Timber – Nuisance Tree removed, Feltree House, Farmfield Drive, Beechwood

Following the closure of Feltree House care home in December 2008, Wirral Council applied to itself to demolish the buildings on the site on the 25th June 2010. Wirral Council told itself that planning permission (DEM/10/00797) wasn’t required on the 23rd July 2010 and demolition was carried out between 26th July 2010 and the 29th … Continue reading “Timber – Nuisance Tree removed, Feltree House, Farmfield Drive, Beechwood”

Feltree House, Farmfield Drive, Beechwood

Following the closure of Feltree House care home in December 2008, Wirral Council applied to itself to demolish the buildings on the site on the 25th June 2010. Wirral Council told itself that planning permission (DEM/10/00797) wasn’t required on the 23rd July 2010 and demolition was carried out between 26th July 2010 and the 29th August 2010.

After the site was cleared the Feltree House site was sold by Wirral Council to Liverpool Housing Trust. On the 9th October a resident in Ladyfield got in touch with the Liberal Democrat Action Team about a very large sycamore tree overshadowing the gardens in Ladyfield and blocking light to the rear of properties on the South side of Ladyfield.

I wrote to Ian Brand, Head of Asset Management at Wirral Council who informed me it had been recently sold to Liverpool Housing Trust. I then contacted Liverpool Housing Trust, who initially stated they didn’t own any properties called Feltree House and suggested I get in touch with the Beechwood and Ballantyne Community Housing Ltd instead.

However Beechwood and Ballantyne Community Housing Ltd didn’t own the Feltree House site. The Liberal Democrat Action Team persisted and wrote back to Liverpool Housing Trust, who wrote back on the 25th November acknowledging that they did own Feltree House and agreed to a meeting on site with the residents to discuss the problem and their approach.

A meeting was held with Liverpool Housing Trust, the residents and the Liberal Democrat Action Team on the 6th December 2010. At this meeting Liverpool Housing Trust explained their plans for the site (new housing) and agreed that the tree would have to be removed and were puzzled why it hadn’t been removed when the site had been cleared.

Before removing the tree, they had to check if there was a Tree Preservation Order on it first. They did however agree to remove it (if there wasn’t a TPO) by the time it came back into leaf in the Spring.

In February 2011, Liverpool Housing Trust confirmed that the tree at Feltree didn’t have a Tree Preservation Order. They also stated that in October 2010 their employee had confirmed they didn’t have a property at Feltree House and not a piece of land called Feltree House. At this point they couldn’t give a specific date when the tree would come down.

Many months went past and the tree didn’t come down. However the resident was persistent in following it up (with myself) and Liverpool Housing Trust and eventually the tree (as you can see from the photo) was (eventually) cut down.

Although it is sad to see any tree go, the residents of Ladyfield can now enjoy their gardens and houses again and enjoy the Summer sunshine!

Pension Committee 27/6/2011 – Part 1 Introductions, Declarations of Interest, election of Vice-Chair, Local Government Chronicle Investment Conference (Newport)

The agenda for tonight’s Pension Committee meeting is here.

The Chair said the sound equipment wasn’t working and welcomed people to the first meeting of 2011/2012. He asked those present to introduce themselves. After introductions he asked for declarations of interest. Cllr George Davies declared that his wife was a member of the Fund and that he chaired a Merseyside Board. He also asked if he needed to declare an interest every time or whether it could be recorded and him not needing to do so.

The Chair said he had to declare personal or prejudicial interests in relation to the pension committee agenda.

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

There were two nominations for Vice-Chair, Cllr Cherry Povall and Cllr Ann McLachlan. The vote on Cllr Ann McLachlan was held first. There were five votes for (Cllr Ann McLachlan forgot to vote, but tried to after the votes had been counted), five votes against. The Chair had a casting vote and voted against. Therefore Cllr Cherry Povall was elected as Vice-Chair.

Item 4 was about the Local Government Chronicle Investment Conference in Newport. The Chair asked people if they were going. Cllr Harney said he wasn’t able to go but sending people was valuable. The Chair said he was willing. Cllr McLachlan said she was not available. Cllr Jones asked about the spare place. Cllr Harry Smith said he had “got things to do”. Cllr McLachlan suggested those on the committee were consulted by email so they could consult their diaries, it was agreed it would be delegated to officers.

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 Library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 3

A member of the public asked in reference to the minutes about patient representatives and how people got engaged. They felt there was no opportunity to be engaged in the changing nature of affairs. Unfortunately Dr. Mantgani wasn’t present to answer.

At 6:40pm Cllr McLachlan arrived.

Cllr Foulkes answered that the structure was changing with a Health & Wellbeing Board. There would be democratic access and he was confident the Wirral Council would be looking at the structure. He said it may have lay representatives but he wasn’t 100% sure. The Health Scrutiny Board could make representations to that. There would be scrutiny of health and he promised access to the public.

Paul Smith said there were NHS Trust governor elections in the next few weeks and you could put your name forward. Cllr Roberts asked how it had been publicised. The answer given was in the newspapers and on the website.

Michelle Gray said there were a couple of issues on page 7. Any issues raised had received a response from the relevant department. There was concern regarding the Boundary Road pedestrian refuge island which will be monitored. The dumped rubbish was hopefully cleared up. There had been £55000 assigned for grit bins with an allocation of ten bins per a ward (twenty for this Area Forum). There had been 300 requests for new and additional bins.

The Highways Inspectors had been out and the one “nicked” from Borough Road had been replaced. Another four or five were stolen or missing which Technical Services was “looking into”. There was a register for the highways structural maintenance program which was gathering information for 2012/2013. People could either put suggestions on the register or see her at the end of the meeting.

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 Library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 2

Cllr Foulkes continued by saying that Wirral is a diverse borough of haves and have nots with lots of deprived areas, from the millionaires of Caldy and in between bits of everything. However they faced tough financial times, every spending decision should be made as close as possible to where it had effect. Resources could be moved around. However Wirral council had lost £54 million [which he corrected to £51 million] from its budget for this year, 1200 staff and more had to go. The current budget projects to Cabinet predicted they would lose £20.8 million in 2012-2013. It was a tough task with little money to spend. It had to spent not on a night out but a meal in. This was a simple message. He would be leaving by ten past seven to go to the Leasowe Estate to make himself available. If anyone wanted to get in touch his email address is stevefoulkes@wirral.gov.uk . He said he looked forward to serving as he had done previously. Although this Area Forum was all Labour councillors, some wards had mixed representation where he would work with the other two parties. He said he had been around a long time, but didn’t know the areas in depth. He wanted to spend every penny in the right way to satisfy people’s needs.

The minutes were agreed except for a few minor changes. One person had been omitted from those present. At the bottom of page 4 and top of page 5 million should read billion. £1.4 million to £1.4 billion and £8.6 million to £8.6 billion. After the amendments they were accepted as a true record.

Area Forum – 8/6/2011 Bidston & Claughton, 8/6/2011 starting at 6.30pm, library, University Academy Birkenhead (formerly Park High) Part 1

Present: Cllr George Davies (Claughton)
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Claughton)
Cllr Denise Roberts (Claughton)
Cllr Jim Crabtree
Also: Lucy Beed
Michelle Gray
Ian Brand
Jim Thompson
Community Patrol
Police representative
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
+ members of the public

The Chair Cllr Roberts welcomed those present to the Area Forum and introduced those present. Ian Brand was the lead officer, Cllr Foulkes was a Claughton councillor and Leader of Wirral Council. Cllr Davies was also a Claughton councillor. Lucy Beed was there from planning and customer engagement. Gary Cummings was there from Streetscene, Jim Thompson introduced himself. So did a person from the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service but I didn’t manage to catch their name. A sergeant from Laird Street was also there as well as Cllr Crabtree and Michelle Gray.

Apologies had been received from Jean McIntosh (community representative), Dr. Abi Mantgani (NHS), Pat Landsborough (community representative)

Cllr Foulkes said that he was going to every Area Forum and introducing himself as the new Leader of Wirral Council. He wanted people to approach him directly. The Area Forums when created had drifted away from their original aims in devolving power and resources. He wanted a good turnout at meetings and for Area Forums to be revived. Area Forums would play a huge part in owning Neighbourhood Plans. By December Bidston & St. James/Claughton Area Forum would have its own neighbourhood plan, which would influence himself as Council Leader regarding the area’s needs and priorities.