Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 Library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 3

A member of the public asked in reference to the minutes about patient representatives and how people got engaged. They felt there was no opportunity to be engaged in the changing nature of affairs. Unfortunately Dr. Mantgani wasn’t present to answer. At 6:40pm Cllr McLachlan arrived. Cllr Foulkes answered that the structure was changing with … Continue reading “Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 Library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 3”

A member of the public asked in reference to the minutes about patient representatives and how people got engaged. They felt there was no opportunity to be engaged in the changing nature of affairs. Unfortunately Dr. Mantgani wasn’t present to answer.

At 6:40pm Cllr McLachlan arrived.

Cllr Foulkes answered that the structure was changing with a Health & Wellbeing Board. There would be democratic access and he was confident the Wirral Council would be looking at the structure. He said it may have lay representatives but he wasn’t 100% sure. The Health Scrutiny Board could make representations to that. There would be scrutiny of health and he promised access to the public.

Paul Smith said there were NHS Trust governor elections in the next few weeks and you could put your name forward. Cllr Roberts asked how it had been publicised. The answer given was in the newspapers and on the website.

Michelle Gray said there were a couple of issues on page 7. Any issues raised had received a response from the relevant department. There was concern regarding the Boundary Road pedestrian refuge island which will be monitored. The dumped rubbish was hopefully cleared up. There had been £55000 assigned for grit bins with an allocation of ten bins per a ward (twenty for this Area Forum). There had been 300 requests for new and additional bins.

The Highways Inspectors had been out and the one “nicked” from Borough Road had been replaced. Another four or five were stolen or missing which Technical Services was “looking into”. There was a register for the highways structural maintenance program which was gathering information for 2012/2013. People could either put suggestions on the register or see her at the end of the meeting.

Area Forum Bidston & St. James/Claughton 2/2/2011 Part 2 – Grit, pigeons, Patient Councils (& GP Commissioning)

Michelle Gray said that after complaints at the last Area Forum regarding problems with hearing that they were working on purchasing a portable PA system & loop system which would come with her in her car. The June meeting at St Bedes had had one microphone for the panel and one for the audience. They were looking to purchase something similar.

A member of the public asked about the minutes of the last meeting and asked for further information on the powers of the Patient Council. Michelle Gray said that Dr. Mantgani wasn’t here to answer. The member of the public asked what would be the patient representation regarding the new GP consortia.

Donnie asked for clarification regarding where on the agenda was an item on grit bins. Michelle Gray explained that the agenda had been published before the money had been set aside and that there were location cards included for people to fill in. Colette raised the issue of pigeons in Grange Road West. Cllr. Davies said nothing had happened yet but he had spoken to people and it was usually sorted in the Spring.

Colette said there were lots of pigeons in her garden. There was also a problem with cats and foxes. Cllr Davies said he had been asked by a few people in Grosvenor Road and Colette’s area as they had never see as many pigeons. Colette said she couldn’t put her washing out. Cllr Foulkes, a former Chair of the Environmental Health Committee said the pigeon population was related to food. People needed to be told not to feed them too much. If they became a nuisance, drastic measures such as poisoning could be considered. He told everyone that pigeons can breed up to eight times a year.