Cllr Davies asked what the speed of the decision would be. He was answered that it would be made within the next couple of weeks.
Cllr Green said it was a “very, very big exercise”. It was a “huge exercise” that was “emotionally and physically demanding”. It was the “biggest exercise ever done” and had been done “humanely”. He said he’d like to place on record his thanks to Chris and her team.
Cllr Bridson said she was happy to support this.
Cllr Davies said he would like to register his concern at the speed with which it was done. He feared for the viability of services left and he needed to register that.
Cllr Green said the work people had put in was “Herculean”. Cllr Bridson said that a yes and gave thanks to the committee.
The committee agreed the recommendations and moved onto item 6 – Managing Attendance.