Cabinet (Wirral Council) 18th October 2012 Part 1 of 2

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Cllr Phil Davies (Chair)
Cllr Adrian Jones
Cllr Harry Smith
Cllr Tony Smith
Cllr Ann McLachlan
Cllr George Davies
Cllr Brian Kenny
Cllr Pat Hackett
Cllr Chris Meaden

Part 1 of 2
Welcome | 00:01 to 00:39
1) Declarations of Interest | 00:39 to 01:46

Cllr Phil Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Wirral Metropolitan College Governor
Cllr Phil Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Gillbrook Primary School Governor
Cllr Phil Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Woodlands Primary School Governor
Cllr George Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Bidston Avenue Primary School Governor
Cllr George Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) St Anselms School Governor
Cllr Adrian Jones Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Oldershaw School Governor
Cllr Brian Kenny Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Mersey Park Primary School Governor
Cllr Brian Kenny Item 14 (School Funding Formula) St Werburghs RC Primary School Governor
Cllr Ann McLachlan Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Wirral Metropolitan College Governor
Cllr Ann McLachlan Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Priory Primary School Governor
Cllr Chris Meaden Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Bedford Drive School Governor
Cllr Pat Hackett Item 14  (School Funding Formula)
Cllr Brian Kenny Item 14  (School Funding Formula)
Cllr Harry Smith Item 15 (Fees for residential and nursing homes) by virtue of his brother-in-law

2) Minutes 01:46 to 02:08 | Minutes of meeting of 27th September 2012

The minutes were agreed.

15) Fees for Residential and Nursing Home Care | 02:08 to 14:53 | Fees for Residential and Nursing Home Care report |  Equality Impact Assessment

The Chair (Cllr Phil Davies) asked Graham Hodkinson, Director of Adult Social Services to introduce the report. Graham Hodkinson introduced the report and mentioned the current oversupply of two hundred beds across the 111 care homes.

The Chair (Cllr Phil Davies) gave apologies for the absent Cabinet Member for Public Health and Social Care, Cllr Anne McArdle who was “poorly”. He said she had read the report and had a “keen interest in it”. He said that they would consult on option 2, with a further report on the 29th November 2012. He said that Cabinet Members had received a communication from WCA Limited about their feelings on the work so far. The recommendations at 14 were agreed which were as follows:

14.1 It is recommended that:

i) the fee framework reflecting actual cost as set out in Option 2, is presented to providers for consultation with a further report presented to Cabinet on 29 November taking account of the views of providers prior to final agreement and implementation.

ii) all old contracts based on 2010/2011 to be terminated by giving the required 3 months written termination notice and that all payments following this period are made at the fee level set for 2012/2013.

iii) the Council only contract for residential and nursing care using the current contract.

iv) once residential and nursing rates are agreed it is proposed that further work will be undertaken to establish variations to the model for specialist providers.

v) the revised fees are back dated to 9 April 2012 and that financial contingencies are explored to allow this to be achieved within the Council’s budget; as a consequence of this work it is proposed to build the agreed fee levels into the budget 2013/2014.

The Cabinet (after meeting for just under fifteen minutes) adjourned to allow members of the public who were there for agenda item 15 to leave the room.


When the adjournment finished, the Cabinet meeting resumed.

Part 2 of 2


3) Annual Governance Statement | 00:20 to 01:30 |  Annual Governance Statement report |  Appendix 1 |  Appendix 2

David Armstrong spoke on the Annual Governance Statement. Cllr Phil Davies spoke about the Annual Governance Statement. The recommendation at 12.1 was agreed.

That the revised Annual Governance Statement for 2011/12 be agreed.

4) Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 | 01:30 to 02:15 | Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 report | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2

David Armstrong spoke on the Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 and referred to the “one small variation”. Cllr Phil Davies said it had been discussed in previous meetings. The recommendation (below) was agreed.

That Cabinet agrees the Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 and the Annual Governance Report.

5) Annual Governance Report – Wirral Council | 02:15 to 03:39 | Annual Governance Report – Wirral Council report

David Armstrong said that the Annual Governance Report had already been to the Audit and Risk Management Committee. He referred to the public interest report. Cllr Phil Davies asked Cllr Ann McLachlan to make some comments. Cllr Ann McLachlan referred to the Improvement Plan. Cllr Phil Davies asked if it was agreed. It was agreed.

6) Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 Merseyside Pension Fund | 03:39 to 04:24 | Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 Merseyside Pension Fund report | Appendix

David Armstrong referred to the “unqualified opinion” on the 2011/2012 Statement of Accounts for the Merseyside Pension Fund. Cllr Phil Davies said this was “excellent” and the recommendation (below) at 12.1 was agreed.

That Cabinet agrees the Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 and the Annual Governance Report.

Continued at Part 2.

Employment and Appointments Committee (Wirral Council) 24th September 2012 Part 1

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Councillors on Employment and Appointments Committee

Cllr Lesley Rennie (Conservative)
Cllr Peter Kearney (Conservative)
Cllr Andrew Hodson (Conservative) deputy for Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative), spokesperson
Cllr Mark Johnston (Liberal Democrat), spokesperson
Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour), Chair
Cllr Phil Davies (Labour)
Cllr George Davies (Labour)
Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour)

David Armstrong, Acting Deputy Chief Executive
Tony Williams, Acting Employee Relations Manager
Chris Hyams, Head of HR and Organisational Development
Surjit Tour, Legal adviser
Andrew Mossop, Committee Services Officer

In attendance:

Cllr Adrian Jones (Cabinet Member for Corporate Services)
Two members of public

00:08 to 00:15
The meeting started with the Chair, Labour councillor Paul Doughty welcoming people to tonight’s meeting.

1. Members’ Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest 00:15

He asked if the councillors had any interests to declare? No declarations of interest were made.

2. Minutes 00:28

The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th July 2012 were agreed.

3. Managing attendance 00:55

Linked reportAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3

The Chair, Labour Cllr Paul Doughty asked Tony Williams, Acting Employee Relations Manager to introduce the report.  Tony Williams said it was a regular report to update the Committee on attendance and referred to figures in the report.

Cllr Harry Smith (Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport) and Cllr Chris Meaden (Cabinet Member for Culture, Tourism and Leisure) arrive.

Tony Williams said the report showed that health issues were the highest cause of absence, which they were doing work to address, with an example being given of stress awareness. He also referred to the absence rate at the Department for Adult Social Services. He asked if there were any questions?

Cllr Paul Doughty said the report was for noting, so it was noted.

4. Update on Managing Workforce Change and Redeployment 03:20

Linked report, Appendix 1

The Chair, Labour Cllr Paul Doughty asked Tony Williams, Acting Employee Relations Manager to introduce this report.

Tony Williams said there were now fourteen employees on the register, he said at the last meeting there had been six, but five of these had been resolved. He said three on the register had complex circumstances, with two of these being due to disability, he referred to exempt appendix 12.

The Chair, Labour Cllr Paul Doughty referred to exempt appendix 12. He asked if anyone had any questions?

Cllr Mark Johnston, Liberal Democrat spokesperson asked about the reason behind the increase in employees on the register from the Department of Law, HR and Asset Management?
Tony Williams answered Cllr Johnston’s question by saying it related to a graduate trainees program. Cllr Mark Johnston asked a further question to Tony Williams. Tony Williams replied.

Cllr Lesley Rennie, Conservative asked about a point she had raised at the briefing. She wondered if the senior management restructure would lead to people’s jobs being subject to risk. She asked if in future members of the Committee, Leaders and Deputy Leaders could receive updates more regularly, such as fortnightly?

Chris Hyams answered.

The Chair Cllr Paul Doughty asked the Committee if they were happy to note the contents of the report? The report was noted.

5. Workforce Monitoring 2012/2013 Quarter 1 06:53

6. Restructure of Human Resources and Organisational Development 10:00
7. Monitoring Use of Compromise Contracts 29:25
8. Appeals SubCommittee 30:24
9. Employment and Appointments SubCommittee Minutes 14/6/12, 28/6/12, 4/7/12, 5/7/12 31:33
10. Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 1) 31:46
11. Exclusion of press and public 31:52
12. Exempt Appendix – Update on Managing Workforce Change and Redeployment
13. Exempt Appendix – Monitoring Use of Compromise Contracts
14. Any Other Urgent Business Approved by the Chair (Part 2)

Employment and Appointments Committee (Special) Wirral Council 18th September 2012 Part 1

The agenda and reports for this meeting are on Wirral Council’s website.

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The meeting started at 5.30pm.

Employment and Appointments Committee

Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair)
Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour)
Cllr Adrian Jones (Labour)
Cllr George Davies (Labour)
Cllr Phil Davies (Labour)
Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative, spokesperson)
Cllr Lesley Rennie (Conservative)
Cllr Mark Johnston (Liberal Democrat, spokesperson)

In attendance
Cllr Tom Harney (Liberal Democrat, Leader)
Three members of the public.

Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair) opened the meeting.

Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative, spokesperson) said that Cllr Peter Kearney (Conservative) had just qualified as a solicitor. A joke was made.

Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair) welcomed people and asked for declarations of interest. No declarations of interest were made.

Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair) asked Chris Hyams, Head of HR & Organisational Development to talk about item 2 (Senior Management Restructure.

Instead of Chris Hyams, Interim Chief Executive Graham Burgess spoke about the Improvement Plan, a “coordinated management approach”, a meeting on Thursday morning to significantly reduce tiers, a future Cabinet report in a “month or two” and a future Council meeting. He said the Strategic Directors would be at Deputy Chief Executive level and changes to the pay policy would have to be agreed by Council, he also talked about the acting appointments, suspensions and how they needed to extend and confirm a number of people in various posts. The Interim Chief Executive referred to Surjit Tour, Peter Timmins, Tom Sault, David Armstrong, Julia Hassall and Chris McCarthy.

Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative, spokesperson) asked a question, which was answered by Chris Hyams. She said they had had further representations and following advice, in September they would be setting up a subcommittee for the recruitment process. She referred to the outcome of the Chief Officers’ suspensions and an amended resolution, a consultation with Chief Officers and how it would be inappropriate to make permanent appointments.

Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair) asked if everyone had a copy?

At 5.43 pm, Cllr Peter Kearney (Conservative) arrived.

Cabinet (Special) (Wirral Council) 18th September 2012 5pm Senior Management Restructure

The agenda and reports for this meeting are on Wirral Council’s website.

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Cabinet (8/10)

Cllr Phil Davies (Labour, Chair, Finance, Leader)
Cllr Adrian Jones (Labour, Corporate Resources)
Cllr Harry Smith (Labour, Streetscene & Transport)
Cllr Pat Hackett (Labour, Regeneration and Planning Strategy)
Cllr Tony Smith (Labour, Children’s Services & Lifelong Learning)
Cllr Chris Meaden (Labour, Culture, Tourism & Leisure)
Cllr George Davies (Labour, Housing & Community Safety, Deputy Leader)
Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour, Improvement and Governance, Deputy Leader)

Shirley Hudspeth (Committee Services)
Surjit Tour (Acting Head, Law, HR and Asset Management)
Graham Burgess (Interim Chief Executive)

In attendance
Cllr Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair, Employment and Appointments Committee)
Cllr Jeff Green (Conservative, Spokesperson, Employment and Appointments Committee)
Cllr Lesley Rennie (Conservative, Employment and Appointments Committee)
Cllr Tom Harney (Liberal Democrat, Leader)

The meeting started with Chris Hyams (Head of HR & Organisational Development), Kevin Adderley and Fiona Johnstone leaving the room as they would be affected by the proposals.

Cllr Phil Davies (Labour, Chair) welcomed people to the meeting. He asked councillors if they had any declarations of interest to make? None were given. He moved the meeting onto agenda item 2 (Senior Management Restructure) and indicated to the Interim Chief Executive Graham Burgess to speak about this item.

Graham Burgess referred to the Improvement Board, the Improvement Plan, the support of all three party leaders and proposals to address concerns. He said it was the first stage of a wider management reshaping. Mr. Burgess said the proposals would create three posts, which were key roles.

Cllr Anne McArdle (Labour, Adult Social Care and Health) arrived at 5.06pm.

The Interim Chief Executive continued to talk about “key corporate priorities”, his desire to “break down silos” and “challenge across departments”. He said that 5.4 [of the report] gave more detail and said it was his intention to make a further report. He referred to a Director’s meeting on Thursday and that there would be numbers of posts they would be losing and it was likely to look at and need to ask senior officers to leave.

Cllr Ann McLachlan (Labour, Improvement and Governance) spoke. Cllr Phil Davies (Labour, Finance and Best Value) said he wanted to address the corporate governance issues. He said he would support the recommendations and referred to the Employment and Appointments Committee later. Cllr Davies (Labour, Finance and Best Value)  referred to “radical changes”. He announced there was no “Any Other Business” and the meeting closed at 5.17pm.

Wirral Council Launches What Really Matters? Consultation

In what seemed eerily like those party political broadcasts you see on the television occasionally new Council Leader Cllr Phil Davies explained about “unprecedented cuts” to Wirral Council’s funding.

After him up popped new Interim Chief Executive Graham Burgess, again telling Wirral citizens about “What Really Matters” to him.

The questionnaire itself, run by Survey Monkey will no doubt be commented on by Wirral’s residents (and Wirral Council’s staff) over the next month or so and closes on the 19th October 2012.