Council – 18th July – Part 4 – Matters requiring approval, Matters for noting, Questions.

Matters requiring approval were agreed apart from minute 26 ((Cabinet – 23/6/11) Financial Out-Turn 2010/11), which would be dealt with separately. Matters for noting were agreed. The first question to Cllr Foulkes was from myself and is below. The press and the public (except the petitioner) were not admitted to the Budget Council meeting until … Continue reading “Council – 18th July – Part 4 – Matters requiring approval, Matters for noting, Questions.”

Matters requiring approval were agreed apart from minute 26 ((Cabinet – 23/6/11) Financial Out-Turn 2010/11), which would be dealt with separately. Matters for noting were agreed.

The first question to Cllr Foulkes was from myself and is below.

The press and the public (except the petitioner) were not admitted to the Budget Council meeting until part way through the third item. Many had turned up to hear the petition about the care home closures. Both myself and my wife have hearing problems and found it hard to follow the meeting due to the disturbances. When the meeting was adjourned, the public gallery was cleared. The public were sent to Committee Room 1 where speeches could not be heard (for example Cllr Green’s or Cllr Foulkes’) over the speakers and someone was smoking. Many members of the public went home.

During the adjournment my wife and I spoke to Bill Norman and were told that members of the public would be readmitted to the public gallery after those present to create a disturbance had left. One of my local councillors spoke on this issue.

Cllr Green is quoted in the Wirral Globe of the 25th February as stating “Technology now means that people can blog, film or broadcast using their phone or hi-definition video camera. I want people to have as much information as they want about their council, whether they are sitting in the public gallery at the town hall or sitting at home on their laptop.”

It was clearly not possible for any member of the public to film using their phone or video camera as they weren’t allowed in the same room! Wirral Council has a legal requirement to “afford reasonable facilities for taking their report” of those from the local press, news agencies or recording sound or video. I have discussed what happened with fellow NUJ colleagues. Can you provide a written response regarding Wirral Council’s current policy in this area which will help at future meetings?

Council – 18th July – Part 3 – Leaders Statement

He said the Carers’ Champion was Cllr Sheila Clarke and the Play Champion Cllr Chris Meaden, as they had needed a Play Champion in order to get a grant. The Compact Champion was Cllr Kelly and there was also Cllr Stapleton. These four Champions had been appointed by the previous Leader. He felt as the leader had changed, the Champions had to change. There was also a Fairtrade, Faith, Surestart and Library Champion. Cllr Foulkes’ view was that as these had been created by the previous Leader there was a case to engage scrutiny to ask the Executive if they would create independent champions or they’d have to be replaced. He thought scrutiny should take up the scrutiny mantle and finally on the vexed issue of councillor’s allowances, he believed the Independent Renumeration Panel should allow political parties to put ideas forward. It was due to convene on the 27th September. However it was “not for councillors to announce their income” and it “should be fair”.

He had welcomed a delegation headed by Du Guoling who had brought new private entrepreneurs from Chinese areas and had been given a presentation on Wirral Waters. He hoped the linked would continue and jobs would be created. Cllr Foulkes said the previous Leader and new Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group were as one and trying to create new business. The Contact Group had created 500 jobs, the Mayor hadn’t made it to the opening of a Travelodge and New Brighton had been “transformed”. He also referred to a (after a few goes at pronouncing it correctly) polyurethane unit in Birkenhead which he said should be celebrated.

Council – 18th July – Part 2 – Leaders Statement

After the minutes were accepted, the Leader of Wirral Council Cllr Foulkes stated he wanted to make a statement. Although he said the agenda didn’t have this as an item, due to his “new status as Leader” he wanted councillors to be “up to date” so he would “be brief” as it was “not my style to dominate Council proceedings”.

Once the laughter had died down, Cllr Foulkes started with one of his favourite subjects Eric Pickles. Unfortunately he told councillors, Eric Pickles “can’t make it”. Instead he was going to meet Rt Hon Bob Neill MP on the 6th September in a meeting he “hoped would be fruitful”. There had been “something missing” so he had set up a regular meeting between the Chief Exec, Chris Hyams, himself, Cllr Adrian Jones and senior trade union officials who were now meeting regularly perhaps monthly. He said under the old style anything to do with employment would be dealt with by the Chief Executive. However the “boundaries were more blurred” and “no one could accuse him of not having the full facts”.

He said he “had been asked to clarify regarding Champions” and that there was a “plethora of Champions”. However he saw “politics as a team game” and went on to refer to the fact according to him this was “enshrined in the Constitution”. He had chosen Cllr Jerry Williams as Heritage Champion, which was a change of format from the Leisure & Culture Cabinet Member being Heritage Champion. There were a number of other Champions he would be reviewing. He felt the Overview and Scrutiny Committees should take over the Champions role and it was up to them to select.

Council – 18th July – Part 1 – Interests, petitions, minutes

The Mayor asked for Declarations of Interest. There were so many, so quickly this is only a partial list.

Cllr Blakeley – prejudicial interest (item 12) because of his appointment to Merseytravel
Cllr Clarke – personal interest (item 2) because of her daughter’s employment
Cllr Lewis – personal interest item 13 because of his employment
??? ?????
??? ?????? – prejudicial interest (item 12) because of their appointment to Merseytravel
Cllr Taylor – prejudicial interest in notices of motion 8 and 12
??? ?????? – personal interest (item 2) because of daughter’s employment
Cllr Williams (Steve) – personal interest (item 2) because of his wife
Cllr Brighouse – an interest in item 2 because of his wife
Cllr Johnson – prejudicial interest in item 2
Cllr Harney – item 2 because he’s a Chair of Governors
Cllr Meaden – item 2 because of her daughter
Cllr Salter – item 12 (Merseytravel)
Cllr Abbey – item 12 (Merseytravel)
Cllr Davies – item 2 because of his wife, daughter and daughter in law

The Mayor then asked for petitions.

Cllr Blakeley presented a petition of over three hundred Moreton residents asking Wirral Council to support planning application 00727 of Wirral Partnership Homes regarding the shops.
Cllr Sheila Clarke presented a petition from residents who wanted a road surfaced.
Cllr Lewis presented a petition of 36 further names to the existing 366, who wanted the designation of a green space in Leasowe amended.
Cllr Chris Jones presented a petition of 679 names in addition to the 874 last time regarding security in Central Park.
Cllr Steve Niblock presented a petition of 31 people who wanted alleygates in New Ferry and another petition of 71 names.

An inaccuracy in the minutes of the 16th May was pointed out by Bill Norman. He said the list of people present was incorrect. He asked they be accepted but amended to take this into account.

Council – 18th July – Before it all started.

The pair of Braces walked into the Council Chamber and took their seats. All around was hustle and bustle & councillors were coming and going trying to figure out their new places. Cllr Phil Davies was trying to give some gentle advice to his boss as he saw one half of the Braces get his notebook out.

Cllr Phil Davies said to Cllr Foulkes that they’d have to be careful what they said with those two behind us. Cllr Steve Foulkes, at his usual default volume resembling a foghorn on the River Mersey said “Oh, F!*!”, turned a crimson shade of red, then to the female Cllr Brace, representing the Canupawakpa Dakota Nation said in an equally loud voice, “Pardon my French” before storming off to the corridor to the North. Without Cllr Foulkes absent the noise in the Chamber dropped by a number of decibels. He left with a face like thunder but returned with a big grin on his face.

From the benches afar, two Rhinos, on the “critically endangered” list of councillors stared intently at the two members of the public wondering what they were doing there. The Deputy Mayor, Cllr Gerry Ellis lightened the mood by cracking a joke that made Cllr Brace smile. Shortly after the meeting began, with the Mayor introducing Bernard McConnell who was there to pray for the councillors.

After the prayers Cllr Foulkes informed those present that Cllr McArdle couldn’t make it as she was in hospital. There were no other apologies.