ID Cards Scrapped

Labour’s ID Card Scheme, having racked up £330 million pounds in costs was scrapped at midnight. Any existing ID cards can no longer be used for travel or for proving identity. The information held on computer as part of the scheme will be erased and the equipment shredded. This comes at a further cost of … Continue reading “ID Cards Scrapped”

Labour's ID Card Scheme

Labour’s ID Card Scheme, having racked up £330 million pounds in costs was scrapped at midnight. Any existing ID cards can no longer be used for travel or for proving identity.

The information held on computer as part of the scheme will be erased and the equipment shredded. This comes at a further cost of £400,000 .

Once again this shows the Lib Dems and Conservatives in government are making a difference. To put the costs in comparison, Wirral Council’s yearly revenue budget (that pays all its staff and running costs) is less than the costs of the ID card scheme.

Those who have already received an ID card will not be receiving a refund of the fee.

In unrelated news, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor (Alan Johnson) pictured holding an ID card has resigned. When will Labour realise they shouldn’t have gone on a spending spree with the country’s credit card on white elephant schemes like ID cards and just say sorry for more Labour cuts?

Planning Committee – 4/1/2011 – Part 6 – Stanley School playing field & Pensby Infant School. Also Selwyn Construction Engineering Ltd expansion

Items 4 and item 7 were taken together.

Cllr Knowles asked if it was an all weather pitch and was told no, it would be a grass pitch. Cllr Johnston asked if the car park would be retained and was told yes.

Cllr Mitchell proposed that item 4 be approved with Cllr Kenny seconding. All councillors voted in favour.
Cllr Mitchell proposed that item 7 be approved with Cllr Salter seconding. All councillors voted in favour.

The committee then considered item 5. This item was the expansion of Selwyn Construction Engineering Ltd’s offices due to relocation from Solihull. Two extra conditions were added after advice on crime prevention was given by Merseyside Police. One of these related to a 2.1m fence. Cllr Mitchell moved a proposal to approve the application which was seconded by Cllr Elderton. All voted in favour.

Item 12 was for noting although Cllr Johnston asked why application APP/10/00907 had been turned down. He was told this was because of a lack of information provided by the applicant as well as highway and pedestrian safety issues.

The meeting then finished.

Planning Committee – 4/1/2011 – Part 5 – Tall Trees (Vyner Road South), Bidston – New Nursery and car parking

Next to be considered was a planning application for a nursery in Vyner Road South.

Cllr Realey asked for the plans to be displayed especially the separation from neighbouring properties and where the proposed entrances would be.

Cllr Elderton asked what the separation distance to the nearest property was. The answer given was 32 metres. He asked if it had a pitched roof, the answer given was yes.

Cllr Johnston asked about drop off and collection times. He asked if 150 cars coming in a narrow time frame would cause problems with the neighbours. The answer given was that the nursery would staffer the times and that some would be there only for 1/2 days.

Cllr Mitchell asked for an estimate of the numbers and for further detail on staff parking and movements. The committee was told there would be 12-14 car park spaces. It was recommended for approval and all councillors voted in favour of it being so.

Planning Committee – 4/1/2011 – Part 4 – Installation of a new shop front (Moreton)

The committee then considered another application about another shop front. Cllr Blakeley wished the committee a Happy New Year. He stated that the reason he had asked the committee to consider this application is that the applicant had submitted the application and with complete disregard for planning guidance had continued with the work.

He said it had been completed at the end of November and that the response from Greggs had been disgraceful. Greggs had stated that they had discussed the matter with Wirral Council and as there had been no objections had got on with the work. However discussions had not taken place until December. Greggs had put the blame at a planning assistant’s door which in Cllr Blakeley’s view was “outrageous”.

Cllr Mitchell said he would recommend that Wirral Council write to the company to express their concerns. Cllr Mitchell proposed the application be approved, which was seconded by Cllr Salter. All councillors were in favour.

Planning Committee – 4/1/2011 – Part 3 – Retention of Shop Front (Hoylake)

Cllr Elderton pointed out that the photos didn’t illustrate the colour. Although it seemed garish were there no sustainable reasons to turn it down? The answer given was no, it doesn’t require consent because it replaces one of the same size and illumination, so Wirral Council had no control in this matter. Cllr Elderton asked if the colour of the frame rather than the sign itself could be controlled?

Cllr Knowles called the “loud sign” a joke and that it stuck out like a sore thumb. Cllr Mitchell pointed out that once it was up and running the dance school hadn’t been as bad as they thought it would be. He further pointed out that Wirral Council had no controls other than over illumination.

He joked and said the applicant was happy to tone down the brightness and make it as grey as the rest of Hoylake. Cllr Mitchell proposed the application be accepted, seconded by Cllr Johnston. It was agreed with all councillors in favour.