Do you like green fields and weeds, or is it better to meet people’s housing needs?
Do you like green fields and weeds,
or is it better to meet people’s housing needs?
The officers wanted green fields and weeds,
they did not want to meet people’s housing needs.
The local councillor said we want bungalows here and there,
and that she didn’t want dog fouling anywhere.
Kids will have to play where we want,
we blame all this on the government!
Cllr Kelly wanted the green fields and weeds to stay,
was he going to vote with Labour, no way!
Cllr Kenny did not want dog fouling here or there,
he didn’t want dog fouling anywhere.
He did not want green fields and weeds,
he wanted bungalows to meet people’s needs.
Cllr Realey asked if the green field was assessed for housing?
No, the officers said, who she was rousing.
We do not want to meet people’s housing needs,
we’d prefer to keep green fields and weeds.
The vote was taken to approve the plans,
Nine councillors voted for with their hands,
Four councillors voted against,
So the building of bungalows will be commenced.
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