Public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie on proposed new fire station

Tonight, the first of three public meetings will be held (starting at 6.30pm at the St Mary’s Centre, 127 Saughall Massie Road, CH49 4LA) to consult with the public on options which include building a new fire station in Saughall Massie (if Upton Fire Station & West Kirby Fire Station close). Another option being consulted on is the closure of West Kirby Fire Station and keeping Upton Fire Station open.
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have produced an eighteen page consultation document which details their reasons for the consultation. There is also an online questionnaire as part of the consultation and you can email with your views or write to Wirral Consultation, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Bridle Road, Bootle, L30 4YD.
The twelve week consultation ends on the 18th May 2015 and there will be two further public meetings in addition to the one tonight in Saughall Massie.
Tuesday, 28th April, at Holy Cross Church community rooms, by Holy Cross Church, Woodchurch, CH49 7LS, starting at 6.30pm.
Tuesday, 5th May, at Hoylake Community Centre, The Parade, Hoyle Road, Hoylake, CH47 3AG, starting at 6.30pm.
A transcript of the reasons given by the Chief Fire Officer for the consultation at the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority meeting on the 29th January can be read here.
You may also be interested in Saughall Massie residents express their opposition to fire station plans at first consultation meeting which includes video of the meeting.
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Is this anotherPFI boondoggle ?
Haven’t they built it yet!
G’day John
Guess which one?
BREAKING NEWS Wirral Labour councillor suspended
I have no doubt it won’t be any of the heavy weights.
Have we found a decent one amongst Labor?
Whoever it was John probably wanted to save Lyndale.
G’day John
Re suspension of some no name will there be any claims of public monies for hurt feelings.
Is it just coincidence or is there always a member of the fairer species involved?
I think possibly they have more noble intentions and then just get squashed by the GANG.
In the Wirral “Funny” Bizz case “The Chamber Potty” was told to keep her gob shut, her words, but didn’t go for the big pay off. I don’t think she did anyway but I also don’t think this case is anywhere near over.
Then John there is the other stink involving “Demagogue” who is a greedy greedy little Vegemite (Aussie Marmite).
Ps Don’t upset that “Kitchen Cabinet” they are collectively evil evil barstards so please just don’t vote for anyone, apart from Simon Kelly Lib Dem, that is already in post.
G’day John
Seems like Ecca’s been there a while now and he hasn’t called us whistleblowers to find out the truth.
Cleomenes says…
WIRRAL’S new chief executive says it is important to have a period of “listening, learning and talking.” Then there will be a period of disregard, ignorance and tyranny!
Ecca my boy only listen to “The Football Shirt” “Phil the Dill” and “The Dunny Chain Wearer” if you want a pack of lies and deceipt.
PS “The council has made huge strides in recent years – this was recognised with the recent ‘Most Improved Council’ award –
Believe that Ecca and you will only last 5 minutes…..clean them out.
G’day John
These bullies just treat Wirral like fools.
Frankenstein in the local rubbish propaganda sheet.
Breakfast clubs introduced to tackle child hunger in Birkenhead during school holidays
Yep John a couple of days after the kiddies have gone back to school hungry and a couple of weeks before an election.
If Lyndale isn’t saved before the election please nobody vote for any incumbent tool err I mean fool and ass.
Apart from Simon Kelly Lib Dem.
G’day John
What is the word on the street about the suspended no name in the Labor Party?
Wouldn’t he/she kiss “Phil the Dills” ample backside?
Did he/she try to have an opinion that didn’t suit the gang?
G’day John
Your mate from the Clowncil Reprahnehpets has gone very quiet about telling me and all and sundry that they have to wait for due process and respect his esteemed law.
His law is a great big fat ass like “The Shyster”.
John as seen last week at the stalling tribunal
the conspiracy of silence
stalling for the election
stalling because threatened by the Administration coming in
the waste of public monies on ignored reports and audits
the general taking the law into ones own hands
not pushing the police
not pushing for prosecution
I believe it is now time things should change.
And all this stalling just means more money for the legal (lets just charge for time and nothing) profession.
I believe accountancy has changed due to the use of computer programmes without the understanding of the principles and ethics of accounting and the poor quality of audit.
The profession has become a joke and the law is not helping allowing for instance Clowncils to protect against criminals such as Wirral “Funny” Bizz to be dealt with to suit themselves.
John I would love to see the legal buffoons like “The Shyster” become as frustrated as the likes of me being totally ignored when they know they are right and not being paid if matters are not resolved in weeks.
By a computer that can’t just keep it’s gob shut.
Ps Watch this space John there is a small team on the way to help you keep an eye on this lot. Some very clever people.
Pleas lisern to people leave upton fire station open you want to build next to sheltered houseing the noise and busy road while you are building is going to upset a lot of people some in there 90 allso people in the saughall massie do not want the fire station for a number of reason allso we want the greenbelt saved alot of people walk and enjoy the nature and feel at peace just relaxing watching the birds ducks swans allso i have been told bates can be seen there