Despite Tory objections, Labour adjourn meeting to revisit 2 matters (leisure centre concessions and Forest Schools)

Despite Tory objections, Labour adjourn meeting to revisit 2 matters (leisure centre concessions and Forest Schools)

Despite Tory objections, Labour adjourn meeting to revisit 2 matters (leisure centre concessions and Forest Schools)


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Video of the entire Coordinating Committee meeting of the 7th August 2014 can be viewed above

Yesterday Wirral Council’s Coordinating Committee met to consider two call-ins of Cabinet decisions. In a short ten minute meeting, Councillor Moira McLaughlin (the Chair) explained that the meeting had been called to consider call-ins about the cancellation of the “Forest Schools” funding and changes to the concessions that current and former Armed Forces personnel receive at the Council’s leisure centres.

It was agreed that despite the Chair’s initial view that both call ins should be considered in the same evening that they will be heard over two different evenings instead. Due to a constitutional requirement, the Coordinating Committee had to meet to consider these decisions within 15 days, however was unable to proceed any further as officers were not available (presumably as they are on holiday).

Therefore (as previously reported on this blog even before the decision was formally made) the call-in about Forest Schools will be heard starting at 6pm on the 18th September 2014 and the call-in about leisure centres will be heard starting at 6pm on the 23rd September 2014.

Councillor Chris Blakeley (Conservative spokesperson) suggested a different date as he was not happy with the choice of date for one of the reconvened meetings. However Labour councillors used their majority on the committee to vote through their preferred choice of date. The Chair Cllr Moira McLaughlin gave a detailed explanation as to why the dates had been chosen and why she disagreed with Councillor Chris Blakeley’s motion that a different date should be used.

Due to the call-ins the Cabinet decisions will not be implemented until a decision has been reached by the Coordinating Committee. Therefore the existing concessions at the Council’s leisure centres for current and former Armed Forces personnel will continue and so will the funding for the Forest Schools program in order to not prejudge the outcome of the Coordinating Committee decisions in September.

Similar reasons to do with availability and holidays were given behind the recent adjournment of the Audit and Risk Management Committee’s BIG/ISUS investigations.

Councillor Chris Blakeley (Conservative spokesperson) did raise the point that the meeting was being adjourned to suit Wirral Council officers, therefore why couldn’t it be rearranged to suit councillors (referring to three Conservative councillors)? However the Labour councillors on the Coordinating Committee disagreed with this approach.

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Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 prevents councillors stopping filming at public meetings

Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 prevents councillors stopping filming at public meetings

Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 prevents councillors stopping filming at public meetings


Today marks a change in the filming of public meetings of Wirral Council. Today is when the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 comes into effect. This new law (which only applies to England) prevents local councils stopping filming of their public meetings (which obviously is welcomed by myself and others up and down the country).

It doesn’t however just apply to local councils, but also to the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, meetings of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (which includes Merseytravel) and joint committees such as the Merseyside Police and Crime Panel. The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Merseyside Police and Crime Panel have in the recent past refused requests from myself to film their public meetings (you can read here about the refusal by four councillors on the Merseyside Police and Crime Panel which happened back in April). The new law also applies to meetings of parish councils, although there aren’t any of these in Wirral there are in the rest of Merseyside.

However Wirral Council it seems is still clinging to the past. Here is a statement they gave to BBC Radio Merseyside which was read out this morning on the Tony Snell show:

“We are considering the practical implications of the legislation. Wirral Council’s meetings are regularly filmed by members of the public and journalists and residents live tweet and write blogs about proceedings. However we also need to consider the feelings of members of the public, who might be involved in proceedings and who may or may not wish to be filmed. We’re always keen to look at new ways of opening the democratic process to residents.”

The most recent example of Wirral Council stopping filming at a public meeting was exactly two months ago today at a Licensing 2003 subcommittee meeting to decide on an application for an alcohol licence for a shop in Moreton.

As to blogs, well it was about a month ago that Wirral Council made a threat of a libel lawsuit (which was withdrawn five minutes later) against this blog with regards to a comment somebody else had written.

August however is a quiet time for public meetings at Wirral Council. There is a public meeting of the Wallasey Constituency Committee Working Group tonight at 6pm in Committee Room 2 to discuss how they’ll spend £38,875 on improving road safety, £38,875 on promoting active travel and health and whether to spend £1,000 on marketing (leaflets about the Wallasey Constituency Committee and the Have Your Say meetings).

Tomorrow at 6pm (also at Wallasey Town Hall) is a meeting of the Coordinating Committee to discuss two call ins. The first call in is about a recent Cabinet decision over less generous concessions for current and former Armed Forces personnel at Wirral’s leisure centres and the second is about a recent Cabinet decision to remove funding for the Forest Schools program. However before a decision is reached on both matters the meeting will be adjourned. The one about Forest Schools will be adjourned until 6pm on Thursday 18th September and the one about leisure centres will be adjourned to Tuesday 23rd September at 6pm. The rest of the month of August (apart from a Licensing Act 2003 subcommittee meeting on the 27th August at 10am) there is only one other public meeting which is a Planning Committee meeting on Thursday 21st August at 6pm.

My next blog post today will be illustrating why filming is necessary to show that what politicians say at public meetings of Wirral Council and what Wirral Council states in their press releases isn’t always true

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Incredible: 1 of many responses to the Lyndale School consultation that Wirral Council refuse to release

Incredible: 1 of many responses to the Lyndale School consultation that Wirral Council refuse to release

Incredible: 1 of many responses to the Lyndale School consultation that Wirral Council refuse to release


Labour councillors at a public meeting of Wirral Council's Coordinating Committee voting to consult on closing Lyndale School (27th February 2014)
Labour councillors at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Coordinating Committee voting to consult on closing Lyndale School (27th February 2014)

Rather predictably, Wirral Council turned down my Freedom of Information Act request for the responses to the consultation on the closure of Lyndale School yesterday, on the basis that they would be publishing them as part of the Cabinet papers for the special meeting on the 4th September. Rather worryingly they stated in their response “Wirral Council can confirm that the requested information will be made available and published during September 2014”, however a legal requirement requires them to publish such reports at least “five clear days” before the meeting meaning the latest the responses should be published is the 27th August.

Applying the “public interest test” to this Freedom of Information Act request, they go on to state “the Council believes that all the information/responses for the consultation require collating and then they are published as a complete article. The Council does not want to release partial information at this time and
then have to amend its response.”

They’ve also not answered my question about how many responses there were to the consultation. I previously published, on the 14th July the Parents’ Response to Wirral Council Consultation Document on the Closure of The Lyndale School which in print form (at least on my computer anyway) runs to fifty-three pages.

Although councillors were sent it before the debate on Lyndale School at the last full Council meeting on the 14th July, I remember during that meeting, the Mayor Cllr Foulkes stating that he’d only received it on the Saturday before the meeting (which was on Monday evening) so how could he be expected to have time to read it before the meeting (or words to that effect)? Similar reasons were also given by councillors last week on the Audit and Risk Management Committee over the amount of time to read a late 526 page supplementary agenda.

So, despite the fact that Wirral Council don’t seem to want the consultation responses to be published until around a week before the special Cabinet meeting (perhaps because all the responses will be hundreds of pages) here is a another consultation response from a married couple of a child at Stanley School. If Lyndale School closes, Stanley School is one of the two schools that Wirral Council have suggested that Lyndale children will be transferred to. I’ve blacked out the names and contact details of the parents who wrote this response.

Personal observations and thoughts from Parents with a child at Stanley School who has Severe Learning Disabilities, Autism and who is non-verbal.

Mrs XXXXXX attended the Consultation Meeting held at Stanley School on 3rd June and visited Lyndale School on 10th June, spending a morning meeting children and staff.

Firstly, the consultation document has no explanation of PMLD other than that it means Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (or is it Disabilities!) There is also nothing about the children currently at Lyndale (apart from the number of pupils) and their complex health and medical needs which are especially relevant to this consultation. This document has not made it easy for people and parents of especially Stanley school where there are currently no children with PMLD to be consulted properly when there is no meaningful information about the children that go to Lyndale in it. It is far too general and the information too money focused with nothing about the very complex needs of the children. The term CLD is also only defined as Complex Learning Difficulties (also disabilities) and no explanation or example given again.

We are against the proposal to close Lyndale School for the following reasons:

  • Lyndale school caters so well for the children who go to that school. Why jeopardise that? The children have very specific educational, care, health and developmental needs which we do not feel can be met at any other Wirral school. All avenues should be thoroughly explored to keep Lyndale School open. It is a vital part of the community it serves and it enriches the lives of the children that go there. Their families feel safe in the knowledge that their children are safe, happy and well looked after by the staff and health professionals at the school. This also aids their educational learning.
  • Large schools are not necessarily better schools. The advantage of a smaller school especially for children with PMLD is that their needs can be met in more manageable and stimulating surroundings and class sizes can be much smaller and better personalised.
  • Stanley school as it is currently staffed and equipped is not suitable for the children who go to Lyndale. It will need substantial investment to improve its suitability if it hopes to give children from Lyndale the same quality of life they currently have.

We can only comment on Stanley and not Elleray Park.

  • The children who attend Stanley school as well as having Complex Learning Disabilities, in many cases also have additional needs stemming from autism, communication difficulties and behavioural issues. They do not have the same physical frailties as most of the Lyndale children and many will not understand the potential dangers of physical interactions.
  • The practicalities of putting together 90+ very physically active children with predominantly physically frail and vulnerable children is a real worry for us and other parents/carers from both schools. There is a very real possibility of harm being caused inadvertently.
  • Bringing the Lyndale children to Stanley school will bring massive disruption to all of the children from both schools. It also raises serious safeguarding issues when physically frail children are in close proximity to robust physically active children with unpredictable behaviour patterns.
  • Stanley school has one full time nurse. Additional specialised staff would be needed (at significant cost) to provide medical support for the Lyndale children’s medical and health needs. Also specialised training in lots of areas including tube feeding and use of oxygen would be essential.
  • Outdoor environment. There is a lack of suitable outdoor play space at Stanley even for the current children who attend. For a new build this is unacceptable and should not have been allowed to happen. There are no green spaces nor the sensory garden which was promised. The upper school playground is the
    area in which the school transport drops off and picks up and was painted by the council with road markings. This has caused a vast amount of confusion and problems for a lot of children who are directed to play there when parents/carers spend so much time and effort trying to teach road safety. It will be even more unsuitable and totally uninspiring for children whose current school has a vast
    amount of greenery, quiet areas, a wonderful sensory garden and practical outside spaces.
  • Indoor environment. The new Stanley school has been set up to be predominantly low arousal and this conflicts with the stimulating environment at Lyndale.
  • There is not currently the capacity at Stanley to cope with the relocation of Lyndale children and provide spaces for children coming through the new Education Health and Care Plan (statementing) process due to begin September 2014.
  • Parents/carers chose a school for their child based on circumstances at the time of statementing. If Lyndale is closed then the council will be shifting the goal posts for many of the pupils in other Special Schools as well. This may lead to parents/carers of children in the other schools exploring alternative provision for their own children’s education as the whole ethos and set up of that school will change.
  • The ideal time to bring Stanley and Lyndale together would have been when Stanley was rebuilt. The new Stanley school could have been designed to cater for all the children and would have brought the 2 schools together in one space under one roof in a totally planned and coordinated way having regards for the needs of both sets of children. This possibility of closing Lyndale and transferring the children to other schools just seems totally haphazard.
  • Yes Stanley can be changed, but at what cost to Lyndale and Stanley children’s current and future education and lives? For us as a family it is not a case of not wanting Lyndale children, rather it is more that it shouldn’t have come to this situation, forcing a decision by this consultation.
  • Closing Lyndale will severely reduce the flexibility and capacity of Special Educational Needs primary school places in the borough. This is a very piecemeal and frankly idiotic way of planning SEN provision in Wirral.
  • SEN provision in the borough needs to be considered as a whole and not on a school by school basis as seems to be happening at the moment. Closing one school will have a massive effect on the sector because of the relatively small size of that sector. Once a school is closed there is no going back for anyone! This is a very risky strategy.
  • Special schools are not the same as mainstream where they can fairly easily absorb pupils from other schools if one is closed. There are many more wider issues to consider around SEN and disability. Transition, well being, funding, resources and integration are more complex.
  • The Council should be looking at the whole picture. Look at what there is now and plan for the long term future. There is a real need to come up with a sensible plan and not do it school by school.
  • The Wirral Councillors making these important and ultimately life changing decisions for many children and their families have absolutely no understanding (unless they have a disabled child or relative themselves) of the demanding and challenging issues those children and families face day to day. That is why it was so important to visit Lyndale, see the children, the school, meet with the staff and gain a valuable insight into the educational lives of these children and what it means to their families.
  • Each day can be a massive struggle for parents/carers and their disabled children and it is the staff and health professionals at our special schools who provide much needed and essential support to these children and families. Our Special schools of Lyndale and Stanley are very different from mainstream schools in the way that they operate a very flexible open door policy and the staff are very much like an extended family you can call on for advice and support when you need it. They are more than educational establishments, they are family and treasured for what they bring to our children. The depth of feeling on this special relationship should not be under estimated. If Lyndale is closed that
    relationship will be ripped apart from those children and families. How can you replace that?
  • Our children are all individuals with their own specific needs and personalities and their parents/carers know their child best. They are the ones that should be listened to and taken notice of in all areas affecting their children, especially about their education, happiness, health, safety and security. Every child is different and you cannot generalise their needs. What may be ok for one child
    could be horrendous for another and people don’t always think about that. They are all children who deserve the best we can give them to enable them to flourish and have a happy life.
  • It was an absolute privilege to visit Lyndale School and it would benefit no one to
    close it. It would cause intolerable stress and anxiety to children, families and
    staff who are uncertain about their jobs. How can taking away a major part of
    their daily lives and support system be beneficial?


If you have a response to the Lyndale School consultation you’d like published on this blog please email it to me at

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Wirral Council committee appointments for the 2014/15 municipal year

Wirral Council committee appointments for the 2014/15 municipal year

Wirral Council committee appointments for the 2014/15 municipal year


This is a list of which councillor is on which committee for the 2014/15 year. It doesn’t include deputies (but the list of deputies can be found here at pages thirteen to twenty-three). This is the original list as agreed at the Annual Meeting (Part 2) of the Council on the 9th June 2014 (and published on the 23rd June 2014). Changes can be made throughout the 2014/15 year.

Cabinet (10 councillors)

Cllr Phil Davies (Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance)
Cllr Ann McLachlan (Governance, Commissioning and Improvement & Joint Deputy Leader of the Council)
Cllr George Davies (Neighbourhoods, Housing and Engagement & Joint Deputy Leader of the Council)
Cllr Adrian Jones (Support Services)
Cllr Christine Jones (Adult Social Care and Public Health)
Cllr Chris Meaden (Leisure, Sport and Culture)
Cllr Pat Hackett (Economy)
Cllr Tony Smith (Children and Family Services)
Cllr Bernie Mooney (Environment and Sustainability)
Cllr Stuart Whittingham (Highways and Transport)

Although there are no deputies for Cabinet, there are ten assistant portfolio holders.

Audit and Risk Management Committee (9 councillors)

Councillor John Hale (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor David Elderton (Conservative)
Councillor Adam Sykes (Conservative)
Councillor Jim Crabtree (Labour & Chair)
Councillor Ron Abbey (Labour & Vice-Chair)
Councillor Paul Doughty (Labour)
Councillor Matthew Patrick (Labour)
Councillor Joe Walsh (Labour)
Councillor Stuart Kelly (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Employment and Appointments Committee (8 councillors)

Councillor Jeff Green (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Lesley Rennie (Conservative)
Councillor Adrian Jones (Labour & Chair)
Councillor Phil Davies (Labour & Vice-Chair)
Councillor George Davies (Labour)
Councillor Ann McLachlan (Labour)
Councillor Moira McLaughlin (Labour)
Councillor Phil Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Licensing, Health and Safety and General Purposes Committee (9 councillors)

Councillor Andrew Hodson (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Leah Fraser (Conservative)
Councillor Geoffrey Watt (Conservative)
Councillor Bill Davies (Labour & Chair)
Councillor Steve Niblock (Labour & Vice-Chair)
Councillor John Salter (Labour)
Councillor Christine Spriggs (Labour)
Councillor Mike Sullivan (Labour)
Councillor Pat Williams (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Licensing Act 2003 Committee (15 councillors)

Councillor Eddie Boult (Conservative)
Councillor Gerry Ellis (Conservative)
Councillor Andrew Hodson (Conservative)
Councillor Mike Hornby (Conservative)
Councillor Bill Davies (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Steve Niblock (Labour, Vice-Chair (from 18th June 2014))
Councillor George Davies (Labour)
Councillor Tony Norbury (Labour)
Councillor Louise Reecejones (Labour)
Councillor Denise Roberts (Labour)
Councillor John Salter (Labour)
Councillor Harry Smith (Labour)
Councillor Mike Sullivan (Labour)
Councillor Dave Mitchell (Liberal Democrat)
Councillor Pat Williams (Liberal Democrat)

There are no deputies for this committee.

Pensions Committee (10 Wirral Council councillors plus 5 co-opted members)

Councillor Geoffrey Watt (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Mike Hornby (Conservative)
Councillor Cherry Povall (Conservative)
Councillor Paul Doughty (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Ann McLachlan (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor George Davies (Labour)
Councillor Treena Johnson (Labour)
Councillor Adrian Jones (Labour)
Councillor Harry Smith (Labour)
Councillor Chris Carubia (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

Co-opted members
Councillor Norman F Keats (Labour, Knowsley Council)
Councillor John Fulham (Labour, St Helens Council)
Councillor Paul Tweed (Labour, Sefton Council)
Councillor Patrick Hurley (Labour, Liverpool City Council)
Patrick McCarthy

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and four Liberal Democrat deputies.

Planning Committee (13 councillors)

Councillor David Elderton (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Eddie Boult (Conservative)
Councillor Paul Hayes (Conservative)
Councillor Kathy Hodson (Conservative)
Councillor Anita Leech (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Denise Realey (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor Phillip Brightmore (Labour)
Councillor Matt Daniel (Labour)
Councillor Christine Spriggs (Labour)
Councillor Joe Walsh (Labour)
Councillor Irene Williams (Labour)
Councillor Stuart Kelly (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)
Councillor Pat Cleary (Green Party spokesperson)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (9 councillors, 4 independent persons)

Councillor Les Rowlands (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Gerry Ellis (Conservative)
Councillor John Hale (Conservative)
Councillor Bill Davies (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Moira McLaughlin (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor Rob Gregson (Labour)
Councillor Denise Roberts (Labour)
Councillor John Salter (Labour)
Councillor Pat Williams (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

Independent persons
Professor R S Jones (until 15th July 2016)
Mr C Jones (until 15th July 2016)
Mr D Burgess-Joyce (until 15th July 2016)
Mr B Cummings (until 15th July 2016)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Coordinating Committee (15 councillors, 4 co-opted members)

Councillor Chris Blakeley (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Tom Anderson (Conservative)
Councillor Wendy Clements (Conservative)
Councillor Mike Hornby (Conservative)
Councillor Steve Williams (Conservative)
Councillor Moira McLaughlin (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Paul Doughty (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor Phillip Brightmore (Labour)
Councillor Anita Leech (Labour)
Councillor Christina Muspratt (Labour)
Councillor Walter Smith (Labour)
Councillor Mike Sullivan (Labour)
Councillor Jerry Williams (Labour)
Councillor Janette Williamson (Labour)
Councillor Phil Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

Co-opted members (when dealing with education matters with voting rights)
Roman Catholic Diocese Mr Damian Cunningham
Church of England Vacancy
Mrs H Shoebridge (parent governor) until 28th October 2015
Mrs Nicola Smith (parent governor) until 8 February 2017

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee (15 councillors, 4 co-opted members)

Councillor Wendy Clements (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Bruce Berry (Conservative)
Councillor Paul Hayes (Conservative)
Councillor Mike Hornby (Conservative)
Councillor Cherry Povall (Conservative)
Councillor Moira McLaughlin (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Denise Roberts (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor Phillip Brightmore (Labour)
Councillor Treena Johnson (Labour)
Councillor Tony Norbury (Labour)
Councillor Walter Smith (Labour)
Councillor Christine Spriggs (Labour)
Councillor Janette Williamson (Labour)
Councillor Alan Brighouse (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)
Councillor Pat Cleary (Green Party spokesperson)

Co-opted members (with voting rights)
Roman Catholic Diocese Mr Damian Cunningham
Church of England Vacancy
Mrs H Shoebridge (parent governor) until 28th October 2015
Mrs Nicola Smith (parent governor) until 8 February 2017

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee (15 councillors)

Councillor Steve Williams (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Gerry Ellis (Conservative)
Councillor John Hale (Conservative)
Councillor Andrew Hodson (Conservative)
Councillor Tracey Smith (Conservative)
Councillor Mike Sullivan (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Jerry Williams (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor Jim Crabtree (Labour)
Councillor Matt Daniel (Labour)
Councillor Rob Gregson (Labour)
Councillor Anita Leech (Labour)
Councillor Steve Niblock (Labour)
Councillor Denise Realey (Labour)
Councillor Jean Stapleton (Labour)
Councillor Dave Mitchell (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee (15 councillors)

Councillor Adam Sykes (Conservative spokesperson)
Councillor Tom Anderson (Conservative)
Councillor Bruce Berry (Conservative)
Councillor Kathy Hodson (Conservative)
Councillor Tracey Smith (Conservative)
Councillor Janette Williamson (Labour, Chair)
Councillor Paul Doughty (Labour, Vice-Chair)
Councillor Matt Daniel (Labour)
Councillor Rob Gregson (Labour)
Councillor Matthew Patrick (Labour)
Councillor Christina Muspratt (Labour)
Councillor Louise Reecejones (Labour)
Councillor Joe Walsh (Labour)
Councillor Irene Williams (Labour)
Councillor Phil Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat spokesperson)

In addition to the above there are eight Conservative deputies, eight Labour deputies and five Liberal Democrat deputies.

Birkenhead Constituency Committee (18 councillors, 1 co-opted member)

Councillor Jim Crabtree (Labour, Bidston & St. James)
Councillor Ann McLachlan (Labour, Bidston & St. James)
Councillor Harry Smith (Labour, Bidston & St. James)
Councillor Pat Cleary (Green, Birkenhead & Tranmere)
Councillor Phil Davies (Labour, Birkenhead & Tranmere)
Councillor Jean Stapleton (Labour, Birkenhead & Tranmere)
Councillor George Davies (Labour, Claughton)
Councillor Steve Foulkes (Labour, Claughton)
Councillor Denise Roberts (Labour, Claughton)
Councillor Alan Brighouse (Liberal Democrat, Oxton)
Councillor Stuart Kelly (Liberal Democrat, Oxton)
Councillor Pat Williams (Liberal Democrat, Oxton)
Councillor Paul Doughty (Labour, Prenton)
Councillor Tony Norbury (Labour, Prenton)
Councillor Denise Realey (Labour, Prenton)
Councillor Bill Davies (Labour, Rock Ferry)
Councillor Chris Meaden (Labour, Rock Ferry)
Councillor Moira McLaughlin (Labour, Rock Ferry)

Co-opted Member
Rt Hon Frank Field MP (Chair)

Wallasey Constituency Committee (18 councillors, 6 community representatives)

Councillor Ron Abbey (Labour, Leasowe and Moreton East)
Councillor Treena Johnson (Labour, Leasowe and Moreton East)
Councillor Anita Leech (Labour, Leasowe and Moreton East)
Councillor Matt Daniel (Labour, Liscard)
Councillor Bernie Mooney (Labour, Liscard)
Councillor Janette Williamson (Labour, Liscard)
Councillor Bruce Berry (Conservative, Moreton West and Saughall Massie)
Councillor Chris Blakeley (Conservative, Moreton West and Saughall Massie)
Councillor Steve Williams (Conservative, Moreton West and Saughall Massie)
Councillor Rob Gregson (Labour, New Brighton)
Councillor Pat Hackett (Labour, New Brighton)
Councillor Christine Spriggs (Labour, New Brighton)
Councillor Adrian Jones (Labour, Seacombe)
Councillor Chris Jones (Labour, Seacombe)
Councillor John Salter (Labour, Seacombe)
Councillor Leah Fraser (Conservative, Wallasey)
Councillor Paul Hayes (Conservative, Wallasey)
Councillor Lesley Rennie (Conservative, Wallasey)

Community Representatives
Mr Ken Harrison
Mr Brian Higgins
Mr Tony Jones
Mr Keith Raybould
Mr Paul Roberts
Mr Lewis Collins

Wirral South Constituency Committee (15 councillors, up to 6 community representatives)

Councillor Christina Muspratt (Labour, Bebington)
Councillor Walter Smith (Labour, Bebington)
Councillor Jerry Williams (Labour, Bebington)
Councillor Steve Niblock (Labour, Bromborough)
Councillor Joe Walsh (Labour, Bromborough)
Councillor Irene Williams (Labour, Bromborough)
Councillor Cherry Povall (Conservative, Clatterbridge)
Councillor Tracey Smith (Conservative, Clatterbridge)
Councillor Adam Sykes (Conservative, Clatterbridge)
Councillor Chris Carubia (Liberal Democrat, Eastham)
Councillor Phil Gilchrist (Liberal Democrat, Eastham)
Councillor Dave Mitchell (Liberal Democrat, Eastham)
Councillor Andrew Hodson (Conservative, Heswall)
Councillor Kathy Hodson (Conservative, Heswall)
Councillor Les Rowlands (Conservative, Heswall)

Community representatives

Wirral West Constituency Committee (15 councillors plus six co-opted community representatives)

Councillor Tom Anderson (Conservative, Greasby, Frankby & Irby)
Councillor Wendy Clements (Conservative, Greasby, Frankby & Irby)
Councillor Mike Hornby (Conservative, Greasby, Frankby & Irby)
Councillor Eddie Boult (Conservative, Hoylake & Meols)
Councillor Gerry Ellis (Conservative, Hoylake & Meols)
Councillor John Hale (Conservative, Hoylake & Meols)
Councillor Phillip Brightmore (Labour, Pensby & Thingwall)
Councillor Louise Reecejones (Labour, Pensby & Thingwall)
Councillor Michael Sullivan (Labour, Pensby & Thingwall)
Councillor Matthew Patrick (Labour, Upton)
Councillor Tony Smith (Labour, Upton)
Councillor Stuart Whittingham (Labour, Upton)
Councillor David Elderton (Conservative, West Kirby & Thurstaston)
Councillor Jeff Green (Conservative, West Kirby & Thurstaston)
Councillor Geoffrey Watt (Conservative, West Kirby & Thurstaston)

Community Representatives
Jackie Hall (Hoylake and Meols)
John Smith (Greasby, Frankby & Irby)
Lynn Collier (Pensby & Thingwall)
Elise Wong (Upton)
David Wade (West Kirby & Thurstaston)

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Lyndale School Consultation Meeting: questions about Stanley, Elleray, Foxfield & the educational psychologist (Part 4)

Lyndale School Consultation Meeting: questions about Stanley, Elleray, Foxfield & the educational psychologist (Part 4)

Lyndale School Consultation Meeting: questions about Stanley, Elleray, Foxfield & the educational psychologist (Part 4)


Continues from Lyndale School Consultation Meeting: questions about banding, outdoor space and Stanley School (Part 3).

The person asked a question referred to the one to one care that children were receiving at Lyndale School. Julia Hassall replied that that was part of the reason behind getting up to date assessments of each child was to ensure that if they had to transfer to a different school they would get exactly the same care that they get at Lyndale.

A parent said that since the last meeting they had visited Stanley School. She said, “The facilities there don’t get me wrong are absolutely fabulous, but I’d just like you to know I would be absolutely petrified to leave Scott there. I’m absolutely petrified.” and “my child would definitely not go to Elleray so the only other choice would be Stanley and it would be a massive, massive risks for Scott to go to that school.”

Phil Ward thanked her for her point.

The next question was about if anyone had spoken to the pediatricians of children at Lyndale. She said that there were children on hospital wards that might be suitable for Lyndale School but that nobody seemed to have asked the paediatricians or specialists if these children could go to Lyndale School.

Phil Ward answered, “Sorry I can’t speak for paediatricians, but surely the point..” was interrupted by the questioner asking again if anyone had asked the paediatricians to which he replied, “No, they have not, no is the answer to that.”

The next questioner referred to Julia Hassall’s statement earlier that there was a growing number of children with complex learning difficulties and referred to something that Andrew Roberts said at the call in. She asked what would happen when they can’t get into Stanley School? She said that the parents were categorically telling you that they don’t want to send their children to those schools.

Phil Ward asked if her first question was about how they’d respond to growing numbers? He said the question had come up a number of times and the answer was that Wirral Council has a responsibility on specialist provision. When there was evidence that the numbers were growing in any particular category then they would start discussions with schools to plan places.

The next questioner said that if they were providing up to two hundred and thirty places across Stanley and Elleray Park and those places were taken up by children transferring from Lyndale then wouldn’t there not be room for the expected increase in children with complex learning difficulties?

Phil Ward said that it was an ongoing process, as children were leaving for secondary school at the same time as children joining primary school the balance was shifting and changing all the time.

Someone asked what special arrangements that Wirral Council were making to gather the views of the children, almost all of whom had no conventional language whatsoever. He said that there were issues about friendships, relationships, their sense of place and security. As well as these there were issues about a safe environment to do with children with behavioural problems being mixed in with children who were very vulnerable with poor hand eye coordination and couldn’t protect themselves and anticipate danger. He said to find out what the children themselves would need special skills and special arrangements.

Julia Hassall responded, “This is why we’ve got our principal educational psychologist pulling together a group of meetings with the key staff involved with each child, the parents, any health professionals to really understand each individual child but also how the children interact with each other.”

The same person asked when that report would be available? Julia Hassall replied, “What will, they’re very specific to individual named children these meetings to get an update. So I think it would be breaching the confidentiality of the individual children but in terms of using that information to apply this SEN Improvement Test. That’s something we will absolutely make sure the needs of the children are put at the heart of that and this independent person Lynn Wright (I’m not sure of the exact spelling of this person’s name) will absolutely make sure that the needs of the children drive the future provision.”

Councillor Chris Carubia said that he was his understanding that if Lyndale was closed then the children would go to Elleray and Stanley, however nobody had mentioned Foxfield before?

Phil Ward answered, “In relation to, so, should a final decision be made about closure of the school”… “the children have got to go somewhere else. In terms of the legislation, we then would have a responsibility as a local authority then to engage in further conversations with each of the parents, not the parents as a group but each of the parents of each child that’s got a statement of special educational needs and that discussion will be had with each of the parents who may for their own reasons decide to express a preference potentially anywhere frankly. So there’s no presumption automatically that if the school were to close children would go to A, B or C. We’ve got to enter into that conversation.”

The next person referred to a visit to Stanley School and referred to it as a “brilliant building” but wasn’t sure whether it was “usable” and that it “felt like Manchester Airport”. A woman said that when she went to Stanley that it was a ninety place school but had a hundred children in it. She said that there were ten children at the school that were not funded and would this be sorted out if the Lyndale School children went to Stanley School? Andrew Roberts replied, “In terms of places at special schools, those decisions are taken annually. So the schools take it at a point in time, the decision taken in respect of Stanley was taken last November as a census. Clearly we need to be reviewing, as do the number of places at other special schools.” Phil Ward thanked him for his answer.

Continues at Lyndale School Consultation Meeting: questions about the sensory garden, resources, Elleray Park and Stanley (Part 5).

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