Corporate Governance Committee (Wirral Council) 26th October 2011 5.00pm (Committee Room 1) Part 5

Cllr Foulkes said they had additional recommendations so that all councillors and all political parties were involved. He said they needed more work as part of a wider program specifically around councillor involvement at every stage. The Budget was serious and they would be putting resources in. The Cabinet committee agreed in principle to a … Continue reading “Corporate Governance Committee (Wirral Council) 26th October 2011 5.00pm (Committee Room 1) Part 5”

Cllr Foulkes said they had additional recommendations so that all councillors and all political parties were involved. He said they needed more work as part of a wider program specifically around councillor involvement at every stage. The Budget was serious and they would be putting resources in. The Cabinet committee agreed in principle to a specific budget, with further reports on how and where the money would be identified. He asked if they agree to delegate to the Chief Executive over the staffing?

Jim Wilkie said it would be helpful.

Cllr Foulkes said there would be a basic structure initially. Jim Wilkie said there would be the three statutory officers plus David [Smith] and Rob Beresford. He said one other officer was on holiday so he couldn’t mention the name, but they would allocate considerable resources to support the work which would include procurement and Internal Audit.

Cllr Foulkes asked if they could add at 2.6 to delegate to Jim and the initial team?

Cllr Green said with the program and portfolio there was a need for discipline and project management. He wanted to know how much it would cost and where they were getting to which would require targets and analysis. He said it would be useful to have clarity as a way for councillors and officers to identify costs.

Jim Wilkie said the work would be directed through the committee, but they needed to recognise it was currently not working.

Cllr Foulkes said they needed the team to sit down and create a project, so he was happy to delay. Cllr Phil Davies agreed.

Corporate Governance Committee (Wirral Council) 26th October 2011 5.00pm (Committee Room 1) Part 2

The Chief Executive Jim Wilkie said it had been commissioned before Anna [Klonowski]’s work. He said that in the clear light of Anna’s report that there were important connections and this was an opportunity for the committee to give its view. He asked if it is correct and if not correct they would bring it back quickly. They would get on with the performance appraisals as soon as possible but were looking for guidance.

Cllr Foulkes asked if Chris wanted to add anything.

Chris said the paper had been received by Cabinet and mentioned individual performance appraisals, leadership and the performance framework. Cllr Foulkes said he had a suggestion and read his recommendation. The recommendation noted the report and asked for it to be considered holistically with the wider performance framework. He asked if work could continue or if this was part of the forward work stream and compared it to the chicken and the egg.

Cllr Jeff Green said he agreed and talked about transferable skills of top senior managers. He said unless they were careful they could “gum up” but that these were “good starting points”. Cllr Green said he would’ve thought they could train people to start giving people an expectation about how the appraisal interview will be done as well as discipline over how it happens. He said one of the key priorities was over moving forward, otherwise there would be a dam later on, so it needed to be delivered to the front end and subsumed into the work program.

Wirral Council Cabinet 13/10/2011 Declarations of Interest, Minutes, Child Poverty Strategy Action Plan – Progress Report Part 2

Cllr Foulkes welcomed people to the Cabinet meeting and asked for declarations of interest. There were three declarations of interest. Cllr Ann McLachlan declared a personal interest in items 4 and 5, Cllr Harry Smith declared a personal interest in items 4 and 5 and Cllr Adrian Jones declared a personal interest in items 4 and 5. All three declarations of interest were to do with their involvement with the Merseyside Pension Fund.

The minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd September 2011 were agreed.

Cllr Foulkes asked for a change in the agenda order, after Item 3 on Child Poverty Strategy Action Plan – Progress Report, he wanted to go ahead to Item 23 on Job Evaluation, then back to the agenda as planned. The reason for this change was there had been interest from a trade union official in item 23 (Job Evaluation). Dealing with it earlier in the meeting would allow this person to go home.

Jim Wilkie, Chief Executive introduced the Child Poverty Strategy Action Plan – Progress Report. Jim Wilkie said this report on progress was a statutory duty. He said the previous report had been in April, he referred to the working group and a consultation event at the Floral Pavillion. The strategy and the action plan were appendices to the report and he was asking for approval to authorise further consultation. There were links with the Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Commission, which was chaired by Rt Hon Frank Field MP. Jim Wilkie also referred to supporting families, partnership arrangements and the Children’s Trust Board.

Cllr Foulkes asked for any comments.

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 6 – You Choose Budget Consultation, Local Development Framework – Local Geological Sites Update

Jim Wilkie said in parallel with the simulator the engagement team had planned 120 events at a range of facilities. He said he had the list with him. Cllr Phil Davies asked if this was at supermarkets, One-Stop Shops and libraries and if this was in addition to the work on the Neighbourhood Pans and Scrutiny? He also asked when it will run till? Ian Coleman answered that it would run until the 30th November then a full analysis would come to Cabinet in December. Jim Wilkie said he couldn’t find any supermarkets on the list. Cllr Phil Davies said they had a flavour of the budget simulator and how it works. He expected further reports at the end and encouraged everybody to have a go. He said 40-odd local authorities of all political colours were signed to it. He said it made residents think about issues about spending. Cllr Chris Meaden thanked the staff for the wonderful job meeting with residents and asked this to be passed on please. Cllr Phil Davies said the Community Engagement Team had promoted it well especially for people who were not good with computers. He thanked Ian Coleman and Peter Molyneux. The report was noted.

The Cabinet then considered a report on the Local Development Framework – Local Geological Sites Update and its Local Geological Sites Report Appendix. Kevin Adderley said he had nothing to add to the report. Some had been added, some deselected and some modified. The report was agreed.

Employment and Appointments Committee 11th August 2011 Part 3

Jim Wilkie continued saying that the budget had been reduced, there were significant changes and they needed to remodel to do things in a different way. Four branches were going down to three. There was strategic overview of key services, they had taken on responsibility over transport services in the Learning and Achieving branch of the Children and Young People department and the Antisocial Behaviour Unit.

This report was looking at posts over spinal column 49. It sets out each posts proposals and allocates significant additional responsibilities. He was happy to go through on a post by post basis.

Cllr Gilchrist said “even I’m alright”, so Jim Wilkie said he would “stop there”. Cllr Gilchrist said he didn’t have a clear picture of the numbers of people in the structure, there were grey bold titles but not the details underneath. As Chair of Council Excellence he was aware that people could have added additional responsibilities such as additional duties as well as a range of new jobs which required a breadth of knowledge. On page 25, the second block on the left in the light grey he asked what secondary consultant meant as well as WASP. Was this an external consultant Wirral Council was bringing in?

Chris Hyams explained it was not an external consultant but experienced members of staff to advise. The report was agreed.