Who decides what your Council Tax bill will be (on Wirral) for 2015/16?

Who decides what your Council Tax bill will be (on Wirral) for 2015/16?

Who decides what your Council Tax bill will be (on Wirral) for 2015/16?


As I write this blog, the Merseyside Police and Crime Panel is meeting in the Council Chamber in Huyton to decide on the police precept for council tax payers on Merseyside for 2015/16. The Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside Jane Kennedy has asked for a 1.95% increase (compared to the 2014/15 figure) for the police precept on Council Tax. This extra 1.95% raises just over £1 million more than last year. Continue reading “Who decides what your Council Tax bill will be (on Wirral) for 2015/16?”

Reasons to vote Liberal Democrat in Bidston & St. James – Day Three

We have listened to local people and campaigned on their behalf to solve local problems.

As a result of numerous campaigns over years in the Bidston area over road safety a traffic island was put in in Worcester Road. After numerous fatalities on Boundary Road, white lines were painted down the middle between Worcester Road and Upton Road, calming the traffic and making it easier to cross to Tam O’Shanter’s Urban Farm.

On that subject it was a Lib Dem Mayor and councillor that accepted Tam O’Shanter’s annual rent of one pine cone to Wirral Council. On Flaybrick cemetery we made sure the boundary wall was repaired and flytipping was cleared away.

Residents (both the disabled and those who can’t afford private transport) called for more bus stops near Tescos. We consulted with local residents affected and had the original proposed site of the bus stop moved when a resident complained and said it would affect parking outside her house. Many other bus stops have been repaired after we’ve brought the vandalism to the attention of Merseytravel.

Residents in the area of Birkenhead Park station and Christ the King complained about antisocial behaviour and crime. We brought their concerns to the police and the residents in that area now feel safer walking the streets after the community mobile police station was stationed in Keightley Street last year and this year.

In Bidston village, people were concerned that the abandoned pub was frequently set on fire. They wanted it demolished, but were unsure why it was taking so long. We investigated and told them why.

On the Beechwood speeding traffic was a major problem with cars crashing into walls, barriers and causing misery for local residents. We campaigned to get things changed and there is now a 20mph zone at a dangerous bend and many other road safety measures.

We have a record of success in campaigning to improve the lives of local residents. We do this because we are unlike the other candidates in this campaign based locally. It is our community, it is the area we live in and we wish to see it improve. Our campaigns are based on the issues that local people tell us about.

We live and work in Bidston & St. James all year round.

Corsair demolished – Bidston Village Conservation Area

An article about the site of the former Corsair pub in Bidston Village, Bidston

John Brace on the site of the former Corsair pub
John Brace on the site of the former Corsair pub

Residents of Bidston Village and Beechwood had complained about the eyesore that’d been the closed-down Corsair pub at one end of Bidston Village.

Unlike the other pub at the other end of the Beechwood (previously called the Seven Stiles, now the Fender) which just suffered slight vandalism when it was vacant this one had been set alight many times. In May the Corsair had been set alight again taking six fire engines to put out and triggering worries about asbestos as well as traffic problems .

Residents near to the Corsair had received a letter stating the shell of a building was to be demolished earlier this year and were puzzled when it didn’t happen. When I raised it at the June Area Forum, it turned out the owners had appealed the request for demolition; so legal proceedings has slowed the demolition down. As far as I know it was the only derelict, arsoned pub in Bidston & St. James that was adjoining a Conservation Area.

Since then it’s been demolished. The residents are asking what’s going to happen to the site now? Parking is a problem in that area (exacerbated by the loss of the pub car park). I will be making enquiries to see if there are any future plans for the site.