The officer noted the lower absence rate but said they would keep an eye on it. People having flu in this quarter would affect it.
Cllr Green said it was a lot of people.
Cllr McLaughlin said he should use flu-like as it was seasonal and swine flu.
th fine.
Cllr Mitchell said his youngest daughter had recently recovered from swine flu, where she worked at the Bank of America there had been hundreds off work.
The officer Chris said they would support people to be healthy in work and ensure their well-being. There was progress in embracing the principles in 4.1 of the report. They were drawing conclusions on the attendance management policy which they would bring to the next E&A committee or to a special meeting.
Cllr Davies said something which Cllr Bridson said was considered in the report. He replied with fine and joked that he’d “stay behind for lines afterwards”. Cllr McLaughlin declared an interest in item 10 as she had been on a panel dealing with allegations against employees.
The committee agreed the recommendations and moved onto item 7 – Appointment of a Chief Executive.