Standards Committee – 27th January 2011 – Part 2

The meeting moved onto consideration of item 4 Use of recording media at meetings (which had previously been discussed at the last Standards Committee meeting). Cllr Blakeley said that this had arisen because a councillor had taken a photo of another councillor and then reproduced it in a leaflet. He said the report “wasn’t what … Continue reading “Standards Committee – 27th January 2011 – Part 2”

The meeting moved onto consideration of item 4 Use of recording media at meetings (which had previously been discussed at the last Standards Committee meeting).

Cllr Blakeley said that this had arisen because a councillor had taken a photo of another councillor and then reproduced it in a leaflet. He said the report “wasn’t what was asked for” was a “waste of officer time” that should “go into the bin”. He said that they would “not close down this Council to members of the public” and that the “issue he had raised had not been dealt with”. Cllr Williams stated that no further action was needed or required. Cllr Jones said he had no strong views and agreed that Wirral Council should be open to the public. He was also concerned at the amount of officer time used.

Cllr Williams said it was a “sledgehammer to crack a nut” and that there were “unfortunate aspects” that were “totally unnecessary”. Officer time had been spent unnecessarily on this. Cllr Blakeley called on elected members to behave appropriately.

It was agreed that no further action be taken.

John Brace said “As someone who writes on this blog, on other websites and in print about decisions made by politicians at public meetings at Wallasey Town Hall, this report if agreed would’ve meant any journalist or citizen reporting on meetings would’ve had to agree not to be critical of councillors, hand over all their material (video, tape or other recordings) and ask for permission to report many days in advance. If they hadn’t complied with these draconian restrictions they would’ve been expelled from the meeting. I am glad these illiberal restrictions on freedom of speech and the press have not been agreed.”

Looking back – Top ten most popular stories

Looking back – Top ten most popular stories

Looking back – Top ten most popular stories


In a matter of weeks this blog has been viewed over a thousand times (which compared to the traffic other new (and established) blogs get is quite astounding).

The most popular pages have been the homepage (naturally) and a page about myself. The top ten most popular stories have been:-

1. A story about housing policy, Wirral Partnership Homes and a Labour Party donation
2. A story about another Lib Dem policy announcing that ID cards have finally been scrapped
3. A report of a full Council meeting featuring one of my local Labour councillors
4. A report on the Cabinet meeting of the 14th October last year as well as the twists and turns of the Sail Project
5. A report on the Planning Committee Site Visit to Upton Road, Bidston
6. Yesterday’s story about councillors visiting Tam O’Shanter Farm (just up the road)
7. A story about the satellite tracking of gritters
8. Freedom of Speech & Censorship – Time Labour said sorry for the cuts
9. Wirral’s Future: Be a Part of It – the massive public consultation last year
10. Standards and why we need them at Wirral Council

Planning Committee – 25th January 2011 – Part 6 – Liverpool Waters – Consultation by Liverpool City Council Update – Report on Wirral Waters and Section 106 Agreement. Latest Position on RSS and the Views of the Secretary of State

Agenda item 11 was in three parts, the report, appendix 1 and appendix 2.

There were two recommendations in the report at 19.1 and 19.2. These were in relation to the Liverpool Waters and Wirral Waters projects and are below:-

19.1 Members are requested to note the decision by the Secretary of State
not to intervene further in the planning application W/OUT/2009/06509,
the current position in relation to regional planning policy, update of the
106 Legal Agreement, and the submission of the Liverpool Waters

19.2 Members are requested to endorse this report which concludes that
there are no material considerations arising from the above that give
grounds for revising the decision of Planning Committee in relation to
planning application W/OUT/2009/06509 or the proposed planning
conditions and associated s.106 Legal Agreements.

Further information about the Wirral Waters project can be found here. It should bring jobs and benefits to the people of Bidston & St. James. Due to a lawsuit regarding the Regional Spatial Strategy no decision had been issed over the planning application.

So the Planning Committee had to reconsider the Wirral Waters application, taking (this time) into account the material considerations contained within the Regional Spatial Strategy.

Cllr Mitchell proposed both recommendations, he was seconded by Cllr Elderton. All councillors voted for the Wirral Waters scheme and Wirral Council’s response regarding Liverpool Waters.

Item 11a delegated decisions (these are made by council employees rather than Planning Committe members. There was one for Bidston & St. James which was permission for an advertising sign at 48 Hoylake Road. There was no AOB and the Chair thanked people for attending.

Planning Committee – 25th January 2011 – Part 5 – APP/10/01303 – Derelict site, Dock Road North, Bromborough – Relocation of plots 12-18 and 46-54 inclusive due to existing and proposed drainage basement routes, the widening of all footpaths to 2m and omission of grassed service verges (Minor Amendment to planning permission APP/2010/00672)

Item 9 was APP/10/01303 – Derelict site, Dock Road North, Bromborough – Relocation of plots 12-18 and 46-54 inclusive due to existing and proposed drainage basement routes, the widening of all footpaths to 2m and omission of grassed service verges(Minor Amendment to planning permission APP/2010/00672).

Cllr Brighouse asked as this was adjacent to the landfill at Bromborough Dock had there been no undertaking regarding landscaping?

Cllr Mitchell answered that once complete there would be 39 conditions regarding the covering and a Planning Inspector had included a condition regarding topsoil. Cllr Mitchell proposed the application, seconded by Cllr Elderton. All were in favour so it was approved.

Planning Committee – 25th January 2011 – Part 4 – Items 7/8 – APP/10/01206 – Land bounded by Bedford Road to north, New Chester Road to east and Nelson Road to south, Rock Ferry – erection of 78 houses and 57 apartments (extension to OUT/2006/7396) & APP/10/01205 – Land bounded by Bedford Road to north, New Chester Road to east and Nelson Road to south, Rock Ferry – erection of 148 houses (extension to OUT/2006/7397)

Item 7 – APP/10/01206 – Land bounded by Bedford Road to north, New Chester Road to east and Nelson Road to south, Rock Ferry – erection of 78 houses and 57 apartments (extension to OUT/2006/7396) and item 8 – APP/10/01205 – Land bounded by Bedford Road to north, New Chester Road to east and Nelson Road to south, Rock Ferry – erection of 148 houses(extension to OUT/2006/7397) were considered together.

This was part of the Fiveways Masterplan area which would extend the previous consents. A Lib Dem councillor asked if the reserved matters would also be considered by the Planning Committee. The answer given was not necessarily, unless asked for. The Lib Dem councillor expressed concern as the application did not include the design. This councillor said it didn’t do any favours to the local community or town.

Cllr Salter said he had spent quite some time in Rock Ferry and it was looking nice. The old buildings had been taken away and it was absolutely beautiful. He was asked if it would be a similar design by the councillor he said yes.

The Chair said he had noticed the development from the railway line and that it would change the whole area. He proposed approval, which was seconded by Cllr Salter. Items 7 and 8 were unanimously approved by all councillors.