“The money that the service users have left over is given to (name blacked out), for the service users to have a nice grave when they pass away.”
Continuing from yesterday’s publication of the appendices to the Anna Klonowski Associates report the next Adult Protection Strategy Meeting at pages 336-337 has one of the most chilling lines I’ve ever read in minutes of a meeting which is “The money that the service users have left over is given to (name blacked out), for the service users to have a nice grave when they pass away.” This is from August 2005, but it shows a shocking attitude of one of the people present who seems to almost go as far as wishing people with a learning difficulty dead!
The full shocking minutes of the meeting referred to are below.
Borough of Wirral
Adult Protection Subsequent Strategy Meeting
Name of Victim: Newhaven Care Care Home
Time/Date: 14:30pm, 03rd August 05
Chair: (name blacked out) Service Manager
Introductions: (name blacked out) Inspector, CSCI
(name blacked out) FSU, Bebington
(name blacked out) Minutes, Adult Protection
Apologies: (name blacked out) Team Manager, Contracts Department
Minutes from previous meeting
Actions from previous meeting – progress reports
1. (name blacked out) to check whom and if the service users are allocated to and to what team the social workers are from.
(name blacked out) to chase this up.
2. CSCI to investigate financial affairs. An inspection will occur were and the current set up for managing service users finances will be looked at.
A CSCI investigation took place and (name blacked out)’s finances were looked over. There is no evidence of any financial abuse. The resident’s fees are paid into (name blacked out)’s account. (name blacked out) takes his fee and then gives the residents their £18.50. (name blacked out)’s in and out balance are all up to date.
The new accounts have been opened for the residents they will receive the interest on there accounts. CSCI feel this is good practice on the service users behalf.
The money that the service users have left over is given to (name blacked out), for the service users to have a nice grave when they pass away.
3. It was felt to prevent any suspicions being raised by (name blacked out), Halifax will open the accounts. The accounts will be carefully monitored.
Accounts have now been open; Halifax will monitor and inform Adult Protection if an incident occurs.
4. (name blacked out) to liaise with (name blacked out) and inform of new meeting and request that (name blacked out) chairs the meeting as (name blacked out) is on leave.
(name blacked out) was unable to chair the meeting; therefore (name blacked out) chaired the meeting in place of (name blacked out).
Police – Satisfied that this is not criminal and that (name blacked out) has done this for the right reasons not the wrong reason.
Social Services – Better practises need to be put in place in managing finances for people with learning difficulties.
Is investigation complete or are further actions required
Further actions will be needed.
Summary of further action plan
1. (name blacked out) to liaise with (name blacked out) and FLO’s team in relation to putting practise in place.
2. (name blacked out) to develop the practise and then this will be circulated to all care homes who will be expected to comply.
Date and time of next meeting
No further action for Adult Protection, case closed.
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