Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018): Claughton: Labour hold (Gillian Wood)

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018): Claughton: Labour hold (Gillian Wood)

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2018): Claughton: Labour hold (Gillian Wood)


Claughton Ward
Name of candidate    Description (if any) Votes  %
 Labour  2,079  58.9%  Elected
Suzanne Clare
 Conservative  795  22.5%  Not elected
David Robert Cynlais
 Liberal Democrats  426  12.1%  Not elected
 Green Party  231  6.54%  Not elected

There were 10 rejected ballot papers, the electorate was 11,549 and the turnout was 30.7%.

This result was declared on 4th May 2018.

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What did Gillian Wood’s election campaign to become a councillor in Claughton ward spend £1,354.53 on?

What did Gillian Wood’s election campaign to become a councillor in Claughton ward spend £1,354.53 on?

What did Gillian Wood’s election campaign to become a councillor in Claughton ward spend £1,354.53 on?

ED – updated 4.7.2017 to include extra detail on VAT treatment and comment

Below this blog post is the paperwork submitted as part of the election expense return for the Labour candidate for the Claughton byelection for a councillor to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council.

These are open to public inspection and I inspected these at Wallasey Town Hall last week (although there was a delay due to “staffing issues”).

The agent for the Labour candidate Gillian Wood was Martin Morris. Although Cllr George Davies and the Wirral Labour Group have had an involvement in the campaign too.

On the 5th May 2017, the result was announced. Gillian Wood was returned as a councillor for a period of one year with a vote of 1,761 votes (52%), a majority of 1,021. The second placed candidate for the Liberal Democrats received 740 votes (22%) and the voting system used was first past the post.

The nomination papers for this candidate show that her nomination papers were submitted on the 3rd April 2017 at 4.30 pm and the initials (KR) of the Wirral Council employee that accepted them was Kate Robinson.

Strangely, this date on the nomination papers doesn’t match the date given on page 1 of the election expenses return (see below) (5th April 2017) as the date she became a candidate and is after the date given that the agent was appointed (4th April 2017).

I asked another election agent in this Claughton byelection (Allan Brame who was agent for David Evans the Liberal Democrat candidiate) about matters involving the documentation below. He helpfully pointed out that leaflets are zero-rated for the purposes of VAT.

He also stated that the latest date a person could become a candidate was the 4th April 2017 (close of nominations) and the earliest date 27th March 2017 (if the candidacy had already been announced). On the subject of donations he stated “I am surprised that the details of donations have not been provided.

However, the election expenditure return shows expenditure of £1,354.53 (the spending limit was £1,427.42).

Invoices accompanying the return are for hire of a car PA System on polling day from SS Radio (£30) and for leaflets from LT Print Ltd (2,500 Vote Labour cards) for £169.20 (£141 + £28.20 (VAT)). Although as these are VAT zero-rated I’m puzzled as to why VAT is included on the invoice!

There are references to invoices 76414, 76415, 76796 and 76795 also from LT Print Ltd, also for leaflets. These invoices were paid by BACS payment and amount to £491, £364, £253 and £491.

It is claimed by the agent that of the first of these (invoice 76414) for £491 that £415.47 doesn’t apply to the election period as 5,500 of these leaflets were delivered prior to the 26th March 2017.

This would imply that this invoice (which was not supplied) was for 6,500 leaflets, of which 1,000 were delivered during the election period.

Where the money came from referring to the £1,354.53 spent during the campaign is unknown as donations were entered as £NIL.

As the candidate who was elected, Gillian Wood also has to state in a declaration which individuals or organisations funded her elections campaign which is published on Wirral Council’s website.

At the time of writing, there is no link to her register of interests from the page about her on Wirral Council’s website.

Agent Declaration Labour byelection Claughton byelection 2017 Martin Morris
Agent Declaration Labour byelection Claughton byelection 2017 Martin Morris
Declaration candidate Labour byelection Claughton 2017 cropped resized
Declaration candidate Labour byelection Claughton 2017 cropped resized Gillian Wood
SS Radio 30 resized
SS Radio 30 resized
Statement of account LT Print page 1 of 2 resized
Statement of account LT Print page 1 of 2 resized
Statement of account LT Print page 2 of 2 resized
Statement of account LT Print page 2 of 2 resized
LT Print invoice 141 resized
LT Print invoice 141 resized
Candidate election expenditure-Labour-byelection page 1 of 15 section 1 section 2
Candidate election expenditure-Labour-byelection page 1 of 15 section 1 section 2 Candidate Gillian Wood Agent Martin Morris
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 2 section 4 section 5
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 2 section 4 section 5
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 3 section 3a section 3b
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 3 section 3a section 3b
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 4 Advertising
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 4 Advertising
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 5 Unsolicited material to electors
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 5 Unsolicited material to electors
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 6 Transport
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 6 Transport
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 7 Public Meetings
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 7 Public Meetings
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 8 Agent and other staff costs
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 8 Agent and other staff costs
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 9 Accommodation and administration
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 9 Accommodation and administration
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 10 Other Authorised Spending
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 10 Other Authorised Spending
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 11 Personal Expenses
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 11 Personal Expenses
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 12 Unpaid Claims
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 12 Unpaid Claims
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 13 Disputed Claims
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 13 Disputed Claims
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 14 Permissible Donations
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 14 Permissible Donations
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 15 Impermissible Donations
Candidate election expenditure Labour byelection page 15 Impermissible Donations

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Election Result (Wirral Council, 2017): Claughton: Labour hold (Gillian Wood)

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2017): Claughton: Labour hold (Gillian Wood)

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2017): Claughton: Labour hold (Gillian Wood)


Polling station 4th May 2017 resized
Polling station 4th May 2017 resized

Please note we would have been happier reporting from the count centre about half a mile away but Wirral Council were not happy with the press being there.

Election Result (Wirral Council, 2017): Claughton: Gillian Wood (Labour Party)

Claughton Ward (2017)
Name of candidate     Description (if any)  Votes   %
 Labour Party  1,761   52%   Elected
David Robert Cynlais
 Liberal Democrats  740   22%   Not elected
Barbara Vera  
 Conservative  567   17%   Not elected
 Green Party  136   4%   Not elected
Beryl Rosina
 UK Independence Party   130   4%   Not elected
Leon Allen
 Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition   27   1%   Not elected

There were 11 rejected ballot papers, the electorate was 11,336 and the turnout was 30%.

If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this result with other people.

What’s in the nomination papers of the 6 candidates wanting to be a councillor for Claughton? (Wirral Council)

What’s in the nomination papers of the 6 candidates wanting to be a councillor for Claughton? (Wirral Council)

What’s in the nomination papers of the 6 candidates wanting to be a councillor for Claughton? (Wirral Council)


Ballot Box
Ballot Box by NAS of the Noun Project provided under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States (CC BY 3.0 US) licence Original has been resized and converted to a .jpg file

In the interests of openness and transparency in the Claughton byelection, I am publishing the nomination papers of each candidate during the election rather than after.

These are open to public inspection until 3rd May 2017 (the day before the poll).

Each form contains the candidates’ address, date of birth and the names of ten electors in Claughton who support their candidacy (referred to as proposer, seconder and eight assentors).

Each candidate has to sign to state they accept the nomination.

In addition to the nomination paper and candidates’ consent to nomination, candidates standing on behalf of a political party have to submit extra paperwork around the use of descriptions and party logos on ballot papers. This paperwork is not included here.

In order to be fair, the list is alphabetical by candidate surname (which is the order they will be on the ballot paper).

There is no deposit required to stand as a candidate for local councillor.

Please note each file below is a multi-page TIFF bitmap file.

EVANS, David Robert Cynlais (Liberal Democrat)
HEYDON, Liz (Green Party)
JONES, Beryl Rosina (UK Independence Party)
SINCLAIR, Barbara Vera (Conservative Party Candidate)
WHEDDON, Leon Allen (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)
WOOD, Gillian (The Labour Party)

If for whatever reason a candidate’s nomination paper is invalid* a Returning Officer (in this case Eric Robinson) can disqualify that candidate before the result is declared.

*There are 101 reasons it could be, but some have been corrected to correct errors.

I’d like to thank Wirral Council for the time involved in supplying the above information.

Polling day for the Claughton byelection is Thursday 4th May 2017.

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Who are the 6 candidates in the Claughton byelection (election of a councillor to Wirral Council)?

Who are the 6 candidates in the Claughton byelection (election of a councillor to Wirral Council)?

Who are the 6 candidates in the Claughton byelection (election of a councillor to Wirral Council)?

Councillor Denise Roberts (Chair, Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee at Wirral Council) 6th July 2016
Councillor Denise Roberts’ death triggered the Claughton byelection

The nomination period is over and the six candidates in the Claughton byelection (for the election of one councillor to Wirral Council) are as follows (this list is alphabetic by surname).

EVANS David Robert Cynlais
22 Brancote Road, Claughton, CH43 6TJ
Liberal Democrat
Nominated by Doyle, Francis M

4 Quaile Park, Prenton, CH43 6WA
Green Party
Nominated by Morgan, Michael P

JONES Beryl Rosina
108 Douglas Drive, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 6BY
UK Independence Party
Nominated by Gray, Peter

SINCLAIR Barbara Vera
24 Frankby Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 6EE
Conservative Party Candidate
Nominated by Owens, Rowland

WHEDDON Leon Allen
26 Desmond Close, Wirral, CH43 9XN
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Nominated by Lee, David

WOOD Gillian
74 Vaughan Road, Wallasey, CH45 1LP
The Labour Party
Nominated by Davies, George

The election of a councillor to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council will be combined with the poll for Metro Mayor. Polling day is 4th May 2017 (most people still vote at a polling station), although people registered for a postal vote may receive their ballot earlier than this.

Please if leaving a comment, a reminder that legal restrictions apply during the election period about statements about a candidates’ character or conduct. So please keep it civil (otherwise I will turn comments off on this post)!

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