Chief Fire Officer recommends new fire station at Saughall Massie and closure of fire stations at West Kirby and Upton

Chief Fire Officer recommends new fire station at Saughall Massie and closure of fire stations at West Kirby and Upton

Chief Fire Officer recommends new fire station at Saughall Massie and closure of fire stations at West Kirby and Upton


Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015). Kieran Timmins (Deputy Chief Executive) is on the right.
Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015)

There are four agenda items on the agenda of next week’s Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority public meeting that relate to the decision about the future of West Kirby Fire Station and Upton Fire Station.

First (item 3) is a petition asking for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority to “Stop the building of the Fire Station in Saughall Massie and the destruction of precious green belt land”. At the time of writing this petition on the website has 321 signatures. The comments of the signatories can be read here.

According to section 11.3 of the constitution for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority:

“The presentation of a petition shall be limited to not more than 5 minutes and shall be confined to reading out or summarising the subject of the petition indicating the number and description of the signatories, and making such further supporting remarks relevant to the petition as the person presenting it shall think fit.”

Item 4 is a “deputation in relation to the merger of Upton and West Kirby fire stations”. This is described on the agenda as “To consider a deputation of Wirral residents and Councillors concerning the proposed merger of Upton and West Kirby Fire Stations at the site identified in Saughall Massie.”

Section 11.4 to 11.7 of the constitution deal with the procedure for deputations:

“11.4 Any person likely to be affected by a matter in relation to which the Authority has functions, (other than employees in relation to matters of conditions of service) may ask that a deputation should be received by a meeting of the Authority. Such a request shall be made to the Proper Officer at least seven working days before the meeting to which it relates. The person making the request shall indicate the matter to which the request relates, the number (which shall not be more than five names and addresses of the persons who will form the deputation, and the member or members of the deputation who will speak for them).

11.5 On being called by the Person Presiding, the person or persons speaking for the deputation may make, during a period not exceeding five minutes, such remarks as she/he or they think fit, providing that the remarks shall relate to the matter indicated.

11.6 The Members of the Authority may, during a further period not exceeding five minutes for each deputation, ask questions of the members of the deputation. Such questions shall be asked and
answered without discussion.

11.7 Petitions shall be presented, and deputations received in the order in which notice of them is received by the Proper Officer, without making any distinction between petitions and deputations.”

Agenda item 7 is titled Wirral West Fire Cover Consultation 2 outcomes. The reports for this agenda item come to 236 pages!

Finally agenda item 8 (operational response savings options for Wirral) is the agenda item when an actual decision will be made.

This agenda item comprises of a report detailing the Chief Fire Officer’s recommendations to councillors (the following is quoted from the report and is the Chief Fire Officer’s recommendation (Wirral MBC stands for Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council and fire appliance means fire engine):

“a. approve the merger of Upton and West Kirby fire stations at a new station on Saughall Massie Road, subject to agreement from Wirral MBC to transfer ownership of the land to the Authority and the granting of planning permission;

b. approve the relocation of the West Kirby fire appliance to Upton to be crewed wholetime retained as an interim measure prior to the construction of the new station

c. amend the capital programme to incorporate the Saughall Massie fire station scheme; and

d. give delegated authority to the Chief Fire Officer (CFO) to continue discussions with partners, including Merseyside Police and North West Ambulance Service, with a view to sharing the new building.”

There are of course other options that are in theory available to councillors (but I’ll make it clear these are options which the Chief Fire Officer doesn’t recommend). These other options include the outright closure of West Kirby Fire Station and the relocation of the West Kirby fire engine to Upton Fire Station.

Due to the sheer volume of responses to this consultation, whatever I write below is going to leave something out. However I will do my best to summarise some of the responses to the consultation.

I had better also declare an interest at this point, as in the report on press articles/letters to the press on page 4 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority have included the blog post I wrote on the 20th April 2015 headlined Public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie on proposed new fire station (along with three comments written by Alan Dransfield, keef666 and Jean).

The people of Saughall Massie are opposed to a fire station being built at the proposed site (currently owned by Wirral Council) on Saughall Massie Road. There are a variety of reasons given ranging from traffic, green belt issues, noise/disturbance and concerns that building on the Saughall Massie Road site is inadvisable due to regular flooding.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service paid Opinion Research Services £19,195.00 (a spin out company of Swansea University) to do a report for the consultation. Their 49 page report details the results of a range of polling techniques including focus groups, a forum and a postal residents survey.

The deliberative forum for Saughall Massie found opposition to a new fire station there. Most of the group they asked from Upton were also opposed to the use of a greenbelt site at Saughall Massie, but at the same time supported a new fire station in the Saughall Massie area. The West Kirby group & the all Wirral forum were in favour of the Saughall Massie site being used for a new fire station. However ORS does state “deliberative forums cannot be certified as statistically representative samples of public opinion”.

A postal questionnaire was also sent out by ORS to 10,000 households (5,000 to the West Kirby Fire Station area and 5,000 to the Upton Fire Station area). Out of the 1,351 postal questionnaires that were returned a majority in both Upton (51%) and West Kirby (70%) areas went for option one (merging Upton and West Kirby fire stations by building a new fire station in Saughall Massie).

However these findings come with caveats as ORS also state:

“However, consultation is not a numbers game, in which the majority view necessarily prevails (like in a referendum), so the Fire Authority will wish to consider carefully all the arguments, evidence and considerations relevant to this case before taking its decision based upon its assessment of the public good.”

Here are some quotes from the members of the public that responded to the consultation and a link to the full 40 page document:

“As a resident of West Kirby and a mother of three young children I object to the proposals to close West Kirby fire station.

This is a ridiculous and dangerous proposal and directly increases the risk of death, from a house fire, to my family.”

“Also please provide a credible reason as to why, in a democratic and fair society, the residents of Saughall Massie’s overwhelming feelings of resistance to this proposed fire station are being overridden by the local Labour Council when equal or lesser feelings of resistance by those in Greasby were considered in full and their request to reject the proposed building of this facility (on a brown field site) was granted.”

“I live next to Saughall Massie Road and during the morning and evening “rush hours” it’s very heavily congested to a far greater extent than other local roads at these times. ”

“I object to the proposed fire station in Saughall Massie because:-

  • lives could be lost as Saughall Massie Road is already congested. Between 8am and 9.30am Mon-Fri – severe congestion
  • no open space for dogs & horses to run free
  • our properties will de-value
  • damage to wildlife habitats”

“Re Fire Station Saughall Massie Road

I would like to register my disapproval at the above. Building on Greenbelt land is out of order.”

“I would hope that you agree that Monday night’s fiasco did not satisfy the criteria as a meaningful consultation exercise. Having said that, you must be aware that the overwhelming views of the residents, both inside and on the pavement outside, was that this development does not take place at all within our precious ‘Green Belt’.”

Proposal for a fire station, Saughall Massie, Wirral

I am writing to express my concerns over the proposal to build a fire station on the greenbelt land at Saughall Massie. I live directly opposite the suggested site and am disappointed to learn of this proposal which I personally use at least twice a day to both exercise my dog and meet up with other local residents. There is also a great deal of wildlife and the beautiful Jenny’s Wood. There are water voles, bats, owls to name a few and I am sure that many of these beautiful creatures will be affected by this build if it goes ahead.

I wish to register that I am totally opposed to the build and wish my feelings to be noted.”

The Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority will make a decision on the future of the fire stations at Upton and West Kirby at a public meeting starting at 1.00pm on Tuesday 30th June 2015 in the Liverpool Suite, ground floor, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters, Bridle Road, Bootle, L30 4YD. The agenda and reports for that meeting can be found on their website.

If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this article with other people.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service had Upton Fire Station valued for insurance purposes at £1.1 million and West Kirby Fire Station at £1.085 million in March 2015

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service had Upton Fire Station valued for insurance purposes at £1.1 million and West Kirby Fire Station at £1.085 million in March 2015

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service had Upton Fire Station valued for insurance purposes at £1.1 million and West Kirby Fire Station at £1.085 million in March 2015


Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015). Kieran Timmins (Deputy Chief Executive) is on the right.
Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015)

Information revealed through a recent Freedom of Information Act request shows that Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service paid a firm of chartered surveyors to value both Upton and West Kirby fire stations in March 2015.

Upton Fire Station was valued for insurance purposes at £1.1 million (with a Depreciated Replacement Cost valuation of £590,000) with West Kirby Fire Station insurance purposes value was £1.085 million (with a Depreciated Replacement Cost valuation of £685,000).

The valuation also revealed that Upton Fire Station has an estimated economic lifespan of ten years and West Kirby Fire Station of fifteen years. In a letter accompanying the response to the Freedom of Information Act request Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service stated “Please note the attached Valuations are not market values but Depreciated replacement cost (DRC) valuations, only obtained for insurance purposes, we do not hold information about market values. The valuations have been provided in accordance with the RICS valuation – Professional Standards 2014 (“the Red Book”)”.

Despite Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service stating “we do not hold information about market values” of Upton Fire Station and West Kirby Fire Station a report to councillors on the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority in January 2015 stated “The costs of any new build station are referenced in Appendix F, together with an estimate of the potential income from the sale of the buildings and land at Upton and West Kirby.”

Councillors on the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority have passed resolutions in October 2014 and January 2015 to keep the estimated capital costs of building a new fire station (along with estimates of what they would receive from a sale of Upton Fire Station and West Kirby Fire Station) out of the public domain.

A report on the recent consultation will be published tomorrow. Councillors on the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority will meet next week and decide what happens next.

Out of the eighteen councillors on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, the four councillors representing Wirral Council are Councillor Lesley Rennie, Councillor Denise Roberts, Councillor Jean Stapleton and Councillor Steve Niblock.

If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this article with other people.

Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station "there would be some planning policy issues"

Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station “there would be some planning policy issues”

Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station “there would be some planning policy issues”


Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015). Kieran Timmins (Deputy Chief Executive) is on the right.
Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015)

Continuing from Wednesday’s blog post headlined Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station “inappropriate development” & “potential for significant harm”, I thought people might be interested in more of the emails that went between Wirral Council and the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service about the plans for a fire station in Wirral West as it seems that detailed discussions were going on behind the scenes both at officer level at Wirral Council & Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, as well as discussions with councillors too.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 29 April 2014 13:02
To: ‘Ball, David, S.’
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

Very helpful. Thank you all

No need to explore further at present


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David S
Sent: 29 April 2014 12:58
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony
Subject FW: Greasby sites


Here is the view on this site from my Forward Planning team. It seems that there would be some planning policy issues here but I can explore it further if you want me to.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Entwhistle, John C.
Sent: 29 April 2014 12:56
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

David – the land on the opposite site of Frankby road to St John the Divine is in the Green Belt so a fire station would be inappropriate development and very special circumstances would have to be demonstrated. However there is potential for significant harm to the Green Belt in this location because of its role in maintaining separation between Greasby and Frankby.

John Entwistle
Principal Forward Planning Officer,
Forward Planning,
Regeneration and Environment,
Wirral Council,
Town Hall, Brighton Street
Wallasey, Merseyside
CH44 8ED
Telephone: 0151 691 8221
Fax: 0151 691 8273
Visit our website
Please save paper and print out only what is necessary.

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 12:19
To: Entwhistle, John C.
Subject: FW: Greasby sites
Importance: High


Do we know anything about this site?

Would a fire station be an acceptable use?


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 29 April 2014 10:23
To: Ball, David S; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

The land is not Council owned.


From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 09:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites


I don’t but I have copied this to Tony and David who may know more about it.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 08:54
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: Greasby sites

Hi David

Do you know anything about land sited on Frankby road opposite St John the divine church? Is that a possible fire station site?



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Halpin, Colleen S. on behalf of Armstrong, David
Sent: 07 May 2014 16:49
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Dear Kieran

Did Tony provide you with the contact for the Woodland Trust?

Any outstanding issues re us moving into Birkenhead Fire Station?


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
And Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 06:36
To: Armstrong, David
Subject: Greasby Sites

HI David

Can you send me your contact details for the woodland trust (did you have any joy with them?).

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 07 May 2014 17:53
To: Armstrong, David
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Hi David

Tony hasn’t had a chance to send details yet. Be grateful if you could follow up.

Colin, Can you update us on current position on Birkenhead.



Timmins, Kieran

From: Halpin, Colleen S. on behalf of Armstrong, David
Sent: 07 May 2014 16:49
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Dear Kieran

Did Tony provide you with the contact for the Woodland Trust?

Any outstanding issues re us moving into Birkenhead Fire Station?


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
And Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 06:36
To: Armstrong, David
Subject: Greasby Sites

HI David

Can you send me your contact details for the woodland trust (did you have any joy with them?).

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 16 May 2014 11:37
To: Armstrong, David; Schofield, Colin, Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Royle, Jeannette E.
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites]



From:/B> Lloyd, Tina A. On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 15 May 2014 15:37
To: ‘Schofield, Colin’; Timmins, Kieran; Armstrong, David
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Royle, Jeannette E.
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Re Birkenhead – I have now signed off a draft report for Cabinet Member approval ASAP. That should allow the other documents to be completed.


Tina Lloyd on behalf of
David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4313
Fax: 0151 666 4338
Visit our website:

From: Schofield, Colin []
Sent: 07 May 2014 18:02
To: Timmins, Kieran; Armstrong, David
Subject: Re: Greasby Sites


Re Birkenhead, draft lease & associated documents are with Dawn to pass to Wirral’s legal team for consideration.
Need to sort out ICT connections but move in date shouldn’t be too far away.


From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 05:53 PM
To: Armstrong, David
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Hi David

Tony hasn’t had a chance to send details yet. Be grateful if you could follow up.

Colin, Can you update us on current position on Birkenhead.



From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] on behalf of Armstrong, David []
Sent: 07 May 2014 16:48
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Dear Kieran

Did Tony provide you with the contact for the Woodland Trust?

Any outstanding issues re us moving into Birkenhead Fire Station?


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
And Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 06:36
To: Armstrong, David
Subject: Greasby Sites

HI David

Can you send me your contact details for the woodland trust (did you have any joy with them?).

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

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Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 16 May 2014 11:37
To: Armstrong, David; Schofield, Colin, Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Royle, Jeannette E.
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites]



From:/B> Lloyd, Tina A. On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 15 May 2014 15:37
To: ‘Schofield, Colin’; Timmins, Kieran; Armstrong, David
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Royle, Jeannette E.
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Re Birkenhead – I have now signed off a draft report for Cabinet Member approval ASAP. That should allow the other documents to be completed.


Tina Lloyd on behalf of
David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4313
Fax: 0151 666 4338
Visit our website:

From: Schofield, Colin []
Sent: 07 May 2014 18:02
To: Timmins, Kieran; Armstrong, David
Subject: Re: Greasby Sites


Re Birkenhead, draft lease & associated documents are with Dawn to pass to Wirral’s legal team for consideration.
Need to sort out ICT connections but move in date shouldn’t be too far away.


From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 05:53 PM
To: Armstrong, David
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Hi David

Tony hasn’t had a chance to send details yet. Be grateful if you could follow up.

Colin, Can you update us on current position on Birkenhead.



From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] on behalf of Armstrong, David []
Sent: 07 May 2014 16:48
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Sites

Dear Kieran

Did Tony provide you with the contact for the Woodland Trust?

Any outstanding issues re us moving into Birkenhead Fire Station?


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
And Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 06:36
To: Armstrong, David
Subject: Greasby Sites

HI David

Can you send me your contact details for the woodland trust (did you have any joy with them?).

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 16 May 2014 13:27
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: GREASBY


This work is in progress and we should have something by next Tuesday.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Schofield, Colin []
Sent: 16 May 2014 08:48
To: Ball, David S.
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: GREASBY

Hi David

Following on from when we spoke last week, I recall you were going to get someone to look at the land at Upton By-pass/Saughall Massie Road to see if there was any potential for us to consider it as a site for the new merged Upton/West Kirby fire station. I think you also suggested that you’d get someone to produce a plan showing any ‘spare land’ in the Greasby area (back to the By-pass) so we can continue to seek out a potential site for the new station.

I was just wondering if you had any news on either of these please?


Colin Schofield
Regional Project Director
North West Fire & Rescue Services PFI Project
c/o Merseyside F&RS HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD
tel 0151 296 4203
mob 07780 997933
fax 0151 296 4224

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Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

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This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 10:41
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites
Attachments: Land Corner Saughall Massie Road 1_2500.pdf; Land North Upton Cricket Club 1_2500.pdf



Further to our recent conversation and the e-mail exchange last week, please find attached and below some thoughts from my Planning Policy Team about potential sites. Unfortunately, as you will read, there are a number of constraints to these sites but we are having difficulty identifying suitable sites in the Greasby area.

Happy to discuss!

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Austin, Hannah
Sent: 19 May 2014 10:17
To: Ball, David S.
CC: Fraser, Andrew S.
Subject: Potential Fire Station Sites


Further to your discussion with Andrew on Friday, please find attached site plans of two potential sites for the relocation of Upton Fire Station. We examined the whole area and these are the only sites that we consider have potential, in addition to the site already being considered. It should be noted, however, that these are still subject to significant constraints. The land at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a Council-owned densely wooded site with access constraints. It is likely that there would be significant highways issues at the junction with Upton By-Pass. The land to the north of Upton Cricket Club is also subject to access constraints and is currently used for horse grazing. It has been submitted through the Call for Sites exercise for consideration for housing. Both sites are also less than 1 mile away from the existing station in Upton.

In terms of Green Belt sites, this type of development would be considered inappropriate and very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated to justify development. The capacity to accommodate fire engines on Frankby Road and the western part of Saughall Massie Road may also act as a constraint to development in Greasby/Saughall Massie.

I hope this helps. If you need anything else please let me know.

Kind regards

Hannah Austin
Senior Planning Officer
Wirral Council
Regeneration and Planning Service, North Annexe, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
Tel: 0151 691 8192
Fax: 0151 691 8188

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David, S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 13:02
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)
Attachments: Land Corner Saughall Massie Road 1_2500.pdf; Land North Upton Cricket Club 1_2500.pdf



Update on sites!

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Fraser, Andrew S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 11:36
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


Just to say that the site at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a designated Urban Greenspace but although highly visible it does not really function as an accessible public open space and Overchurch Park is within 400m to the north, albeit on the other side of the bypass. The visual landscaping impact alongside the bypass could however be retained without retaining the whole of the rest of the site (although this is still likely to be controversial!). The highways issues are however likely to be overriding.


Andrew Fraser, Forward Planning Manager
Regeneration and Planning Service
Tel: 0151 691 8218 Fax: 0151 691 8188

From: Austin, Hannah
Sent: 19 May 2014 10:17
To: Ball, David S.
CC: Fraser, Andrew S.
Subject: Potential Fire Station Sites


Further to your discussion with Andrew on Friday, please find attached site plans of two potential sites for the relocation of Upton Fire Station. We examined the whole area and these are the only sites that we consider have potential, in addition to the site already being considered. It should be noted, however, that these are still subject to significant constraints. The land at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a Council-owned densely wooded site with access constraints. It is likely that there would be significant highways issues at the junction with Upton By-Pass. The land to the north of Upton Cricket Club is also subject to access constraints and is currently used for horse grazing. It has been submitted through the Call for Sites exercise for consideration for housing. Both sites are also less than 1 mile away from the existing station in Upton.

In terms of Green Belt sites, this type of development would be considered inappropriate and very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated to justify development. The capacity to accommodate fire engines on Frankby Road and the western part of Saughall Massie Road may also act as a constraint to development in Greasby/Saughall Massie.

I hope this helps. If you need anything else please let me know.

Kind regards

Hannah Austin
Senior Planning Officer
Wirral Council
Regeneration and Planning Service, North Annexe, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
Tel: 0151 691 8192
Fax: 0151 691 8188

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 19 May 2014 15:46
To: ‘Ball, David S.’
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)

Thanks again David

Would be grateful if colleagues able to give any more details on concerns on the highway’s issues. We tend to find that

a) Fire stations are a lot quieter than people imagine and rarely respond under blue lights
b) Quite often appliances respond when they are off site doing home fire safety checks etc



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David, S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 13:02
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)
Attachments: Land Corner Saughall Massie Road 1_2500.pdf; Land North Upton Cricket Club 1_2500.pdf



Update on sites!

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Fraser, Andrew S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 11:36
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


Just to say that the site at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a designated Urban Greenspace but although highly visible it does not really function as an accessible public open space and Overchurch Park is within 400m to the north, albeit on the other side of the bypass. The visual landscaping impact alongside the bypass could however be retained without retaining the whole of the rest of the site (although this is still likely to be controversial!). The highways issues are however likely to be overriding.


Andrew Fraser, Forward Planning Manager
Regeneration and Planning Service
Tel: 0151 691 8218 Fax: 0151 691 8188

From: Austin, Hannah
Sent: 19 May 2014 10:17
To: Ball, David S.
CC: Fraser, Andrew S.
Subject: Potential Fire Station Sites


Further to your discussion with Andrew on Friday, please find attached site plans of two potential sites for the relocation of Upton Fire Station. We examined the whole area and these are the only sites that we consider have potential, in addition to the site already being considered. It should be noted, however, that these are still subject to significant constraints. The land at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a Council-owned densely wooded site with access constraints. It is likely that there would be significant highways issues at the junction with Upton By-Pass. The land to the north of Upton Cricket Club is also subject to access constraints and is currently used for horse grazing. It has been submitted through the Call for Sites exercise for consideration for housing. Both sites are also less than 1 mile away from the existing station in Upton.

In terms of Green Belt sites, this type of development would be considered inappropriate and very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated to justify development. The capacity to accommodate fire engines on Frankby Road and the western part of Saughall Massie Road may also act as a constraint to development in Greasby/Saughall Massie.

I hope this helps. If you need anything else please let me know.

Kind regards

Hannah Austin
Senior Planning Officer
Wirral Council
Regeneration and Planning Service, North Annexe, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
Tel: 0151 691 8192
Fax: 0151 691 8188

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 20 May 2014 08:01
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


I will look into the highway issues in more detail.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 19 May 2014 15:46
To: ‘Ball, David S.’
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)

Thanks again David

Would be grateful if colleagues able to give any more details on concerns on the highway’s issues. We tend to find that

a) Fire stations are a lot quieter than people imagine and rarely respond under blue lights
b) Quite often appliances respond when they are off site doing home fire safety checks etc



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David, S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 13:02
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)
Attachments: Land Corner Saughall Massie Road 1_2500.pdf; Land North Upton Cricket Club 1_2500.pdf



Update on sites!

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Fraser, Andrew S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 11:36
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


Just to say that the site at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a designated Urban Greenspace but although highly visible it does not really function as an accessible public open space and Overchurch Park is within 400m to the north, albeit on the other side of the bypass. The visual landscaping impact alongside the bypass could however be retained without retaining the whole of the rest of the site (although this is still likely to be controversial!). The highways issues are however likely to be overriding.


Andrew Fraser, Forward Planning Manager
Regeneration and Planning Service
Tel: 0151 691 8218 Fax: 0151 691 8188

From: Austin, Hannah
Sent: 19 May 2014 10:17
To: Ball, David S.
CC: Fraser, Andrew S.
Subject: Potential Fire Station Sites


Further to your discussion with Andrew on Friday, please find attached site plans of two potential sites for the relocation of Upton Fire Station. We examined the whole area and these are the only sites that we consider have potential, in addition to the site already being considered. It should be noted, however, that these are still subject to significant constraints. The land at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a Council-owned densely wooded site with access constraints. It is likely that there would be significant highways issues at the junction with Upton By-Pass. The land to the north of Upton Cricket Club is also subject to access constraints and is currently used for horse grazing. It has been submitted through the Call for Sites exercise for consideration for housing. Both sites are also less than 1 mile away from the existing station in Upton.

In terms of Green Belt sites, this type of development would be considered inappropriate and very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated to justify development. The capacity to accommodate fire engines on Frankby Road and the western part of Saughall Massie Road may also act as a constraint to development in Greasby/Saughall Massie.

I hope this helps. If you need anything else please let me know.

Kind regards

Hannah Austin
Senior Planning Officer
Wirral Council
Regeneration and Planning Service, North Annexe, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
Tel: 0151 691 8192
Fax: 0151 691 8188

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
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This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 25 June 2014 08:11
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


Apologies for the delay in replying as things have been very busy of late.

On an initial look and taking into account your comments in your e-mail of 19 may, I think we could look at this positively subject to detailed design.

I hope this helps.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Schofield, Colin []
Sent: 25 June 2014 07:55
To: Ball, David S.
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]
Importance: High

Hi David

Do you have any further update on this please?

I understand that Dan Stephens is meeting Councillor Phil Davies on Tuesday & I need to update him before that meeting.


From: Schofield, Colin
Sent: 04 June 2014 07:58
To: ‘Ball, David S.’
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


Is there any further news on the highways issues please?


Colin Schofield
Regional Project Director
North West Fire & Rescue Services PFI Project
c/o Merseyside F&RS HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD
tel 0151 296 4203
mob 07780 997933
fax 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 20 May 2014 08:01
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


I will look into the highway issues in more detail.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 19 May 2014 15:46
To: ‘Ball, David S.’
Cc: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)

Thanks again David

Would be grateful if colleagues able to give any more details on concerns on the highway’s issues. We tend to find that

a) Fire stations are a lot quieter than people imagine and rarely respond under blue lights
b) Quite often appliances respond when they are off site doing home fire safety checks etc



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David, S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 13:02
To: Schofield, Colin
Cc: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites (further info)
Attachments: Land Corner Saughall Massie Road 1_2500.pdf; Land North Upton Cricket Club 1_2500.pdf



Update on sites!

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Fraser, Andrew S.
Sent: 19 May 2014 11:36
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: FW: Potential Fire Station Sites [further info]


Just to say that the site at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a designated Urban Greenspace but although highly visible it does not really function as an accessible public open space and Overchurch Park is within 400m to the north, albeit on the other side of the bypass. The visual landscaping impact alongside the bypass could however be retained without retaining the whole of the rest of the site (although this is still likely to be controversial!). The highways issues are however likely to be overriding.


Andrew Fraser, Forward Planning Manager
Regeneration and Planning Service
Tel: 0151 691 8218 Fax: 0151 691 8188

From: Austin, Hannah
Sent: 19 May 2014 10:17
To: Ball, David S.
CC: Fraser, Andrew S.
Subject: Potential Fire Station Sites


Further to your discussion with Andrew on Friday, please find attached site plans of two potential sites for the relocation of Upton Fire Station. We examined the whole area and these are the only sites that we consider have potential, in addition to the site already being considered. It should be noted, however, that these are still subject to significant constraints. The land at the corner of Saughall Massie Road is a Council-owned densely wooded site with access constraints. It is likely that there would be significant highways issues at the junction with Upton By-Pass. The land to the north of Upton Cricket Club is also subject to access constraints and is currently used for horse grazing. It has been submitted through the Call for Sites exercise for consideration for housing. Both sites are also less than 1 mile away from the existing station in Upton.

In terms of Green Belt sites, this type of development would be considered inappropriate and very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated to justify development. The capacity to accommodate fire engines on Frankby Road and the western part of Saughall Massie Road may also act as a constraint to development in Greasby/Saughall Massie.

I hope this helps. If you need anything else please let me know.

Kind regards

Hannah Austin
Senior Planning Officer
Wirral Council
Regeneration and Planning Service, North Annexe, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED
Tel: 0151 691 8192
Fax: 0151 691 8188

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Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 July 2014 08:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony; Blott, Joe R.
Subject: Potential fire station sites in Wirral


Joe Blott, one of our Strategic Directors has asked me to contact you following the recent meeting that Dan Stevens had with the leader of the Council. I understand that one of the discussion points was the various sites that we have been discussing over the past few months for a potential new fire station.

I understand that there may be a need to consolidate all the correspondence and to come to a view if any of these sites are possible locations and if there is a preferred site fro the Council to let you know whether it is available (if we own it) and what the planning considerations may be. I know that we (Asset Management and me from a planning perspective) have discussed a number of sites but would it be useful to meet to come to a considered position on this matter?

Please can you let me know what would be best?



Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 09 July 2014 17:02
To: ‘Ball, David S.’
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony; Blott, Joe R;;
Subject: RE: Potential fire station sites in Wirral

Hi David

That’s very timely as I was just discussing with Colin holding a meeting to review the site options and it would make a lot of sense to do that jointly with your input. I’ll get a meeting set up with Colin Schofield, myself and (is it just) you from the Wirral side?

Under separate cover I’ll send a copy of a short note I did for Dan trying to summarise where we are up to which might be useful for all

Best wishes


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 July 2014 08:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony; Blott, Joe R.
Subject: Potential fire station sites in Wirral


Joe Blott, one of our Strategic Directors has asked me to contact you following the recent meeting that Dan Stevens had with the leader of the Council. I understand that one of the discussion points was the various sites that we have been discussing over the past few months for a potential new fire station.

I understand that there may be a need to consolidate all the correspondence and to come to a view if any of these sites are possible locations and if there is a preferred site fro the Council to let you know whether it is available (if we own it) and what the planning considerations may be. I know that we (Asset Management and me from a planning perspective) have discussed a number of sites but would it be useful to meet to come to a considered position on this matter?

Please can you let me know what would be best?



Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 09 July 2014 17:07
To: ‘Ball, David S.’
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony; Blott, Joe R;;
Subject: RE: Potential fire station sites in Wirral
Attachments: summary of greasby sites update june 25.xlsx

Hi David,
Further to previous email see notes below and attachment which were provided for Chief Exec’s meeting

a) Sites discounted early
Two sites were considered at an early stage and discounted. One was a junior school on Mill Lane – there were concerns about access and no indications that school was willing to give up land. The second was a farm site on Arrowe road – No indications if land was for sale

b) Sites considered in more detail
Since then 6 sites have been considered in more detail. They have been identified by a mix of estates team detective work, suggestions by colleagues and suggestions by Wirral officers. The sites are analysed in more detail in the attached appendix. As it stands there are two “runners” left:-

  • Saughall Massie Road/Upton By Pass. This is owned by Wirral and looks quite positive based on recent correspondence despite being urban greenspace. It may be a little father from Greasby than planned but access good
  • The Library/Community hall site in middle of Greasby. However this site not suitable for ambulance services and we would have to deal with multiple partners. Locality is a political hot potato with large public outcry about supermarket development.

c) Latest Developments

Estates team have been liaising with various professional advisers to see if they had any information. We have heard rumours of one potential larger development being put together near Greasby. We are awaiting more details and location

Have also formally instructed Hardie Brack to look for sites and their report is awaited. We believe they may have identified three or four potential plots which we understand all to be farmland that might be for sale.

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 July 2014 08:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony; Blott, Joe R.
Subject: Potential fire station sites in Wirral


Joe Blott, one of our Strategic Directors has asked me to contact you following the recent meeting that Dan Stevens had with the leader of the Council. I understand that one of the discussion points was the various sites that we have been discussing over the past few months for a potential new fire station.

I understand that there may be a need to consolidate all the correspondence and to come to a view if any of these sites are possible locations and if there is a preferred site fro the Council to let you know whether it is available (if we own it) and what the planning considerations may be. I know that we (Asset Management and me from a planning perspective) have discussed a number of sites but would it be useful to meet to come to a considered position on this matter?

Please can you let me know what would be best?



Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 July 2014 17:31
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony, Blott, Joe R; Schofield, Colin; Collinson, Nyree
Subject: RE: Potential fire station sites in Wirral


I suggest me on the planning side and David and/or Tony on the assets side.


Sent from my HTC

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This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 25 July 2014 14:10
To: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin
Subject: Fire Station -CONFIDENTIAL

Kieran and Colin,

It was good to see you this morning.

I have had the opportunity to speak with colleagues at officer level regarding the thoughts for the centre of Greasby and they are all supportive of the principle. I am now pulling together relevant space details and there are a number of options here which will be helpful. I will forward these as soon as I have them.

I will speak to David Armstrong on Monday about the land issues and will begin to sound out Cabinet Members around the middle of next week,

I will keep you advised.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
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Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 25 July 2014 22:01
To: Ball, David S.; Schofield, Colin
Cc: Garrigan, Phil; Stephens, Dan
Subject: RE: Fire Station – CONFIDENTIAL

Hi David

Thank you very much for your efforts and pragmatic advice. This seems a really exciting development and one the whole management team are really keen on.

We look forward to working with you to deliver …… Operation Reading by Firelight begins!



From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 25 July 2014 14:09
To: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin
Subject: Fire Station -CONFIDENTIAL

Kieran and Colin,

It was good to see you this morning.

I have had the opportunity to speak with colleagues at officer level regarding the thoughts for the centre of Greasby and they are all supportive of the principle. I am now pulling together relevant space details and there are a number of options here which will be helpful. I will forward these as soon as I have them.

I will speak to David Armstrong on Monday about the land issues and will begin to sound out Cabinet Members around the middle of next week,

I will keep you advised.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 25 July 2014 22:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Re: Fire Station -CONFIDENTIAL


You are welcome.

Let’s hope we succeed.


Sent from my HTC

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 04 August 2014 14:28
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby




Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 04 August 2014 14:23
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: FW: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby.

Hi David…… see Dan’s correspondence with Ester Mcvey below…..

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Stephens, Dan
Sent: 04 August 2014 14:17
To: Strategic Management Group
Subject: FW: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby.


For your information.


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: Stephens, Dan
Sent: 04 August 2014 14:16
To: ‘RIMMER, Andrew’
Cc: Wainwright, Sandra
Subject: RE: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby.


We are, in conjunction with Wirral, exploring the possibility of a joint development on the site of the existing Library and Community Centre situated in between the Red Cat and Medical Centre on Frankby Road.

This would be an ideal location from an operational response perspective. The joint development may consist of a fire station, library and community facilities in an integrated building. It is possible North West Ambulance Service may also be interested in the development but that is by no means certain and would be subject to confirmation.

This proposal is at a relatively early stage and not all potential partners have yet been approached. Whilst I have a degree of confidence that such a development is deliverable I would ask that any response to constituents over this issue is heavily caveated to that effect.

My suggestion would be to respond along the lines of ‘Considerations are now focused on a site in the centre of Greasby in Wirral ownership. Whilst discussions are at a very early stage, the debate has been around delivering a shared public services facility that would add significant value to the community’.


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: RIMMER, Andrew []
Sent: 04 August 2014 10:52
To: Stephens, Dan
Cc: Wainwright, Sandrea
Subject: RE: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby.
Importance: High

Sent on behalf of Esther McVey MP

Dear Dan

Further to your telephone call with Esther and email correspondence below regarding Fire Station proposals in Wirral West, would it be possible to update us on consideration of a site in Greasby so we have the latest information. It was one of the issues raised on Friday at the Over 60s Fair MFRS attended at Hoylake Community Centre.

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards


Andrew Rimmer
Office of Esther McVey MP

Date:8 May 2014 19:35:53 BST
To:“MCVEY, Esther (2nd Mailbox)”
Subject: RE: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby.

Dear Esther,

For ease of reply I have inserted responses to your questions in the body of the e-mail below.

If it assists I can meet with you or give you a call when it is convenient for you to update you on progress?


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: MCVEY, Esther (2nd Mailbox) []
Sent: 08 May 2014 14:14
To: Stephens, Dan
Subject: FW: Update on station proposals for Upton and West Kirby

Dear Dan

Please could I ask for a quick update on decisions over stations in Wirral West following contact from constituents. Specifically

  • Have MFS identified land as yet in Greasby? – Not as yet. We are exploring the possibility of acquiring a site on the Greasby Frankby border and also a site at the junction of the Upton Bypass and Saughall Massie Road. As you are probably aware there are very few available plots of land in the area which would be appropriate for a fire (and possibly ambulance) station
  • If so when will any consultation process commence? – If we are able to acquire a site we will report this to the next scheduled Authority meeting and request approval to undertake a 12 week public consultation process immediately thereafter. I can send you the process we are utilising for the proposed merger in Knowsley (Huyton with Whiston) which was approved at the Authority meeting on 6th May if that would assist?
  • If not, what would the likely timescale be to implement alternative proposals and when would any consultation start? – If it becomes obvious that we will not be able to acquire a suitable site for a merger then we will report back to the Authority and advise them of the alternative options to a merger which on the Wirral would be the outright closure of West Kirby. Subject to Authority approval we would then undertake a 12 week consultation process immediately thereafter. Clearly this is the very last outcome we would want so we will explore every land option possible even if that requires consideration of alternative sites (hence the Upton Bypass and Saughall Massie Road reference above)
Many thanks in advance for an update on this matter.

With my best wishes

Esther McVey MP
The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre
Hoyle Road, Hoylake
CH47 3AG

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Timmins, Kieran
From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 September 2014 09:25
To: Stephens, Dan; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

Dan and Kieran,

I saw Lesley Rennie last Friday and she did mention to me the meeting was taking place.

I was in meetings yesterday afternoon so only picked up the e-mail last night. Thanks for the update. I shall wait and see if Lesley can change their minds about this location or not. In the meantime I will not look at this any further until I have some view from the Councillors. I hope there is a positive outcome.

I have copied David Armstrong into this e-mail so he is aware of the latest situation.



Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Stephens, Dan []
Sent: 08 September 2014 18:57
To: Timmins, Kieran; Ball, David S.
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

Thanks Kieran,

David – to confirm Tom and Wendy were very clear that they would oppose the proposal. I will however speak to Lesley Rennie to establish how likely they would be to change their position given the alternative.


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 08 September 2014 18:07
Cc: Stephens, Dan
Subject: Greasby Councillors

HI David

Not sure if you got the message earlier – Tried to catch you on the phone before you went to council meeting.

Dan met Greasby councillors today – Wendy Clements and Tom Anderson (I think). This as at request of Lesley rennie. They do not appear to like the idea of a fire station in Greasby and their initial thought is to oppose the plan based on the conversation today. Dan explained that the alternative option was the closure of West Kirby outright which was also not platable and may cause them to reconsider. However it appeared that their initial view is to oppose.

Can you give me a buzz on 07855 207571 if you want to discuss

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 09 September 2014 09:28
To: ‘Ball, David S.’; Stephens, Dan
Cc: Armstrong, David; Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

HI David

I think we would like to initiate discussions with the community hall in any case. The issue we have is that as firefighters retire we can’t staff all the appliances and with two years to deliver a new station its important we don’t lose any time.

Unless that causes any major problems would you be agreeable to proceed. If nothing else at least we can work up properly what is proposed as a joint service hub that may help win hearts and minds!

What do you think?


From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 September 2014 09:25
To: Stephens, Dan; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

Dan and Kieran,

I saw Lesley Rennie last Friday and she did mention to me the meeting was taking place.

I was in meetings yesterday afternoon so only picked up the e-mail last night. Thanks for the update. I shall wait and see if Lesley can change their minds about this location or not. In the meantime I will not look at this any further until I have some view from the Councillors. I hope there is a positive outcome.

I have copied David Armstrong into this e-mail so he is aware of the latest situation.



Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From:; Stephens, Dan []
Sent: 08 September 2014 18:57
To: Timmins, Kieran; Ball, David S.
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

Thanks Kieran,

David – to confirm Tom and Wendy were very clear that they would oppose the proposal. I will however speak to Lesley Rennie to establish how likely they would be to change their position given the alternative.


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 08 September 2014 18:07
Cc: Stephens, Dan
Subject: Greasby Councillors

HI David

Not sure if you got the message earlier – Tried to catch you on the phone before you went to council meeting.

Dan met Greasby councillors today – Wendy Clements and Tom Anderson (I think). This as at request of Lesley rennie. They do not appear to like the idea of a fire station in Greasby and their initial thought is to oppose the plan based on the conversation today. Dan explained that the alternative option was the closure of West Kirby outright which was also not platable and may cause them to reconsider. However it appeared that their initial view is to oppose.

Can you give me a buzz on 07855 207571 if you want to discuss

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 September 2014 10:30
To: Stephens, Dan; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors


I have just e-mailed Graham Burgess and David Armstrong on this matter and await their comments.

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Stephens, Dan []
Sent: 09 September 2014 09:50
To: Timmins, Keran; Ball, David S.
Cc: Armstrong, David; Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors


Can I suggest we have a meeting to discuss our options and possibly include Graham, Phil Davies and even Jeff Green please?

The alternative to a merger of West Kirby and Upton fire stations in an outright closure of West Kirby which we would move to public consultation on imminently. That will undoubtedly result in a degree of political impact and I would want us all to be on the same page in terms of a collective position.


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 09 September 2014 09:28
To: ‘Ball, David S.’; Stephens, Dan
Cc: Armstrong, David; Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

HI David

I think we would like to initiate discussions with the community hall in any case. The issue we have is that as firefighters retire we can’t staff all the appliances and with two years to deliver a new station its important we don’t lose any time.

Unless that causes any major problems would you be agreeable to proceed. If nothing else at least we can work up properly what is proposed as a joint service hub that may help win hearts and minds!

What do you think?


From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 09 September 2014 09:25
To: Stephens, Dan; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

Dan and Kieran,

I saw Lesley Rennie last Friday and she did mention to me the meeting was taking place.

I was in meetings yesterday afternoon so only picked up the e-mail last night. Thanks for the update. I shall wait and see if Lesley can change their minds about this location or not. In the meantime I will not look at this any further until I have some view from the Councillors. I hope there is a positive outcome.

I have copied David Armstrong into this e-mail so he is aware of the latest situation.



Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Stephens, Dan []
Sent: 08 September 2014 18:57
To: Timmins, Kieran; Ball, David S.
Subject: RE: Greasby Councillors

Thanks Kieran,

David – to confirm Tom and Wendy were very clear that they would oppose the proposal. I will however speak to Lesley Rennie to establish how likely they would be to change their position given the alternative.


Dan Stephens,
Chief Fire Officer,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD

0151 296 4102

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 08 September 2014 18:07
Cc: Stephens, Dan
Subject: Greasby Councillors

HI David

Not sure if you got the message earlier – Tried to catch you on the phone before you went to council meeting.

Dan met Greasby councillors today – Wendy Clements and Tom Anderson (I think). This as at request of Lesley rennie. They do not appear to like the idea of a fire station in Greasby and their initial thought is to oppose the plan based on the conversation today. Dan explained that the alternative option was the closure of West Kirby outright which was also not platable and may cause them to reconsider. However it appeared that their initial view is to oppose.

Can you give me a buzz on 07855 207571 if you want to discuss

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

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Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of the Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 10 September 2014 13:54
To: Stephens, Dan; Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Meeting on friday re greasby and west Kirby


Just to confirm that David Armstrong and I will be attending the meeting at 4pm on Friday afternoon.

Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

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If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this article with other people.

Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station "inappropriate development" & "potential for significant harm"

Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station “inappropriate development” & “potential for significant harm”

Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station “inappropriate development” & “potential for significant harm”


Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015). Kieran Timmins (Deputy Chief Executive) is on the right.
Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015)

One of the long running sagas that this blog has reported on has been the future of Upton and West Kirby fire stations. Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have had two twelve week consultations on this in the last year. The first consultation was on the controversial Greasby library/community centre site in the heart of Greasby village. However in a dramatic U-turn following opposition Wirral Council who owned the site in question withdrew it from consideration part way through the consultation.

The second consultation, which finished on the 18th May and provoked similar levels of opposition to that shown in Greasby but for different reasons also involved a piece of land in Wirral Council’s ownership in Saughall Massie. A decision by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority following the second consultation is expected towards the end of June.

Yesterday evening Wirral Council responded to a Freedom of Information request about the e-mails that were sent between Wirral Council and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service about this issue.

The emails make for interesting reading. As there are so many emails in three bundles of correspondence I may split this into different blog posts with half of the first bundle of emails below.

I haven’t included copies of the maps that were provided, however if you wish to view them, they’re on the Whatdotheyknow website. I haven’t corrected any typographical errors in the emails below.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent:25 September 2013 18:31
CC: Henshaw, Janet (Legal); Woods, Stewart;
Subject: Request for sites

Nyree, Please can you forward this to David Ball/David Armstrong at the Wirral. Thanks.

Thank you for a very useful meeting. As we discussed the authority has approved the attached report:-

A Strategic Overview of Estates – Identification of Key Priorities PDF 38Kb
To consider Report CFO/12/13 of the Deputy Chief Executive, concerning a review of the property portfolio of the Authority and recommendations for savings in light of the forecast significant reductions in funding.
Additional documents

As I highlighted, we are currently at the exploratory stage of considerations and any firm decision about the future distribution of fire stations would require full authority approval. In order to assist me in taking back options for the Fire authority to consider Please can you:-

a) a suggest potential sites for a fire station in the Greasby area of the Wirral
b) Please can you suggest potential sites in the clatterbridge/bebington area

The approx. area for a stand alone fire station with community facilities is about 1 acre. At Prescot (which is likely to be a join police/fire ambulance station) we had identified a 2.4 acre site. Sites require good arterial road access for emergency response.

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Timmins, Kieran
From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 04 November 2013 13:39
CC: Schofield, Colin
Subject: FW: Request for sites

Hi Gents

Have you had a chance to consider what options might be available.



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Collinson, Nyree
Sent: 04 November 2013 12:52
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Request for sites

Kieran, is this the email you’re looking for?

Nyree Collinson
PA to Deputy Chief Exec
Tel. 0151 296 4108

From: Collinson, Nyree
Sent: 26 September 2013 09:36
To: David Ball – Regeneration Dept., Wirral Borough Council (;’’
Subject: FW: Request for sites

Please see below from Kieran Timmins

Nyree Collinson
PA to Deputy Chief Exec
Tel. 0151 296 4108

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 25 September 2013 18:31
To: Collinson, Nyree
CC: Henshaw, Janet (Legal); Woods, Stewart; Schofield, Colin
Subject: Request for sites

Dear David/David

Thank you for a very useful meeting. As we discussed the authority has approved the attached report:-

A Strategic Overview of Estates – Identification of Key Priorities PDF 38Kb
To consider Report CFO/12/13 of the Deputy Chief Executive, concerning a review of the property portfolio of the Authority and recommendations for savings in light of the forecast significant reductions in funding.
Additional documents

As I highlighted, we are currently at the exploratory stage of considerations and any firm decision about the future distribution of fire stations would require full authority approval. In order to assist me in taking back options for the Fire authority to consider Please can you:-

a) a suggest potential sites for a fire station in the Greasby area of the Wirral
b) Please can you suggest potential sites in the clatterbridge/bebington area

The approx. area for a stand alone fire station with community facilities is about 1 acre. At Prescot (which is likely to be a join police/fire ambulance station) we had identified a 2.4 acre site. Sites require good arterial road access for emergency response.

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Timmins, Kieran
From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 15 November 2013 13:48
CC: Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Request for sites

Hi Gents

Have you had a chance to consider this yet?

Many thanks



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 04 November 2013 13:39
CC: Schofield, Colin
Subject: FW: Request for sites

Hi Gents

Have you had a chance to consider what options might be available.



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Collinson, Nyree
Sent: 04 November 2013 12:52
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: FW: Request for sites

Kieran, is this the email you’re looking for?

Nyree Collinson
PA to Deputy Chief Exec
Tel. 0151 296 4108

From: Collinson, Nyree
Sent: 26 September 2013 09:36
To: David Ball – Regeneration Dept., Wirral Borough Council (;’’
Subject: FW: Request for sites

Please see below from Kieran Timmins

Nyree Collinson
PA to Deputy Chief Exec
Tel. 0151 296 4108

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 25 September 2013 18:31
To: Collinson, Nyree
CC: Henshaw, Janet (Legal); Woods, Stewart; Schofield, Colin
Subject: Request for sites

Dear David/David

Thank you for a very useful meeting. As we discussed the authority has approved the attached report:-

A Strategic Overview of Estates – Identification of Key Priorities PDF 38Kb
To consider Report CFO/12/13 of the Deputy Chief Executive, concerning a review of the property portfolio of the Authority and recommendations for savings in light of the forecast significant reductions in funding.
Additional documents

As I highlighted, we are currently at the exploratory stage of considerations and any firm decision about the future distribution of fire stations would require full authority approval. In order to assist me in taking back options for the Fire authority to consider Please can you:-

a) a suggest potential sites for a fire station in the Greasby area of the Wirral
b) Please can you suggest potential sites in the clatterbridge/bebington area

The approx. area for a stand alone fire station with community facilities is about 1 acre. At Prescot (which is likely to be a join police/fire ambulance station) we had identified a 2.4 acre site. Sites require good arterial road access for emergency response.

Many thanks


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 15 November 2013 13:50
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Out of Office Autoreply: Request for sites

Thank you for your e-mail.

I am out of the office on Friday afternoon in a series of meetings. I will be accessing e-mails from time to time but if you need anything urgently then please contact Annie Hasprey or Melanie Sloan on 0151 691 8395 and they will be able to help you.



David Ball
Head of Regeneration and Planning,
Wirral Council

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intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
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Timmins, Kieran
From: Halpin, Colleen S. on behalf of Armstrong, David
Sent: 11 December 2013 14:55
To: Murphy(M), Paul; Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin
CC: Royle, Jeanette E.
Subject: Request for Sites

Dear Colin, Paul and Kieran

Thank you for your emails and messages regarding a potential site in Greasby for a new fire station. I apologise for not replying sooner. I am afraid a new phone and a series of hospital appointments are slowing me down!

In order to discuss the Greasby site further, can you please contact Tony Simpson on, tell 666 3892, who will share with you the relevant plans and land ownership issues.


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 12 December 2013 09:58
To: ‘Armstrong, David’
Cc: Royle, Jeanette E.; Schofield, Colin
Subject: RE: Request for Sites

Thanks David, much appreciated. Hope you are ok?

Not sure if Tony can pick this up but it strikes me as making sense if (presuming a Wirral owned site is identified in Greasby) that a land swap for the youth zone in Birkenhead might be a sensible approach for tidying up ownership etc…….. what do you think?

Take care


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Halpin, Colleen S. on behalf of Armstrong, David
Sent: 11 December 2013 14:55
To: Murphy(M), Paul; Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin
CC: Royle, Jeanette E.
Subject: Request for Sites

Dear Colin, Paul and Kieran

Thank you for your emails and messages regarding a potential site in Greasby for a new fire station. I apologise for not replying sooner. I am afraid a new phone and a series of hospital appointments are slowing me down!

In order to discuss the Greasby site further, can you please contact Tony Simpson on, tell 666 3892, who will share with you the relevant plans and land ownership issues.


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran
From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 21 January 2014 11:06
To: ‘Armstrong, David’;Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi David

Thanks for the note….. to be very clear on the first point we expressly asked you to identify potential options. You certainly did not propose a site!

In relation to the other points I hope the comments below might help…..

  • The footprint we discussed was based upon the PFI stations we have built recently….. in general these are two bay with extensive community facilities. However in general most of the fire stations only house one appliance despite having two bays although we have been quite successful with the ambulance service in sharing sites.I can’t envisage us building an old style fire station without community facilities and would expect to have two bays as well to allow operational flexibility.
  • All three blue lights services have come under significant pressure to work more closely from government and I think there is a clear public expectation that in these challenging times for public services we would consider the possibility on any new build. In Merseyside we work very successfully with both NWAS and the Police and have several successful operations. In broad terms I would expect the presence of colleague services to be relatively small and not to add significantly to the building footprint (if it does suit their business plans). The PFI stations were designed prior to ambulance requests to move in but we have accommodated them without extension. There are lots of benefits for the local community around joint working by having the services co-located

Hope that is of use .Give me a buzz if you need to talk through anything

All the best


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure this email and attachments are free from virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

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From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 21 January 2014 09:34
To: Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for this.

A couple of initial responses.

– I think it is important to be clear that I responded to a request from MFRS for possible sites for a fire station on council owned land. We came up with two, of which this was one, the other was felt by MFRS to be too close to the current Upton fire station. This is very different to how the email could be read that “David Armstrong proposed” this site. Clearly MFRS has the option to look also at other suitable sites owned by others.

– Our discussions were around a single bay fire station and in that regard the site appeared to have potential, particularly having the front and rear access required by MFRS. The discussion extended to possible inclusion of the community facilities, in line with the very positive developments undertaken by MFRS in Wallasey and Birkenhead.

– I’d envisage that a marked up drawing would come back showing if and how a one bay fire station would fit on the site and possibly a second option of a one bay plus a community facility.

– To the best of my memory, I don’t recall any mention of possible use by police and ambulance “hence the reason for two acres”. I fully support the principle, both for operational and financial reasons but would ask the question – is that going to result in us trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot here.

– It would be useful to see the footprints of i) single bay fire station, ii) single bay fire station and community, iii) larger joint facility on the land in question.

Sorry if the above sounds negative – I just feel the need to be cautious!


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Subramanayam, Anatha [mailto:]
Sent: 20 January 2014 13:16
To: Simpson, Tony
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC
Importance: High

Hello Tony,

As per our meeting on 8th January 2014 – I am emailing you MFRS understanding in confidence about the land in Greasby (attached )
Summarising the way forward as we discussed:

  • WBC & MFRS discussed the criteria for development of the Fire station in the land proposed by David Armstrong of WBC as potential option.
  • You have confirmed that WBC have granted a long-term (99 year lease ) to the local community trust occupying the community centre adjacent to the site. Can you please confirm the area of the site we discussed :

    1. With community centre
    2. With community centre & Library
    3. Without community centre and Library

  • You stated the approval was granted for the development of supermarket in the red cat premises Can please confirm whether the proposed scheme for Tesco/Sainsbury has been approved adjacent to the site Library which can expand the options available for WBC & MFRS to consider development on proposed sensitive site. (see attached drawing for reference)
  • As we have discussed with you MFRS anticipate greater interest from associated partners – NWAS & Mersey Police for their respective occupational requirements which is the reason we need minimum of 2 acres of Land to avoid any design issues for a feasible development.
  • As we discussed – ideally MFRS & WBC can look forward on few options :
    1. MFRS can ideally build a Fire station in the proposed land subject to area confirmation.
    2. MFRS can develop a Fire station in the proposed land along with community facility while transferring the lease agreements from WBC to MFRS for the existing community centre subject to consultation with community centre and area confirmation.
    3. MFRS can develop a Fire station along with a community facility & Library facility within the associated occupant Lands subject to an agreement with WBC for Land and lease arrangements.
    4. MFRS & WBC can work together to formulate development template in line with any Tesco/Sainsbury proposals in the adjacent Red Cat premises along with Option 3 mentioned above which can be beneficial to all involved stakeholders and community in general.

I look forward to your thoughts on above and please do not hesitate to contact us for any information needed.



Anatha Subramanayam | Development Manager – Estates | Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service | Bridle Road, Bootle L30 4YD | Office: 0151 296 4314 Mob: 07801156545 Email:

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Kieran, Timmins

From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 21 January 2014 09:34
To: Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for this.

A couple of initial responses.

– I think it is important to be clear that I responded to a request from MFRS for possible sites for a fire station on council owned land. We came up with two, of which this was one, the other was felt by MFRS to be too close to the current Upton fire station. This is very different to how the email could be read that “David Armstrong proposed” this site. Clearly MFRS has the option to look also at other suitable sites owned by others.

– Our discussions were around a single bay fire station and in that regard the site appeared to have potential, particularly having the front and rear access required by MFRS. The discussion extended to possible inclusion of the community facilities, in line with the very positive developments undertaken by MFRS in Wallasey and Birkenhead.

– I’d envisage that a marked up drawing would come back showing if and how a one bay fire station would fit on the site and possibly a second option of a one bay plus a community facility.

– To the best of my memory, I don’t recall any mention of possible use by police and ambulance “hence the reason for two acres”. I fully support the principle, both for operational and financial reasons but would ask the question – is that going to result in us trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot here.

– It would be useful to see the footprints of i) single bay fire station, ii) single bay fire station and community, iii) larger joint facility on the land in question.

Sorry if the above sounds negative – I just feel the need to be cautious!


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Subramanayam, Anatha [mailto:]
Sent: 20 January 2014 13:16
To: Simpson, Tony
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC
Importance: High

Hello Tony,

As per our meeting on 8th January 2014 – I am emailing you MFRS understanding in confidence about the land in Greasby (attached )
Summarising the way forward as we discussed:

  • WBC & MFRS discussed the criteria for development of the Fire station in the land proposed by David Armstrong of WBC as potential option.
  • You have confirmed that WBC have granted a long-term (99 year lease ) to the local community trust occupying the community centre adjacent to the site. Can you please confirm the area of the site we discussed :

    1. With community centre
    2. With community centre & Library
    3. Without community centre and Library

  • You stated the approval was granted for the development of supermarket in the red cat premises Can please confirm whether the proposed scheme for Tesco/Sainsbury has been approved adjacent to the site Library which can expand the options available for WBC & MFRS to consider development on proposed sensitive site. (see attached drawing for reference)
  • As we have discussed with you MFRS anticipate greater interest from associated partners – NWAS & Mersey Police for their respective occupational requirements which is the reason we need minimum of 2 acres of Land to avoid any design issues for a feasible development.
  • As we discussed – ideally MFRS & WBC can look forward on few options :
    1. MFRS can ideally build a Fire station in the proposed land subject to area confirmation.
    2. MFRS can develop a Fire station in the proposed land along with community facility while transferring the lease agreements from WBC to MFRS for the existing community centre subject to consultation with community centre and area confirmation.
    3. MFRS can develop a Fire station along with a community facility & Library facility within the associated occupant Lands subject to an agreement with WBC for Land and lease arrangements.
    4. MFRS & WBC can work together to formulate development template in line with any Tesco/Sainsbury proposals in the adjacent Red Cat premises along with Option 3 mentioned above which can be beneficial to all involved stakeholders and community in general.

I look forward to your thoughts on above and please do not hesitate to contact us for any information needed.



Anatha Subramanayam | Development Manager – Estates | Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service | Bridle Road, Bootle L30 4YD | Office: 0151 296 4314 Mob: 07801156545 Email:

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 25 March 2014 17:08
To:Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi Kieran

Proprietor of Upton Cricket Club, Old Greasby Road, Wirral, CH49 6LT :-

Rose Chaplet Nominees Ltd., (Co. Regn. No.05678129), and Reveille Nominees Ltd., (Co. Regn. 05678115), c/o Leverhulme Estates, Estate Office, Thornton Hough, Wirral CH63 1JD and c/o Brabners LLP (Ref. JPW/AFR/LEO), Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3YL



Timmins, Kieran
From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 21 January 2014 11:06
To: ‘Armstrong, David’;Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi David

Thanks for the note….. to be very clear on the first point we expressly asked you to identify potential options. You certainly did not propose a site!

In relation to the other points I hope the comments below might help…..

  • The footprint we discussed was based upon the PFI stations we have built recently….. in general these are two bay with extensive community facilities. However in general most of the fire stations only house one appliance despite having two bays although we have been quite successful with the ambulance service in sharing sites.I can’t envisage us building an old style fire station without community facilities and would expect to have two bays as well to allow operational flexibility.
  • All three blue lights services have come under significant pressure to work more closely from government and I think there is a clear public expectation that in these challenging times for public services we would consider the possibility on any new build. In Merseyside we work very successfully with both NWAS and the Police and have several successful operations. In broad terms I would expect the presence of colleague services to be relatively small and not to add significantly to the building footprint (if it does suit their business plans). The PFI stations were designed prior to ambulance requests to move in but we have accommodated them without extension. There are lots of benefits for the local community around joint working by having the services co-located

Hope that is of use .Give me a buzz if you need to talk through anything

All the best


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 21 January 2014 09:34
To: Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for this.

A couple of initial responses.

– I think it is important to be clear that I responded to a request from MFRS for possible sites for a fire station on council owned land. We came up with two, of which this was one, the other was felt by MFRS to be too close to the current Upton fire station. This is very different to how the email could be read that “David Armstrong proposed” this site. Clearly MFRS has the option to look also at other suitable sites owned by others.

– Our discussions were around a single bay fire station and in that regard the site appeared to have potential, particularly having the front and rear access required by MFRS. The discussion extended to possible inclusion of the community facilities, in line with the very positive developments undertaken by MFRS in Wallasey and Birkenhead.

– I’d envisage that a marked up drawing would come back showing if and how a one bay fire station would fit on the site and possibly a second option of a one bay plus a community facility.

– To the best of my memory, I don’t recall any mention of possible use by police and ambulance “hence the reason for two acres”. I fully support the principle, both for operational and financial reasons but would ask the question – is that going to result in us trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot here.

– It would be useful to see the footprints of i) single bay fire station, ii) single bay fire station and community, iii) larger joint facility on the land in question.

Sorry if the above sounds negative – I just feel the need to be cautious!


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Subramanayam, Anatha [mailto:]
Sent: 20 January 2014 13:16
To: Simpson, Tony
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC
Importance: High

Hello Tony,

As per our meeting on 8th January 2014 – I am emailing you MFRS understanding in confidence about the land in Greasby (attached )
Summarising the way forward as we discussed:

  • WBC & MFRS discussed the criteria for development of the Fire station in the land proposed by David Armstrong of WBC as potential option.
  • You have confirmed that WBC have granted a long-term (99 year lease ) to the local community trust occupying the community centre adjacent to the site. Can you please confirm the area of the site we discussed :

    1. With community centre
    2. With community centre & Library
    3. Without community centre and Library

  • You stated the approval was granted for the development of supermarket in the red cat premises Can please confirm whether the proposed scheme for Tesco/Sainsbury has been approved adjacent to the site Library which can expand the options available for WBC & MFRS to consider development on proposed sensitive site. (see attached drawing for reference)
  • As we have discussed with you MFRS anticipate greater interest from associated partners – NWAS & Mersey Police for their respective occupational requirements which is the reason we need minimum of 2 acres of Land to avoid any design issues for a feasible development.
  • As we discussed – ideally MFRS & WBC can look forward on few options :
    1. MFRS can ideally build a Fire station in the proposed land subject to area confirmation.
    2. MFRS can develop a Fire station in the proposed land along with community facility while transferring the lease agreements from WBC to MFRS for the existing community centre subject to consultation with community centre and area confirmation.
    3. MFRS can develop a Fire station along with a community facility & Library facility within the associated occupant Lands subject to an agreement with WBC for Land and lease arrangements.
    4. MFRS & WBC can work together to formulate development template in line with any Tesco/Sainsbury proposals in the adjacent Red Cat premises along with Option 3 mentioned above which can be beneficial to all involved stakeholders and community in general.

I look forward to your thoughts on above and please do not hesitate to contact us for any information needed.



Anatha Subramanayam | Development Manager – Estates | Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service | Bridle Road, Bootle L30 4YD | Office: 0151 296 4314 Mob: 07801156545 Email:

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

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Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 25 March 2014 17:10
To: ‘Simpson, Tony’
Cc: Subramanayam, Anatha; Schofield, Colin; Woods, Stewart
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for prompt research Tony….. although just looking at the listing makes me think this could be complicated!!

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 25 March 2014 17:08
To:Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi Kieran

Proprietor of Upton Cricket Club, Old Greasby Road, Wirral, CH49 6LT :-

Rose Chaplet Nominees Ltd., (Co. Regn. No.05678129), and Reveille Nominees Ltd., (Co. Regn. 05678115), c/o Leverhulme Estates, Estate Office, Thornton Hough, Wirral CH63 1JD and c/o Brabners LLP (Ref. JPW/AFR/LEO), Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3YL



Timmins, Kieran
From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 21 January 2014 11:06
To: ‘Armstrong, David’;Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi David

Thanks for the note….. to be very clear on the first point we expressly asked you to identify potential options. You certainly did not propose a site!

In relation to the other points I hope the comments below might help…..

  • The footprint we discussed was based upon the PFI stations we have built recently….. in general these are two bay with extensive community facilities. However in general most of the fire stations only house one appliance despite having two bays although we have been quite successful with the ambulance service in sharing sites.I can’t envisage us building an old style fire station without community facilities and would expect to have two bays as well to allow operational flexibility.
  • All three blue lights services have come under significant pressure to work more closely from government and I think there is a clear public expectation that in these challenging times for public services we would consider the possibility on any new build. In Merseyside we work very successfully with both NWAS and the Police and have several successful operations. In broad terms I would expect the presence of colleague services to be relatively small and not to add significantly to the building footprint (if it does suit their business plans). The PFI stations were designed prior to ambulance requests to move in but we have accommodated them without extension. There are lots of benefits for the local community around joint working by having the services co-located

Hope that is of use .Give me a buzz if you need to talk through anything

All the best


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 21 January 2014 09:34
To: Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for this.

A couple of initial responses.

– I think it is important to be clear that I responded to a request from MFRS for possible sites for a fire station on council owned land. We came up with two, of which this was one, the other was felt by MFRS to be too close to the current Upton fire station. This is very different to how the email could be read that “David Armstrong proposed” this site. Clearly MFRS has the option to look also at other suitable sites owned by others.

– Our discussions were around a single bay fire station and in that regard the site appeared to have potential, particularly having the front and rear access required by MFRS. The discussion extended to possible inclusion of the community facilities, in line with the very positive developments undertaken by MFRS in Wallasey and Birkenhead.

– I’d envisage that a marked up drawing would come back showing if and how a one bay fire station would fit on the site and possibly a second option of a one bay plus a community facility.

– To the best of my memory, I don’t recall any mention of possible use by police and ambulance “hence the reason for two acres”. I fully support the principle, both for operational and financial reasons but would ask the question – is that going to result in us trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot here.

– It would be useful to see the footprints of i) single bay fire station, ii) single bay fire station and community, iii) larger joint facility on the land in question.

Sorry if the above sounds negative – I just feel the need to be cautious!


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Subramanayam, Anatha [mailto:]
Sent: 20 January 2014 13:16
To: Simpson, Tony
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC
Importance: High

Hello Tony,

As per our meeting on 8th January 2014 – I am emailing you MFRS understanding in confidence about the land in Greasby (attached )
Summarising the way forward as we discussed:

  • WBC & MFRS discussed the criteria for development of the Fire station in the land proposed by David Armstrong of WBC as potential option.
  • You have confirmed that WBC have granted a long-term (99 year lease ) to the local community trust occupying the community centre adjacent to the site. Can you please confirm the area of the site we discussed :

    1. With community centre
    2. With community centre & Library
    3. Without community centre and Library

  • You stated the approval was granted for the development of supermarket in the red cat premises Can please confirm whether the proposed scheme for Tesco/Sainsbury has been approved adjacent to the site Library which can expand the options available for WBC & MFRS to consider development on proposed sensitive site. (see attached drawing for reference)
  • As we have discussed with you MFRS anticipate greater interest from associated partners – NWAS & Mersey Police for their respective occupational requirements which is the reason we need minimum of 2 acres of Land to avoid any design issues for a feasible development.
  • As we discussed – ideally MFRS & WBC can look forward on few options :
    1. MFRS can ideally build a Fire station in the proposed land subject to area confirmation.
    2. MFRS can develop a Fire station in the proposed land along with community facility while transferring the lease agreements from WBC to MFRS for the existing community centre subject to consultation with community centre and area confirmation.
    3. MFRS can develop a Fire station along with a community facility & Library facility within the associated occupant Lands subject to an agreement with WBC for Land and lease arrangements.
    4. MFRS & WBC can work together to formulate development template in line with any Tesco/Sainsbury proposals in the adjacent Red Cat premises along with Option 3 mentioned above which can be beneficial to all involved stakeholders and community in general.

I look forward to your thoughts on above and please do not hesitate to contact us for any information needed.



Anatha Subramanayam | Development Manager – Estates | Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service | Bridle Road, Bootle L30 4YD | Office: 0151 296 4314 Mob: 07801156545 Email:

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, (MFRS) .

Incoming and outgoing emails may be monitored in line with current legislation.

Steps have been taken to ensure that this email and attachments are free from any virus. In keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.

Timmins, Kieran

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 25 March 2014 17:14
To: Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Nothing’s ever easy these days!

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 25 March 2014 17:10
To: ‘Simpson, Tony’
Cc: Subramanayam, Anatha; Schofield, Colin; Woods, Stewart
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for prompt research Tony….. although just looking at the listing makes me think this could be complicated!!

Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 25 March 2014 17:08
To:Timmins, Kieran
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi Kieran

Proprietor of Upton Cricket Club, Old Greasby Road, Wirral, CH49 6LT :-

Rose Chaplet Nominees Ltd., (Co. Regn. No.05678129), and Reveille Nominees Ltd., (Co. Regn. 05678115), c/o Leverhulme Estates, Estate Office, Thornton Hough, Wirral CH63 1JD and c/o Brabners LLP (Ref. JPW/AFR/LEO), Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3YL



Timmins, Kieran
From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 21 January 2014 11:06
To: ‘Armstrong, David’;Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Hi David

Thanks for the note….. to be very clear on the first point we expressly asked you to identify potential options. You certainly did not propose a site!

In relation to the other points I hope the comments below might help…..

  • The footprint we discussed was based upon the PFI stations we have built recently….. in general these are two bay with extensive community facilities. However in general most of the fire stations only house one appliance despite having two bays although we have been quite successful with the ambulance service in sharing sites.I can’t envisage us building an old style fire station without community facilities and would expect to have two bays as well to allow operational flexibility.
  • All three blue lights services have come under significant pressure to work more closely from government and I think there is a clear public expectation that in these challenging times for public services we would consider the possibility on any new build. In Merseyside we work very successfully with both NWAS and the Police and have several successful operations. In broad terms I would expect the presence of colleague services to be relatively small and not to add significantly to the building footprint (if it does suit their business plans). The PFI stations were designed prior to ambulance requests to move in but we have accommodated them without extension. There are lots of benefits for the local community around joint working by having the services co-located

Hope that is of use .Give me a buzz if you need to talk through anything

All the best


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Halpin, Colleen S. [] On Behalf Of Armstrong, David
Sent: 21 January 2014 09:34
To: Subramanayam, Anatha
Cc: Timmins, Kieran; Schofield, Colin; Simpson, Tony
Subject: RE: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC

Thanks for this.

A couple of initial responses.

– I think it is important to be clear that I responded to a request from MFRS for possible sites for a fire station on council owned land. We came up with two, of which this was one, the other was felt by MFRS to be too close to the current Upton fire station. This is very different to how the email could be read that “David Armstrong proposed” this site. Clearly MFRS has the option to look also at other suitable sites owned by others.

– Our discussions were around a single bay fire station and in that regard the site appeared to have potential, particularly having the front and rear access required by MFRS. The discussion extended to possible inclusion of the community facilities, in line with the very positive developments undertaken by MFRS in Wallasey and Birkenhead.

– I’d envisage that a marked up drawing would come back showing if and how a one bay fire station would fit on the site and possibly a second option of a one bay plus a community facility.

– To the best of my memory, I don’t recall any mention of possible use by police and ambulance “hence the reason for two acres”. I fully support the principle, both for operational and financial reasons but would ask the question – is that going to result in us trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot here.

– It would be useful to see the footprints of i) single bay fire station, ii) single bay fire station and community, iii) larger joint facility on the land in question.

Sorry if the above sounds negative – I just feel the need to be cautious!


David Armstrong
Head of Universal Services CYPD
and Assistant Chief Executive

Colleen Halpin
PA to Director of Children’s Services
Children and Young People’s Department
Wirral Council
Tel: 0151 666 4288
Fax: 0151 666 4338

From: Subramanayam, Anatha [mailto:]
Sent: 20 January 2014 13:16
To: Simpson, Tony
Cc: Schofield, Colin; Timmins, Kieran
Subject: Greasby Land – MFRS/WBC
Importance: High

Hello Tony,

As per our meeting on 8th January 2014 – I am emailing you MFRS understanding in confidence about the land in Greasby (attached )
Summarising the way forward as we discussed:

  • WBC & MFRS discussed the criteria for development of the Fire station in the land proposed by David Armstrong of WBC as potential option.
  • You have confirmed that WBC have granted a long-term (99 year lease ) to the local community trust occupying the community centre adjacent to the site. Can you please confirm the area of the site we discussed :

    1. With community centre
    2. With community centre & Library
    3. Without community centre and Library

  • You stated the approval was granted for the development of supermarket in the red cat premises Can please confirm whether the proposed scheme for Tesco/Sainsbury has been approved adjacent to the site Library which can expand the options available for WBC & MFRS to consider development on proposed sensitive site. (see attached drawing for reference)
  • As we have discussed with you MFRS anticipate greater interest from associated partners – NWAS & Mersey Police for their respective occupational requirements which is the reason we need minimum of 2 acres of Land to avoid any design issues for a feasible development.
  • As we discussed – ideally MFRS & WBC can look forward on few options :
    1. MFRS can ideally build a Fire station in the proposed land subject to area confirmation.
    2. MFRS can develop a Fire station in the proposed land along with community facility while transferring the lease agreements from WBC to MFRS for the existing community centre subject to consultation with community centre and area confirmation.
    3. MFRS can develop a Fire station along with a community facility & Library facility within the associated occupant Lands subject to an agreement with WBC for Land and lease arrangements.
    4. MFRS & WBC can work together to formulate development template in line with any Tesco/Sainsbury proposals in the adjacent Red Cat premises along with Option 3 mentioned above which can be beneficial to all involved stakeholders and community in general.

I look forward to your thoughts on above and please do not hesitate to contact us for any information needed.



Anatha Subramanayam | Development Manager – Estates | Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service | Bridle Road, Bootle L30 4YD | Office: 0151 296 4314 Mob: 07801156545 Email:

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Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 09:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites


I don’t but I have copied this to Tony and David who may know more about it.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 08:54
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: Greasby sites

Hi David

Do you know anything about land sited on Frankby road opposite St John the divine church? Is that a possible fire station site?



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Timmins, Kieran

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 29 April 2014 10:23
To: Ball, David S; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

The land is not Council owned.


From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 09:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites


I don’t but I have copied this to Tony and David who may know more about it.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 08:54
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: Greasby sites

Hi David

Do you know anything about land sited on Frankby road opposite St John the divine church? Is that a possible fire station site?



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Timmins, Kieran

From: Timmins, Kieran
Sent: 29 April 2014 10:34
To: ‘Simpson, Tony’; Ball, David S.
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

Thanks Tony

Do you think it might be a suitable site? Do you know offhand anything about the ownership or history?


Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 29 April 2014 10:23
To: Ball, David S; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

The land is not Council owned.


From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 09:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites


I don’t but I have copied this to Tony and David who may know more about it.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 08:54
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: Greasby sites

Hi David

Do you know anything about land sited on Frankby road opposite St John the divine church? Is that a possible fire station site?



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Timmins, Kieran

From: Ball, David S
Sent: 29 April 2014 12:58
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David; Simpson, Tony
Subject FW: Greasby sites


Here is the view on this site from my Forward Planning team. It seems that there would be some planning policy issues here but I can explore it further if you want me to.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Entwhistle, John C.
Sent: 29 April 2014 12:56
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

David – the land on the opposite site of Frankby road to St John the Divine is in the Green Belt so a fire station would be inappropriate development and very special circumstances would have to be demonstrated. However there is potential for significant harm to the Green Belt in this location because of its role in maintaining separation between Greasby and Frankby.

John Entwistle
Principal Forward Planning Officer,
Forward Planning,
Regeneration and Environment,
Wirral Council,
Town Hall, Brighton Street
Wallasey, Merseyside
CH44 8ED
Telephone: 0151 691 8221
Fax: 0151 691 8273
Visit our website
Please save paper and print out only what is necessary.

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 12:19
To: Entwhistle, John C.
Subject: FW: Greasby sites
Importance: High


Do we know anything about this site?

Would a fire station be an acceptable use?


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Simpson, Tony
Sent: 29 April 2014 10:23
To: Ball, David S; Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites

The land is not Council owned.


From: Ball, David S.
Sent: 29 April 2014 09:06
To: Timmins, Kieran
Cc: Simpson, Tony; Armstrong, David
Subject: RE: Greasby sites


I don’t but I have copied this to Tony and David who may know more about it.


Head of Regeneration and Planning
Regeneration and Environment Department
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8395
Fax: 0151 691 8191

Wirral Host of the Open Championship 2014

From: Timmins, Kieran []
Sent: 29 April 2014 08:54
To: Ball, David S.
Subject: Greasby sites

Hi David

Do you know anything about land sited on Frankby road opposite St John the divine church? Is that a possible fire station site?



Kieran Timmins
Deputy Chief Executive
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service HQ
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Tel: 0151 296 4202
Fax: 0151 296 4224

Continues at Wirral Council planning on green belt fire station “there would be some planning policy issues”.

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Saughall Massie residents ask Wirral Council for reasons why greenbelt site suggested for new fire station

Saughall Massie residents ask Wirral Council for reasons why greenbelt site suggested for new fire station

Saughall Massie residents ask Wirral Council for reasons why greenbelt site suggested for new fire station

Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015)
Dan Stephens (Chief Fire Officer) answers questions at a public consultation meeting in Saughall Massie to discuss proposals for a new fire station (20th April 2015)

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service consultation meeting Saughall Massie 20th April 2015 Part 3 of 4

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Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service consultation meeting Saughall Massie 20th April 2015 Part 4 of 4

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Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service consultation meeting Saughall Massie 20th April 2015 Playlist of all parts 1-4

Continues from Saughall Massie residents express their opposition to fire station plans at first consultation meeting.

A member of the audience asked why Upton fire station couldn’t just be enlarged? Dan Stephens replied that if they did that, then it would increase response times to the West Kirby station area. He repeated what he had said earlier about how they couldn’t afford two fire stations and it was best to have one as close to the middle of the two existing fire stations as they could get.

Someone asked whether a completed risk assessment had been carried out on the impact on traffic of a new fire station in Saughall Massie? The answer was that such issues would be picked up in a future planning application. The Chief Fire Officer pointed out again that the roads in Wirral were no more challenging than roads elsewhere in Merseyside.

The next woman brought up environmental issues, heritage issues, property prices and said “my life will be definitely be blighted by this fire station” and she wanted to know “how it’s going to affect me here”. The Chief Fire Officer explained that his role was to be held to account for community safety matters. He said that the issues she had raised were ones for a planning committee to consider.

She asked a further question about why the proposal in Greasby had been thrown out and whether that was planning? The Chief Officer answered “No” and explained that they hadn’t got to the planning stage at Greasby. He added that they didn’t own the land at Greasby and the offer of the land had been withdrawn. Such questions would have to be asked of Wirral Council.

David Armstrong (Wirral Council) answered that the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority had approached Wirral Council to find a site. Three sites were identified in a built up area, one of which was the one in Greasby. That site didn’t go ahead “for a number of reasons” so they broadened the search out.

Mr Armstrong was next asked what the reasons were that they hadn’t proceeded with the Greasby site. Councillor Chris Blakeley gave his opinion that he thought the Council wanted to “make politics out of it”. Kieran Timmins chairing the meeting reminded Councillor Blakeley that it was not a political meeting.

“What reasons?” was asked again of David Armstrong. He answered, “As the idea developed, as the feedback came from the consultation meetings, as we looked at it more closely and we tried to explore it with the community centre who didn’t sign up to it at all. We looked into issues of grant which we’d had government grant to extend the library and the children’s centre et cetera, et cetera it became obvious that that scheme was not going to work. It was still important to have the consultation which you’re having now. The Council has done no more than cooperate with the fire service to have discussion about the fire safety of 26,000 people.

We started out looking at the sites that weren’t greenbelt and weren’t green space. There were three in Greasby. One was a triangular piece of land next to the cricket club that the Council owned which didn’t work because the fire service for understandable reasons like to have a site where they can take the fire tender in, drive it in, they need a substantial sized site.

We looked at a piece of land that the Council owns next to the second roundabout, not the Sainsburys one, the one nearest Greasby which has a dead-end spur into a piece of land. It’s leased to the Woodland Trust for 100 years. It’s very close to Upton, it didn’t give the fire service the location it needed.

That left us then with the Greasby site. When it became apparent that that wasn’t going to work, we broadened the search out we looked at the greenbelt sites and we presented them to the Fire Authority and that’s all we’ve done to have this discussion and debate because as Dan [Stephens] said earlier the decision will have to be made at the end of the day as to whether that can work in terms of fire safety, whether it would work for the people that live there and all those things would have to be brought together.

The Council has yet to reach a decision on whether to release the land, it will await the outcome of this consultation, that will feed into things and a report that will go to Council. If the Fire Authority wish to pursue this option because they’ve got that decision to make, if they do that, if the Fire Authority come back to the Council and say this is the only option, we’d like to pursue this, the Council will have to make a decision whether or not to release the site.

If the Council did decide to release the site, the Fire Authority then would have to apply for planning permission and an entirely separate process within the Council and that again would address all the issues, the environmental issues, the location issues, the planning issues as well.”

Details of how to respond to the consultation are here. The consultation closes on the 18th May 2015.

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