Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 2

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 2                                            4 Signature of agent: George Davies Date: 26th May 2011 Submit this return to the returning officer within 35 calendar days of the day the election result is declared. It must be accompanied by a separate declaration signed … Continue reading “Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 2”

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 2



Signature of agent: George Davies

Date: 26th May 2011
Submit this return to the returning officer within 35 calendar days of the day the election result is declared.
It must be accompanied by a separate declaration signed by the election agent verifying this return.
Within 7 working days of submitting this return, the candidate must also submit a signed declaration verifying this return.

Section 3 Summary of spending

Section 3a Types of Payment

Manner of payment £.pp
Unpaid claims NONE
Disputed Claims NONE
Value of notional expenditure 188 – 00
Payments made 639 – 00
Total election spending £ 827 – 00

Total spending for 3a should equal the total spending for 3b. If they are not equal you should check your calculation.

Section 3b Categories of spending

Purpose £.pp
A. Advertising     50 . 00
B. Unsolicited material to electors    777 . 00
C. Transport
D. Public meetings
E. Agent and other staff costs
F. Accommodation and administration
Total election spending £ 827 . 00

Election Expenses Steve Foulkes Page 2 Claughton Wirral Council 2011 Section 3  Summary of Spending 3a Types of Payment 3b Types of spending

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 1

Election Expenses: 2011 (Wirral Borough Council) Claughton ward Candidate: Stephen Foulkes Agent: George Davies Page 1


Page 1/13 Election expenditure form for election to Wirral Borough Council. Claughton ward. Stephen Foulkes. 2011. Original form text in black, handwriting in red here (for emphasis) but not on black and white photocopy is in black.


Return of candidate spending: Local government election in England and Wales
Section 1 Details of candidate and election
Local Authority Wirral Borough Council
Ward/District Claughton
Electorate 11, 337
Date you became a candidate 25th March 2011
Date of election 5th May 2011
Date election result declared 6th May 2011
Candidate name Stephen Foulkes.
Registered Party The Labour Party.
Spending Limit £1,166.85
Section 2 Details of agent
Election agent’s name George Davies.
Date election agent appointed 25th March 2011
I am the agent responsible for delivering the return of candidate’s expenses under the Representation of the People Act 1983 X
I am the candidate and I was my own election agent. I am responsible for delivering this return of candidate’s expenses under the Representation of the People Act 1983

Election Expenses Steve Foulkes Page 1 Claughton Wirral Council 2011 Section 1 Details of candidate and election Section 2 details of agent

Anna Klonowski Associates Ltd Report

A Supplementary Report and a Covering Report are down as item 19A of tomorrow night’s Wirral Council’s Cabinet agenda.

However the full report and executive summary is not going to be published until those named in it have had a right of reply. It’s a rather long running saga, a little complex to put into a short blog post but the supplementary report (which relates to the institutional failings at Wirral Council previously also identified by former employee Martin Morton) should hopefully start Wirral Council back on the path to where it should be.

Clearly somebody’s going to make political capital out of it (and the full report and executive summary when it’s published). With a third of council seats up for election (22) in May 2012, I’m sure some councillors would prefer the reports to be published sooner rather than later.

Update 22/9/11: There’s a Wirral Globe story about it written by Leigh Marles that goes into more detail.

Planning Applications Decisions Part 2 of 2 & Wirral International Trade Centre

In the period 18th August 2011 to 9th September 2011 there were no planning applications decided by officers about applications relating to Bidston & St. James ward.

However item 4 on tonight’s Planning Committee agenda along with Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and the updated conditions reasons on the proposed Wirral International Trade Centre does relate to a planning application in Bidston & St. James ward.

It was also mentioned on the Granada TV news this morning.

The decision about the International Trade Centre application will be made at tonight’s Planning Committee meeting which will start at 6pm in Committee Room 1 at Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, CH44 8ED.

Planning Applications decisions Part 1 of 2

A quick round-up of recent planning application decisions affecting Bidston & St. James ward. The decisions below have been made by planning officers at Wirral Council. Further detail can be found by entering application numbers on Wirral Council’s website (enter these numbers in the Application Quick Search field) .

The first batch are from 28th July 2011 to 17th August 2011.

Application Number: APP/11/00674

Ward: Bidston & St. James ward

Decision Date: 4th August 2011

Case Officer: Mrs S Lacey

Applicant: Mr Haskayne

Agent: CS Planning Enforcement Solutions

Location: Unused Land, ST ANNES PLACE, BIRKENHEAD, CH41 4FQ

Proposal: Change of use of first floor to self-contained two bedroom flat

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Decision Level: Delegated

Decision: Approve

Application Number: APP/11/00680

Ward: Bidston & St. James ward

Decision Date: 29th July 2011

Case Officer: Miss K Elliot


Agent: WCEC Architects

Location: Netto Food Store, STANLEY ROAD, BIRKENHEAD

Proposal: New ATM pod, new plant enclosure and new refrigeration plant

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Decision Level: Delegated

Decision: Approve

Application Number: ADV/11/00681

Ward: Bidston & St. James ward

Decision Date: 29th July 2011

Case Officer: Miss K Elliot


Agent: W C E C Architects

Location: Netto Foodstores, STANLEY ROAD, BIRKENHEAD

Proposal: New freestanding, fascia, banner and window signage with Asda branding to be implemented

Application Type: Advertisement Consent

Decision Level: Delegated

Decision: Approve

Application Number: APP/11/00692

Ward: Bidston & St. James ward

Decision Date: 2nd August 2011

Case Officer: Miss S McIlroy




Proposal: Change from A1 to A2 (solicitors practice)

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Decision Level: Delegated

Decision: Approve

Source used: <A HREF=”http://democracy.wirral.gov.uk/mgConvert2PDF.aspx?ID=20250″>Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 6/9/2011 item 11 PLANNING APPLICATIONS DECIDED UNDER DELEGATED
POWERS BETWEEN 28/07/2011 AND 17/08/2011</a>