How much do Kingdom Services Group Limited receive in £££s for issuing fixed penalty notices for litter and dog fouling on the Wirral in 2019?

How much do Kingdom Services Group Limited receive in £££s for issuing fixed penalty notices for litter and dog fouling on the Wirral in 2019?

How much do Kingdom Services Group Limited receive in £££s for issuing fixed penalty notices for litter and dog fouling on the Wirral in 2019?


Leaked information about Wirral Council’s controversial 3 year contract with Kingdom Services Group Limited has revealed the amounts in pounds that Kingdom receive for issuing Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs), the hourly rate for environmental enforcement work and work on skip permits.

Kingdom Day Rates Wirral Council environmental enforcement skip permits 2018 to 2021
Kingdom Day Rates Wirral Council environmental enforcement skip permits 2018 to 2021

The amounts also include enforcement of Public Space Protection Orders (such as the proposed Dog Control Public Space Protection Order to be discussed on Tuesday evening).

The hourly rates for an Environmental Enforcement Officer are below:

Year 1 – £18.00 to £20.00 (depending on time of day)
Year 2 – £18.45 to £20.50 (depending on time of day)
Year 3 – £18.91 to £21.00 (depending on time of day)
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