Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 1

This Planning Committee site visit was regarding planning application APP/11/00561 which has been decided at the Planning Committee meeting on 6th September. The site was a red brick former nursing home that was vacant. People present for the site visit went inside as it had started to rain. Cllr Elderton (the Chair) welcomed people to … Continue reading “Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 1”

This Planning Committee site visit was regarding planning application APP/11/00561 which has been decided at the Planning Committee meeting on 6th September.

The site was a red brick former nursing home that was vacant. People present for the site visit went inside as it had started to rain. Cllr Elderton (the Chair) welcomed people to the site visit and said it was for information gathering. The chair said he would ask an officer to introduce the application and then open it up to the Planning Committee for any questions. They would then go and see the rear of the property. The officer said it was a refurbishment and extension of the existing property which would lead to twenty-one two bedroom apartments. A section 106 agreement was proposed with the developer to secure affordable housing. There would be two three-storey extensions and three small single storey extensions with the lobby being demolished. Externally it would be hard landscaped and there would be a change to vehicle access. There would be nineteen spaces for cars. Dormer windows would also be added.

Cllr Kenny asked if the car park would be at the front? Cllr George Davies said it had been an increase from the original fifteen spaces. The officer said there would be three disabled spaces and there could be at most twenty-one spaces. There would also be a cycle storage facility. Cllr George Davies said he wanted to make one point as ward councillor and the person who asked for the site visit. He asked why he hadn’t been told when it was and why ward councillors hadn’t been informed? The Chair said he had got the list but couldn’t see Cllr George Davies’ name on it. He apologised to Cllr George Davies.

Planning Committee Site Visits

Further to the Planning Committee decision to have site visits for a number of applications the following have been agreed (all on the 5th September 2011):-

5th September 2011



1330 – APP/11/00645 – Land to north of BEAUFORT ROAD, and to the East of WALLASEY BRIDGE ROAD, WEST FLOAT BIRKENHEAD, CH41 1HG

You can find more information on each planning application by either reading the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting or by entering the planning application numbers in the Application Quick Search box on Wirral Council’s website.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 9 | Agenda item 4 – APP/11/00465 – FORMER HEAP AND PARTNERS SITE, LAND OFF NEWTON ROAD, HOYLAKE – Erection of 11 no. Supported Apartments, 2 no. Supported Bungalows and 8 no. Affordable Apartments| APP/11/00724 – 1 – 146 SANDBOURNE, STAVORDALE ROAD, MORETON – New build development of 7 no. two storey houses and 4 no. bungalows

Agenda item 4 was introduced as a mix of care and residential use with bungalows and two storey flats. There was screening for the development which would remove a non conforming use. Cllr Kelly asked about access to the site from two named roads. He said he had looked at it on Google Earth. He mentioned bollards and asked about vehicle access to the proposed site. He said there was no condition to bollard the entry which would need a Traffic Regulation Order to be processed. He asked for a condition to be added. Matthew Rushton said it was not as a specific condition but it would be best as a condition. The Chair said it was appropriate to have a condition regarding details of these facing the South-East. Cllr Kelly asked if this would remove permitted development rights. All councillors voted in favour, including the addition of the extra condition.

Item 6 had an amendment to the conditions. Cllr Mitchell and Johnson proposed. All were in favour.

Item 7 had been withdrawn.

Item 8 was proposed by Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Boult. All were in favour.

Item 9 had been agreed earlier in the meeting for a site visit.

Item 10 was proposed by Cllr Johnson and Cllr Mitchell.

The Chair commented that Cllr Realey had not been as vocal and vociferous as usual.

Item 10 was approved by all councillors.

Item 11 was proposed by Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Johnson and was approved.
Item 12 was proposed by Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Johnson and was approved.

Cllr Johnson asked what “sui generis” meant on page 70 on item 14. Unfortunately the planning officer didn’t turn his microphone on so I didn’t hear the answer.

Cllr Boult said he had a problem and wanted to discuss something in closed session without the press and public present. The Chair said it was unusual but agreed so the rest of the meeting considering any other business was held in closed session.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 8 | Agenda item 13 – SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT – REEDS LANE

The Chair said it would be dedicated to the hundred and forty households. He said it was better to consult these hundred and forty people asking under the circumstances whether they wanted it or not? He said “Everybody made mistakes”. Matthew Rushton said further consultation would come from the Parks and Countryside Service who have the money which was one option. Cllr Elderton asks for suggested solutions. He said he accepted a or b. Options a and b were proposed and seconded.

There was a vote which split along party lines. Seven councillors (Lib Dem and Labour) voted for option A. Five councillors voted against for option B. Therefore option A (The Local Planning Authority accepts the dedication of land and constructs a play area to the value of £56,000 (plus interest), on that portion of the site indicated at Appendix 1) was accepted.

Cllr Lewis asked if they would have to get planning permission. Matthew Rushton said it was permitted development so it didn’t require planning permission. It would be designed and they would apply for permission. The Chair said the original s.106 was flawed and this was retrospective. He was not happy it was a practical solution. Matthew Rushton said there would be a twelve month period as it would have to fit in with the work program. The Chair said they had spent a lot of time on it. Cllr Mitchell asked why as they had made the decision they hadn’t moved on to the next item? The Chair agreed that was the end of it.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 7 | Agenda item 13 – SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT – REEDS LANE

Cllr Bernie Mooney said there had been 26 residents opposed, but what about the other hundred, what if they say they want a play area, what are the legal implications? Cllr Elderton said this had been raised in the briefing. They were asking to take into account the views of twenty-six versus one hundred and forty. He said Cllr Lewis had concluded that everybody wants no play facility.

Cllr Lewis said the ward he represents was interesting electorally. He said the opposition outweighs the benefits and “the residents don’t want it”. Cllr Hayes pointed out the variation to the s.106 agreement regarding the water feature. Matthew Rushton said there had been an application to remove the water feature two years ago and a decision was made. The water feature had been put in because of its nature conservation value as it supported wildlife. However after the houses had been built its nature conservation value had decreased. There had been a planning application made with public consultation and it had not been part of a legal agreement. The legal adviser mentioned about maintaining the area.

The Chair said nobody was “smelling of roses”. However he said if it had gone ahead there would’ve been consultation on what it would have looked like. Matthew Rushton said if it proceeded the Parks and Countryside Service would do consultation. The wording of s.106 agreements usually required the developer to build something after a certain proportion of the housing had been completed. There was no deadline with relation to this case which was unusual and it didn’t rely on other things which was unique.

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