Pavilion and 2 golf courses

Wirral Council’s Cabinet asked to agree to consult on Birkenhead Town Centre changes and to outsource the running of the Floral Pavilion and 2 golf courses


Cllr Phil Davies (Leader of Wirral Council) (27th November 2017) Cabinet Strategic Acquisition Programme Europa Buildings
Cllr Phil Davies (Leader of Wirral Council) (27th November 2017) Cabinet Strategic Acquisition Programme Europa Buildings

The agenda and reports for the next meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet were published today (16th November 2018) on Wirral Council’s website and contain a number of items that’ll be of wider interest to people.

The pages for the public part of the meeting run to 166 pages, with a further 104 private pages detailing a full business case for the Birkenhead Commercial District project and 4 private pages relating to the golf courses part of the Review of Leisure, Libraries and Cultural Services.
Continue reading “Wirral Council’s Cabinet asked to agree to consult on Birkenhead Town Centre changes and to outsource the running of the Floral Pavilion and 2 golf courses”