Cathcart Street Primary School – Cabinet will decide on £1.8 million investment next Thursday

It’s always good to have a good news story about matters in Bidston & St. James. Next Thursday at Wallasey Town Hall Wirral’s Cabinet, made up of Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors will decide whether to spend £1.8 million on Cathcart Street Primary School. As reported on this blog last year the decision to close … Continue reading “Cathcart Street Primary School – Cabinet will decide on £1.8 million investment next Thursday”

It’s always good to have a good news story about matters in Bidston & St. James. Next Thursday at Wallasey Town Hall Wirral’s Cabinet, made up of Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors will decide whether to spend £1.8 million on Cathcart Street Primary School.

As reported on this blog last year the decision to close nearby Cole Street Primary School will mean some of its pupils will be joining Cathcart Street Primary School.

A detailed Scheme and Estimate Report, picture of what the proposed changes will look like, compared to the current building, existing floor plan and proposed altered floor plan are all available to view by following these links.

If approved next Thursday and agreed by the Planning Committee (or planning officers), work will start in May and (hopefully) be complete by the time of the next school year in September. Due to the closure of nearby St. Laurence’s Primary School, if this scheme is agreed the existing Children’s Centre at St. Laurence’s will be relocated to the Cathcart Primary School site. This scheme includes:-

  • Alterations and small extensions to improve the pupil toilet and cloakroom provision
  • Dry lining the existing internal walls to conceal the exposed brickwork and block-work and to improve acoustic properties
  • Alterations to the internal room layout to provide practical resource areas adjacent to classrooms and to improve internal circulation
  • Provision of a hygiene room for pupils with disabilities
  • Improved office and reception facilities and a new entrance area
  • Refurbishment of all toilet provision for both pupils and staff
  • Redecoration and new floor finishes throughout
  • Replacement of the existing high level clerestory windows
  • Complete replacement of the roof covering with improved insulation levels to reduce heat loss
  • A secure external covered play area adjacent to the Foundation classrooms
  • Replacement boilers and heat emitters
  • Additional classroom ventilation
  • New energy efficient lighting
  • New fire and intruder alarms
  • CCTV security system
  • New fencing throughout to improve the security and appearance of the site

In yet another good news story for Cathcart Street, Lib Dem MPs in government have agreed to give schools an extra £430/year for every child on free school meals and those in foster care or who have been adopted. This extra money, which will go directly to schools will mean over £5 million extra money being spent across Wirral helping schools such as Cathcart Street and other schools in Bidston & St. James.

Arrowe Park & Clatterbridge closed to visitors (again)

Due to another outbreak of the norovirus, visiting has once again been suspended. This also affects Clatterbridge hospital (with the exception of the Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology).

Dr Katy Kidd, director of infection control said: “Anyone who suspects they may have norovirus, or has been in contact with someone who has it, should not visit local hospitals, GP surgeries or care homes. People should not go back to work until 48 hours after the symptoms have settled to avoid the spread.”

The situation will be reassessed at 5pm, on Monday, January 31.

Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 15 – Chief Executive

Cllr Holbrook suggested they use North West Employers. The officer answered that was part of the subscription.

Cllr Green said he had written something down and read out the motion (which wasn’t circulated to the members of the public present).

His motion proposed a subcommittee in the proportion 2:2:1. It was agreed it was not appropriate to share a Chief Executive. The Head of Human Resources would consult with the subcommittee and it would be advertised at a salary of ~£130,000. The subcommittee’s duties would be advertising, job description, timetable/selection and a recommendation to Council. There would be no external consultants, but a local Chief Executive would be used as an external adviser.

Labour said they would agree to the motion if he removed the word local.

Cllr Bridson mentioned something else. She said a shared Chief Executive would’ve let to the furore over a shared MP. The officer said there was a robust performance management process. Cllr Mitchell seconded Cllr Green’s motion. It was agreed the makeup of the committee would be the Labour leader, Labour Deputy Leader, Conservative Leader and Conservative Deputy Leader and Lib Dem Leader.

Cllr Bridson confirmed that that was agreed unanimously. There was no item of non-exempt AOB. The motion to exclude the press and public from the remainder of the meeting was then passed and the press and public left.

The other items on the agenda considered in a closed session were allegations against employees, and early voluntary retirement/voluntary severance requests.

Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 14 – Chief Executive

Cllr Davies said he took a slightly different view, but would not push it to a vote. He said if they involving recruitment people that they would have a wide knowledge of the pool of talent. In addition they would have a knowledge of contracts in the private sector and local government.

He said they would benefit from consulting a chief executive or retired chief executive. He said it was the most important appointment that will be made and it is worth the investment. He said it should be based on consensus and this was also essential to go down this route. In an ideal world they would find a breadth of expertise and knowledge that a recruitment consultancy form could bring to the table which would lead to a better appointment.

Cllr McLaughlin asked as a point of info that there didn’t sem much difference in cost between the two forms of advertising and using an external adviser.

An officer answered for clarity that the amount was only for the online section of The Times. A search consultant would be over and above the costs in the report. The cost depended on the advice. Maybe a local Chief Executive could be used. It would depend on availability and choice.

Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 13 – Chief Executive

Cllr Davies said he accepted that. He hoped the appointment would be a success. There have been examples elsewhere and he made an assurance that it would be a permanent appointment. He then went on do talk about performance management, delivery and details.

Cllr Green said there was consensus, but he would start from the top. A clear appraisal would be really good and would refresh minds and whether it was necessary or right. There could be tweaking but this is what we expect. Cllr Davies agreed and the discussion moved onto timescale.

Cllr Green said another issue was the use of external consultants to which he had given some though. He didn’t believe they were needed as such over the selection process. However they could provide support with longlisting as well as supporting Chris and the people on the subcommittee. Their expertise and professionalism would be welcome in weeding out dodgy applications from those with a track record of success.

Cllr Holbrook asked for the committee’s views on consultants. He said they didn’t need them with regard to search, but will need support as the application process progresses from longlisting to shortlisting. There would be a mix of internal and external applicants. There was a level of difficulty for staff in giving fair and impartial advice. His view was that HR staff could access independent, impartial support and advice to assist. If it was with consultants it was a better economy. Support was necessary and he said we must make sure we take the necessary steps.