Merseytravel Tunnel Tolls meeting

Merseytravel Tunnel Tolls meeting                                               Yesterday I gave a brief account of what had happened at Merseytravel’s budget meeting. As we arrived early, I took some photos of the room in which the decision was made and of the hospitality. Here is the first of the tea, coffee and 35 biscuits provided for councillors, officers, … Continue reading “Merseytravel Tunnel Tolls meeting”

Merseytravel Tunnel Tolls meeting


Yesterday I gave a brief account of what had happened at Merseytravel’s budget meeting. As we arrived early, I took some photos of the room in which the decision was made and of the hospitality.

Here is the first of the tea, coffee and 35 biscuits provided for councillors, officers, journalists and members of the public.

Tea, coffee and biscuits for Merseytravel meeting

Below is a quick video of the room the meeting was held in:-

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My wife comments that the way it’s set up resembles a court room.

Finally, here is a photo of the 5 Coats of Arms representing the councils on Merseyside that make up Merseytravel. Can you guess which one is which?

Merseyside council's coats of arms at Merseytravel HQ

Labour use casting vote to increase Mersey Tunnel tolls from April 2011

Labour use casting vote to increase Mersey Tunnel tolls from April 2011


Labour councillor and Merseytravel Chair Cllr Mark Dowd used his casting vote this afternoon after Merseytravel councillors were deadlocked in a 9:9 vote over whether to increase tunnel tolls.

A Liberal Democrat amendment proposed to have no increase in the Mersey Tunnel charges, but to still to ask for a further report as to whether the existing toll concessions for disabled users was “justified or appropriate”. Conservatives tabled two amendments. The first was to keep toll charges at 2010 level and reduce charges for Fast Tag users by 10p, keeping the existing concessions for disabled drivers. The second Conservative amendment also was to keep toll charges at 2010 levels and keep the existing concessions for disabled drivers.

During his amendment Lib Dem Cllr Millea commented on earlier “childish exchanges while members of the public were present” between Cllr Dowd and Cllr Blakeley during an earlier heated debate over taxis used to send reports to councillors and a spat over how criticism by Cllr Blakeley of a Merseytravel officer during a previous meeting was reported in the minutes.

Cllr Millea said in that for the past thirty years they had been asking government to scrap the tolls and the answer had been the same. He believed there was sufficient scope in the budget to keep the tolls at their current levels.

From April 1st 2011, the tolls will rise to the following. Figures in brackets are rise from 2010/2011:-

Vehicle Class 2011/12 Cash Toll 2011/2012 Fast Tag Toll
1 £1.50 (+10p) £1.30 (+10p)
2 £3.00 (+20p) £2.60 (+20p)
3 £4.50 (+30p) £3.90 (+30p)
4 £6.00 (+40p) £5.20 (+40p)


Class 1 M/cycle with sidecar, car up to 3.5 tonnes, light goods vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes, passenger carrying vehicle (less than 9 people)
Class 2 Private/light goods vehicle up to 3.5 tonnes with trailer, 2 axle HGV over 3.5 tonnes, 2 axle passenger carrying vehicle for more than 9 passengers
Class 3 3 axle HGV over 3.5 tonnes, 3 axle passenger carrying vehicle carrying more than 9 passengers
Class 4 HGV over 3.5 tonnes with four or more axles

Area Forum Bidston & St. James/Claughton 2/2/2011 Part 2 – Grit, pigeons, Patient Councils (& GP Commissioning)

Michelle Gray said that after complaints at the last Area Forum regarding problems with hearing that they were working on purchasing a portable PA system & loop system which would come with her in her car. The June meeting at St Bedes had had one microphone for the panel and one for the audience. They were looking to purchase something similar.

A member of the public asked about the minutes of the last meeting and asked for further information on the powers of the Patient Council. Michelle Gray said that Dr. Mantgani wasn’t here to answer. The member of the public asked what would be the patient representation regarding the new GP consortia.

Donnie asked for clarification regarding where on the agenda was an item on grit bins. Michelle Gray explained that the agenda had been published before the money had been set aside and that there were location cards included for people to fill in. Colette raised the issue of pigeons in Grange Road West. Cllr. Davies said nothing had happened yet but he had spoken to people and it was usually sorted in the Spring.

Colette said there were lots of pigeons in her garden. There was also a problem with cats and foxes. Cllr Davies said he had been asked by a few people in Grosvenor Road and Colette’s area as they had never see as many pigeons. Colette said she couldn’t put her washing out. Cllr Foulkes, a former Chair of the Environmental Health Committee said the pigeon population was related to food. People needed to be told not to feed them too much. If they became a nuisance, drastic measures such as poisoning could be considered. He told everyone that pigeons can breed up to eight times a year.

Area Forum Bidston & St. James/Claughton 2/2/2011 Part 1

The papers and reports for last night’s Area Forum can be read here. Present were a representative from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Mark Smith (Streetscene), Lucy Beed (to give a report on the Census), Cllr Roberts, Cllr Smith, Cllr Crabtree, Cllr Foulkes, Alastair Bardsley (representing the NHS Wirral University Teaching Hospitals (Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge), Jim Thompson (Community Safety Team), Jean McIntosh, Cllr McLachlan and Melanie from Warmer Wirral.

In the audience were about sixteen members of the public.

Apologies were received from Dr. Mantgani. No apologies were received from the police. Cllr Roberts welcomed people and asked members of the Area Forum panel to introduce themselves. Cllr Davies arrived a few minutes late during the introductions.

Warmer Wirral explained that they have a team of ten people knocking on every door in Claughton over the next month offering free loft and cavity wall insulation. Cllr Roberts then asked panel members to give their reports with a chance for the public to ask questions at 8.15pm.

The Area Forum co-ordinator Michelle Gray gave a progress report on matters that had been raised at the last Area Forum. On the subject of dog control, she had contacted other councils, the police, the community safety team and environmental health. They had told her that currently there was no bylaw on Wirral controlling dogs and there had to be full consultation before dog control orders. She would find out more and councillors could feedback through their surgeries.

Minimum pricing for alcohol consultation

Wirral Council is currently consulting the public between now and 18th February (along with other Merseyside authorities) on a minimum price of 50p/unit for alcohol.

If you (or any group you represent) have a view on this, you can participate in the consultation online. The results of the consultation will then go to a future meeting of the Licensing, Health & Safety and General Purposes Committee who will ultimately make the decision.

Alcohol related antisocial behaviour is something a lot of residents do complain about. So please feed your views (whether for or against) what effect having a minimum price of alcohol will have for you and your neighbourhood.