Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 2

A resident introduced herself as Jean Whalley and said she lived at the back. She said three houses would be affected by the dormer windows and there was a lot of concern in the local neighbourhood. The Chair, Cllr Elderton said they would look outside, but it would be decided tomorrow night. The petitioner said … Continue reading “Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 2”

A resident introduced herself as Jean Whalley and said she lived at the back. She said three houses would be affected by the dormer windows and there was a lot of concern in the local neighbourhood.

The Chair, Cllr Elderton said they would look outside, but it would be decided tomorrow night. The petitioner said she had other concerns but was mainly concerned about the apartments. The Chair said this was not the purpose of the site visit.

An officer said she would have an opportunity tomorrow. He said this was for councillors to see the site and that the people who live here was not a planning issue.

Cllr Davies said that for children brought up here there was no play area and a busy main road. The Chair said these were matters for debate tomorrow when he would have an opportunity to speak. Everyone went outside to the side of the building.

Cllr Mitchell asked if the fire escape would be retained internally. The architect confirmed this. The petitioner asked if the car park would be here, the architect confirmed that some of the spaces would be here. Comment was made about a recent theft of lead from the roof. People then went to the back of the building.

Cllr Davies said the main thing the residents were objecting about were the dormers. He said the house behind looks straight into a bedroom and that he’d been round to see. To alleviate this the windows could be made opaque. It was asked when the building was constructed, the answer given was the mid 1980s.

Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 1

This Planning Committee site visit was regarding planning application APP/11/00561 which has been decided at the Planning Committee meeting on 6th September.

The site was a red brick former nursing home that was vacant. People present for the site visit went inside as it had started to rain. Cllr Elderton (the Chair) welcomed people to the site visit and said it was for information gathering. The chair said he would ask an officer to introduce the application and then open it up to the Planning Committee for any questions. They would then go and see the rear of the property. The officer said it was a refurbishment and extension of the existing property which would lead to twenty-one two bedroom apartments. A section 106 agreement was proposed with the developer to secure affordable housing. There would be two three-storey extensions and three small single storey extensions with the lobby being demolished. Externally it would be hard landscaped and there would be a change to vehicle access. There would be nineteen spaces for cars. Dormer windows would also be added.

Cllr Kenny asked if the car park would be at the front? Cllr George Davies said it had been an increase from the original fifteen spaces. The officer said there would be three disabled spaces and there could be at most twenty-one spaces. There would also be a cycle storage facility. Cllr George Davies said he wanted to make one point as ward councillor and the person who asked for the site visit. He asked why he hadn’t been told when it was and why ward councillors hadn’t been informed? The Chair said he had got the list but couldn’t see Cllr George Davies’ name on it. He apologised to Cllr George Davies.

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 11 – Step Up to Social Work – Cohort 2 – Outcome of Procurement Process

Having earlier declared a prejudicial interest in this item Cllr Phil Davies vacated the Chair and room during consideration of the report into Step Up to Social Work – Cohort 2 – Outcome of Procurement Process.

Cllr George Davies took the Chair in his absence. David Armstrong said the report was an acceptance of the tender contract. This covered the first cohort, but they would seek approval before subsequent reletting. Wirral Council was the lead member for nine authorities. The value was given in the appendix. Cllr Ann McLachlan said she was satisfied with the tender process and that they were the lead authority for the Learn Together Partnership. She said was absolutely fine. The report was accepted.

Cllr Phil Davies returned and said there were no items of Any Other Business. The press and public were asked to leave so the Cabinet could consider the exempt appendices in relation to the Assistive Technology Tender and Step Up to Social Work – Cohort 2 report as well as a request for financial assistance in the form of a grant to a company.

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 10 – Planned Property Maintenance 2011/12, Library Information Screens, Solar Photovoltaic Project, Tender Outcome for Assistive Technology

Bill Norman said he was happy to take any questions on the Planned Property Maintenance 2011/12 report and Appendix. Cllr Phil Davies said he felt he had earned a transfer. The report was agreed.

Ian Coleman introduced the next report on Library Information Screens and said it was an extension to an existing contract. Cllr Meaden said she had “no problem whatsoever” and the report was agreed.

Bill Norman talked about the Solar Photovoltaic Project report and said that the viability of feed-in tariff was subject to review. The concern was about using it for commercial purposes. 4.13 outlined some changes to the program. Cllr Brian Kenny said it had been deferred from the 21st July and this was the third draft. He said the draft was now more cautious and a sensible way forward. Cllr Phil Davies said it was a good example of the sort of project that led to carbon reduction and financial savings. It was agreed.

The next report was on the Tender Outcome for Assistive Technology. The existing contract started in 2008 and ran to October 2011. Cllr Phil Davies recommended that it be read with the exempt appendix, however they were not to name the company. Bill Norman said they could name the company. Cllr Phil Davies asked Bill Norman to name the company. McWain Smart was named by Bill Norman. Cllr Ann McArdle said it was welcome, but they wanted more resources to put into it. The report was agreed.

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 9 – Community Asset Transfer (Update), Community Asset Transfer – Various Properties

Bill Norman introduced the next report (Community Asset Transfer – Update) and Appendix A and Appendix B and said as a footnote that Heswall Hall had been completed today. Cllr Adrian Jones asked about the cost implications at 2.2. Bil Norman replied that if the transfers ran out of time they would have to use Community Fund money, however this would have to be agreed with Wirral Partnership Homes. He did see this as something reasonable and that could be achieved. However funding was only guaranteed until March.

Cllr Adrian Jones then referred to page 83, section 5.1 specifically the reference to the gap between £5.25 million and £4.8 million. Cllr Harry Smith declared a personal interest and asked what they thought the prospects were for Beechwood Recreation Centre. Bill Norman said he was awaiting a business case. Cllr Phil Davies said it would extend beyond 2012, improving the much-needed support to the community groups keen to take over. They would use financial help as proposed in 6.2 onwards. The remaining buildings would be transferred when ready and according to business plans. He was keen for as much support as possible for everybody who wants to be involved. The report’s recommendations were agreed.

The next item also introduced by Bill Norman was Community Asset Transfer – Various Properties, CAT – Various, CAT – New Ferry Village Hall, CAT – Westbourne, CAT – Kylemore Plan, CAT – Woodchurch Community Centre and CAT – Pensby Community Centre. Bill Norman said it detailed four properties in the list, with Pensby being the precursor. Cllr Phil Davies asked Cllr Adrian Jones if he had anything to add, he didn’t. Cllr Davies said they were content to agree the report.