Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 5th November 2012 Agenda and reports

Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5th November 2012 (Wirral Council) agenda and reports

As Wirral Council are having trouble publishing the agenda and reports for Monday’s Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee (5/11/2012) on their website they are available from this website until Wirral Council sorts out their issues.

Edit: Update 31/10/2012 The agenda and reports including the missing What Really Matters Consultation result (Cabinet report) are now on Wirral Council’s website.

Maybe their IT department is as overworked as ours is. 😉

Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Date: Monday, 5 November 2012
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall

Contact Officer: Lyndzay Roberts
Tel: 0151 691 8262


Members of the Committee are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non pecuniary interests, in connection with any application on the agenda and state the nature of the interest.

Members are reminded that they should also declare, pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, whether they are subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.

2. MINUTES (Pages 1 – 12)
To receive the minutes of the Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 10 September 2012.

Report to follow


5. WELFARE REFORM (Pages 25 – 40)

To receive a Verbal Update Report




The Forward Plan for the period September to December 2012 has now been published on the Council’s intranet/website and Members are invited to review the Plan prior to the meeting in order for the Committee to consider, having regard to the Committee’s work programme, whether scrutiny should take place of any items contained within the Plan and, if so, how it could be done within relevant timescales and resources.

The Committee was requested to consider what issues should form the basis of its work programme for the ensuing municipal year.


Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life – Skyfall/Wirral Council

A brief run down of the new Bond film Skyfall

I was watching a film with my wife yesterday.

It was about an employee who gets “fired”, but returns when his boss/employer is in trouble to save the day. Thanks to a series of betrayals by others and poor decisions made by his boss in the past, the past comes back to haunt him (the fired employee) and everyone else.

Things go from bad to worse and the organisation ends up paying a high and expensive price in terms of reputation partly down to its own arrogance, secrecy, complacency, playing the blame game and conspiracies of silence. Once the politicians find out what’s going on the “big boss” is offered early retirement (with an honour thrown in too).

No, I’m not writing (obviously) above about Wirral Council, but the new Bond movie Skyfall.

Local Government Association/ Wirral Council Improvement Board 19th October 2012

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LGA (Local Government Association)

Joyce Redfearn (Chair of Improvement Board, LGA)
Cllr Stephen Houghton CBE (Labour Peer, Barnsley Council, LGA)
Paul Rowen (Liberal Democrat Peer, LGA)
Gillian Connolly, LGA Team
Pat (Commissioning)
Dr. Gill Taylor, Principal Adviser, North West (LGA)

Wirral Council

Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour, Wirral Council),
Cllr Phil Davies (Labour, Wirral Council),
Cllr Tom Harney (Liberal Democrat, Wirral Council)
Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative, Wirral Council)
Graham Burgess, Interim Chief Executive (Wirral Council)
Fiona Johnstone, Joint Director of Public Health (Wirral Council/NHS)
Steve Rowley, Adult Social Services (Wirral Council)
Chris Hyams, Human Resources and Organisational Development (Wirral Council)
Kevin Adderley, Regeneration, Housing & Planning (Wirral Council)
Emma Degg, Communications and Engagement (Wirral Council)
Christopher Dowly? Unknown (Technical Services) (Wirral Council)
Surjit Tour, Acting Director of Law, HR and Asset Management (Wirral Council)
Julia Hassall, Acting Director of Children’s Services (Wirral Council)
Mike Thomas (District Auditor, auditor for Wirral Council appointed by Audit Commission)
Three other unknown Wirral Council officers

Various members of the press and public

Agenda Item 1 Welcome and Introductions to the Improvement Board 00:01 to 02:18

Joyce Redfearn: We’ve got absolutely everybody in the room. Really delighted to see you here, but particularly to members of the public who take the time and effort to come and join us, and I think who are recording the proceedings as we are speaking as well. A warm welcome to you to the public part of the meeting, would it help if members of the Board and the Management Team just introduced themselves, so you know who’s present in the room?
John Brace: Sorry, could you use the microphone please so we can hear you at the back?
Joyce Redfearn: That’s working well, I’m requested to use the microphone so people can hear. Is that better for you?
John Brace: Yes.
Joyce Redfearn: Good. OK, introductions. I’m Joyce Redfearn and I’m the Independent Chair of the Improvement Board.
Graham Burgess: I’m Graham Burgess and I’m the Chief the Executive of Wirral Borough Council.
Gillian Connolly: I’m Gill Connolly and I’m a part of the LGA Team.
Pat: I’m Pat Ho???, Commissioning.
Stephen Houghton: I’m Stephen and I’m an LGA Peer.
*door squeaks as Julia Hassall arrives late*
Gill Taylor: Gill Taylor, I’m the Principal Adviser for the North West for the LGA.
*Julia Hassall arrives and walks in front of camera*
Fiona Johnstone: I’m Fiona Johnstone, Director of Public Health and the *indecipherable*.
Steve Rowley: I’m Steve Rowley, I’m here for the Director of Adult Social Services, Graham Hodkinson.
Chris Hyams: Errm, I’m Chris Hyams, Head of HR and OD.
Kevin Adderley: I’m Kevin Adderley, Director of Regeneration, Housing and Planning.
Emma Degg: I’m Emma Degg, *microphone feedback* Head of Communications and Engagement.
Christopher Dowly?: Interim Executive Director of Law.
??? ???: Technical Services
Surjit Tour: Acting Director of Law, HR and Asset Management.
Julia Hassall: I’m Julia Hassall, I’m Acting, sorry, Director of Children’s Services.
Cllr Ann McLachlan: I’m Cllr Ann McLachlan, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Improvement and Governance.
Cllr Phil Davies: Errm, hi, I’m Phil Davies, Leader of the Council.
Paul Rowen: Err Paul Rowen, I’m Chair of the *indecipherable*.
Cllr Tom Harney: Tom Harney, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group. ???? ???: I’m Dennis ????, LGA Peer.
Cllr Jeff Green: Jeff Green, Leader of the Conservative Group.
Joyce Redfearn: OK, thank you very much everybody for introducing and even bringing in a piece of teamwork, as we worked out how to share mikes. *indecipherable* I’m very glad. Errm, the format has changed,

Agenda Item 2 Improvement Board Progress to Date 02:18 to 14:10

Improvement Board Progress to Date Report

The Chair, Joyce Redfearn spoke about the report.

Agenda Item 3 Questions from the Public 14:10 to 15:12

There were a number of questions from myself, John Brace which were answered by the Chair, Joyce Redfearn.

Agenda Item 4 Unknown

Agenda Item 5 Unknown

Agenda Item 6 Unknown

Agenda Item 7 Unknown

Agenda Item 8 Unknown

Agenda Item 9 Unknown

Agenda Item 10 Unknown

Agenda Item 11 Unknown

Agenda Item 12 Unknown

Agenda Item 13 Unknown

Agenda Item 14 Unknown

Other agenda items unknown

Letter Before Claim to Wirral Council.

Council (Wirral Council) Monday 16th October 2012

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Monday’s Council meeting, agenda, reports pack and supplementary agenda.

Council (Wirral Council) 16th October 2012 Part 1 of 4

Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 00:01 to 00:16
Please sit down please. Welcome to the Council meeting. The first item is in fact the Mayor’s Chaplain to take prayers. Thank you.
Mayor’s Chaplain 00:24 to 02:28
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 02:38 to 03:02

Agenda Item 1 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 02:40 to 07:58
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 02:40 to 03:02
Cllr Ann McLachlan 03:02 to 3:15
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 3:15 to 3:17
Cllr Denise Realey 3:17 to 3:22
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 3:22 to 3:26
Cllr Denise Roberts 3:26 to 3:39
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 3:39 to 3:41
Cllr Ron Abbey 3:41 to 3:48
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 3:48 to 3:51
Cllr Stuart Whittingham 3:51 to 3:58
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 3:58 to 4:00
Cllr Christina Muspratt 4:00 to 4:11
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 4:11 to 4:13
Cllr Harry Smith 4:13 to 4:23
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 4:23 to 4:24
Cllr Steve Niblock 4:24 to 4:30
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 4:30 to 4:32
Cllr Anita Leech 4:32 to 4:35
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 4:35 to 4:37
Cllr Mike Sullivan 4:37 to 4:48
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 4:48 to 4:49
Cllr Darren Dodd 4:49 to 4:59
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 4:59 to 5:01
Cllr Paul Doughty 5:01 to 5:14
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 5:14 to 5:16
Cllr Tom Harney 5:16 to 5:23
Mayor Cllr Gerrry Ellis 5:23 to 5:28
Cllr Steve Williams 5:28 to 5:42
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 5:42 to 5:44
Cllr Don McCubbin 5:44 to 5:55
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 5:55 to 5:57
Cllr Lesley Rennie 5:57 to 6:25
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 6:25 to 6:26
Cllr Jeff Green 6:26 to 6:41
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 6:41 to 6:43
Cllr Chris Blakeley 6:43 to 6:51
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 6:51 to 6:54
Deputy Mayor Cllr Dave Mitchell 6:54 to 6:59
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 6:59 to 7:00
Cllr Wendy Clements 7:00 to 7:04
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 7:04 to 7:05
Cllr Leah Fraser 7:06 to 7:09
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 7:09 to 7:10
Cllr Moira McLaughlin 7:10 to 7:17
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 7:18 to 7:27
Cllr Geoffrey Watt 7:27 to 7:32
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 7:32 to 7:38
Cllr Mike Hornby 7:38 to 7:47
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 7:47 to 7:58

Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 7:58 to 10:26
Cllr Chris Blakeley 10:28 to 10:34
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 10:34 to 10:36
Cllr Bill Davies 10:37 to 10:40
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 10:40 to 10:45

3. PETITIONS 10:45 to 11:37
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 10:45 to 10:52
Cllr Brian Kenny 10:52 to 11:06
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 11:06 to 11:09
Cllr Harry Smith 11:09 to 11:27
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 11:27 to 11:37

4. MINUTES (16th July 2012) 11:37 to 11:53
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 11:37 to 11:53

Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 11:53 to 11:57
Cllr Phil Davies 11:57 to 18:40
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 18:40 to 19:17

Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 19:18 to 19:43
Cllr Phil Gilchrist 19:43 to 20:45
Cllr Phil Davies 20:47 to 22:03
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 22:03 to 22:39
Surjit Tour leaves
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 22:50 to 25:09

7. MATTERS FOR NOTING 25:09 to 25:18
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 25:09 to 25:18

8. QUESTIONS 25:18 to 28:34
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 25:18 to 25:29
John Brace 25:32 to 27:04
Question to Cabinet Member for Improvement and Governance (Cllr Ann McLachlan)

Q. Please could you provide a written and/or verbal answer to the following question please.

The introduction of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 which came into force on the 10th September 2012, changed Wirral Council’s legal obligations when it comes to holding public meetings in relation to some committees. The new regulations cover Cabinet, committees of Cabinet and some other committees and also put further duties on officers (and in some cases councillors) to record decisions made, reasons for decisions, other options considered and any conflicts of interest (and any associated notices of dispensation).

Can you explain please:-

(a) what specific committees at Wirral Council (and any joint committees or subcommittees) are considered to be “decision-making bodies” as described in the legislation,

(b) how regulation 9 will work in practice at Wirral Council with regards to delegated decisions by Cabinet Members,

(c) how the inspection arrangements for members of the public (regulations 14, 15 & 21) will actually work in practice,

(d) when and whether councillors (and co-opted members) will receive training in relation to regulations 16, 17 & 18,

(e) whether Wirral Council will make charges to the press or public for any copies of documents requested under the regulations,

(f) when and how it’ll be explained to officers the implications of regulation 22, which is punishable by a £200 fine and make it a criminal offence to obstruct people or refuse to supply documents to people exercising their rights under the Regulations and

(g) which named officer/s (and their job titles) will be responsible (or even a point of contact for the public) for this area?

Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 27:04 to 27:06
Cllr Ann McLachlan 27:09 to 27:40
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 27:40 to 27:42
John Brace 27:42 to 27:49
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 27:49 to 27:52
Surjit Tour 27:52 to 28:05
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 28:05 to 28:08
Cllr Jeff Green 28:08 to 28:21
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 28:21 to 28:34

Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 28:34 to 28:41

10. NOTICES OF MOTION 28:41 to 46:43
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 28:41 to 28:50

Cllr Phil Davies 28:50 to 29:20
Cllr Jeff Green 29:20 to 29:22
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 29:22 to 29:35


Proposed by Councillor Paul Hayes (7 minutes)
Seconded by Councillor Jeff Green (3 minutes)

(1) This Council remembers the death of the 96 who lost their lives going to a
football match in Sheffield’s Hillsborough stadium on April 15 1989,
including twelve citizens of this borough.

(2) Council welcomes the full and unambiguous apology from the Prime
Minister on behalf of the Government for the length of time it has taken to
discover the truth of how those who should have protected our citizens
actually behaved and commends the tenacity, dignity and courage of the
friends and family of those who lost their lives. They have tirelessly pursued

a campaign for truth and justice whilst the burden of grief lays heavy on their
hearts, their bravery and determination serves as an example to us all.

(3) Council welcomes the publication of the report by the Hillsborough
Independent Panel, and on behalf of the people of Wirral, Council thanks all
members of the Panel for finally succeeding in what previous enquiries have
failed to do: uncovering the truth.

(4) Council believes that after truth justice must follow. Council urges all
prosecuting authorities to consider the findings of the Hillsborough
Independent Panel and asks them to relentlessly pursue those culpable for
the deaths of so many and the subsequent attempt to evade justice by
repeated lies in a concerted attempt to lay the blame with brave survivors
and fans.

(5) Council again repudiates the views of those who have peddled lies about
Liverpool fan’s involvement in this tragedy. We hope those guilty of this
horrendous slander are now silenced by their shame.

(6) Council therefore resolves:

(i). To ask that the Chief Executive, on behalf of the Council, writes to the
Hillsborough Families Support Group, the Hillsborough Justice
Campaign and Hope for Hillsborough to express our continued support
for their campaigns for justice and thanking them for their steadfast
examples of courage and dignity.

(ii). To ask that the Acting Director of Children’s Services, following the
recent example of certain Liverpool Schools, seeks to facilitate a
discussion between the Head Teachers of Wirral’s Schools on how
learning about the Hillsborough Stadium disaster can be incorporated
into their school’s curriculum; ensuring that all future generations know
the truth of what happened on that day.

Right of Reply: Councillor Paul Hayes (7 minutes)

Cllr Phil Davies 29:35 to 29:37
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 29:37 to 29:44
Cllr Paul Hayes 29:44 to 35:53
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 35:53 to 35:58
Cllr Phil Davies 35:58 to 39:08
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 39:08 to 39:09
Deputy Mayor Cllr Dave Mitchell 39:09 to 40:15
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 40:15 to 40:24
Cllr Jeff Green 40:24 to 43:36
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 43:36 to 44:20

FOR: 63

Motion 5 is passed 63:0:0

Surjit Tour 44:20 to 46:00
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 46:00 to 46:09
Cllr Phil Davies 46:09 to 46:28
Mayor Cllr Gerry Ellis 46:29 to 46:42


Continues at Council Wirral Council 16th October 2012 Part 2 of 4.

Wirral Council burying bad news in a supplementary agenda



Normally the papers for a meeting have to be (it’s a legal requirement) published five days before a meeting on Wirral Council’s website expect in certain exceptional circumstances.

However when your report is the snappily titled Revenue Monitoring 2012/13 Month 4 (July 2012) detailing exactly why Wirral Council has a projected £14.4 million overspend (or at least it did at the end of July 2012, let’s hope it’s not more now two months later), it’s understandable why somebody wouldn’t want this going out with the regular agenda through the post to councillors on the Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee before the next meeting on Monday.

In fact publishing on Friday afternoon is a time-honoured way to “bury bad news”, and believe me the news is bad and explains the matters that led to the spending freeze about three weeks ago. By the time anybody has read it and has any questions, most of the relevant Monday to Friday 9-5 Council officers will be enjoying the weekend.

The advantage of course to the online version is it’s in colour, whereas to save costs the Council prints things in black and white (although obviously the lucky few councillors recently given iPads will be able to view it in colour).

However let’s have a look at the highlights and the slightly strange use of statistics and selective quoting of facts. The overspend for months 1 and 2 of Financial Year 2012/2013 seem to be missing from the graph, with no explanation given in the report as to why. However the projected overspends don’t seem to originate from the Department of Finance (who predict a £2.5 million overspend), but the two “usual subjects” of DASS (Department of Adult Social Services) at over £10 million of overspend and CYPD (Children and Young Peoples Department) at around £5 million.

Even the Department of Law, HR and Asset Management headed during some of this period by Bill Norman is projecting a £2 million overspend.

The report of course mentioned that the Labour Cabinet’s response this year has been to spend a further £677,000.

So how does this breakdown compare to what the Budget should be (according to report anyway)? The answer in the report is £3 million over budget on employee spend, £1.3 million overspend on premises and an £11.5 million overspend on “supplies and services”.

The report explains also why Cabinet had to dip into £7 million of reserves (the Working Neighbourhood Fund). So when will we find out what’s happened in month 5 (August), well that’ll be October 18th…. with the “Executive Team” of Council Officers finding out on 4th October… course if the CYPD had submitted the correct figures to the Department for Education then Wirral Council would have a further £1.6 million to spend on education. Oh well…