Wirral Council’s Children’s Services branded “inadequate” by OFSTED

I’ll declare at the outset that I was the Appellant in the First-Tier Tribunal case referred to later.
I’ve just read the 44 page inspection report by OFSTED into services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers which you can read on OFSTED’s website.
The inspection was carried out in July 2016 and the headlines (these are quoted from the report) are:
“1. Children who need help and protection
2. Children looked after and achieving permanence
Requires improvement
2.1 Adoption Performance
Requires improvement
2.2 Experiences and progress of care leavers
1. Leadership, management and governance
The report then goes on to explain the many reasons why and starts with the sentence, “There are widespread and serious failures in the services provided to children who need help and protection in Wirral.” and perhaps even more telling makes this point about senior management and councillors, “Almost all of the deficits identified in this inspection were known by senior leaders.”
And in response to a certain senior manager at Wirral Council who repeatedly states the Council acts in the best interests of children, “Plans to restructure services to respond better to children’s needs were delayed for a year due to competing council priorities.”
However I don’t want you to think I’m cherry-picking negative criticism from the report. If you read the report you’ll find it has very little to state that is positive.
After all this sentence, “Performance management data is widely scrutinised by managers and elected members, but is not yet leading to improvement and is not always focused on the right things.” sums it up. People (whether that be councillors or managers) know about the problems, but seemingly don’t know (or if I’m being more charitable are thwarted from) fixing them.
The infamous report into Wirral Council by Anna Klonowski Associates explained how in years gone by Wirral Council received independent reports similar to these but just carried on (whereas in other councils it would’ve raised red flags and led to major alarm bells ringing).
Of course it remains to be seen what Wirral Council’s response to this is. An Improvement Board has been mentioned (but if it meets in private as the one before did) the public won’t know about the changes Wirral Council is making in response and to be able to hold their political leaders to account.
And let’s face it, a Council that is prepared to go to a Tribunal to make sure some of the views of senior councillors, union representatives and senior managers at a meeting held in secret about education are kept out of the public domain in response to a FOI request, is that a Council acting in an “open and transparent” way or one that knows about its problems but wants to keep them out of the public domain?
The OFSTED inspection report is due to be discussed by councillors on Wirral Council’s Children Sub-Committee at a public meeting this Thursday evening (22nd September 2016) in Committee Room 2 in Wallasey Town Hall starting at 6.00pm.
Oh and just to quell any rumours, no I don’t have any children but Wirral Council’s external auditor Grant Thornton are reviewing the impact of the OFSTED report on their Value for Money conclusion which goes to be considered at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee on Monday 26th September starting at 6.00pm in Committee Room 1 at Wallasey Town Hall.
As I wish to end on a positive note Committee Rooms 1, 2 (and I’m told also Committee Room 3) on the ground floor at Wallasey Town Hall are now able to be better accessed by those in wheelchairs or those with reduced mobility due to changes recently made to the doors to these rooms at this listed building.
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its not that long ago the ombudsman slated wirral for failing vulnerable adults so this is certainly no surprise to me.
Are you referring to the Local Government Ombudsman?
No surpise to me, and what will be done about this problem, nothing!
All Councillors should not be on any meeting, boards or whatever unless they are an expert in the subject, this is where all the problems are coming from Councillors who know nothing then have a vote, on something they know nothing about then we all get screwed!
I always thought that the whole point of councillors being on meetings, boards or whatever is that they’re supposed to approach it from a non-expert point of view closer to what the public thinks.
But I realise there can be different opinions on the role of councillors!
That would be down to the Conservative government to do so.
And let’s face it as it’s a Labour run Council on Wirral the government is hardly likely to want the political backlash for doing so!
Keep up the great work John
Their time must be coming to an end or there is no hope.
Lessons to learn lessons to learn lessons to learn **** **** and ***** shouldn’t wash anymore.
Why has everyone been hiding under their desks while this is happening?
Brilliant, well done you, Leaky and “Highbrow” should be courted and feted.
Rather poor choice of words James, considering what happened today.