Why is Wirral Council putting on agendas that chairs of public meetings can “halt any recording?”

Why is Wirral Council putting on agendas that chairs of public meetings can “halt any recording?”

Why is Wirral Council putting on agendas that chairs of public meetings can “halt any recording?”


Birkenhead Constituency Committee (27th September 2018) L to R Cllr George Davies, Jo Burrell and David Kenneth Abraham
Birkenhead Constituency Committee (27th September 2018) L to R Cllr George Davies, Jo Burrell and David Kenneth Abraham

Earlier this month I wrote a story about what happened when I tried to film a public meeting of the Birkenhead Constituency Committee headlined Why does Wirral Council believe it can direct how filming of its public meetings are done (when not filmed by themselves)?
Continue reading “Why is Wirral Council putting on agendas that chairs of public meetings can “halt any recording?””

What’s the timetable for the Upton by-election of a councillor to Wirral Council?

What’s the timetable for the Upton by-election of a councillor to Wirral Council?

What’s the timetable for the Upton by-election of a councillor to Wirral Council?


Photo 6 - Cllr Matthew Patrick Birkenhead Constituency Committee 1st March 2018
Photo 6 – Cllr Matthew Patrick Birkenhead Constituency Committee 1st March 2018

Due to the resignation of Matthew Patrick (pictured above) as he has taken up a job in London there will be a by-election of one councillor in Upton ward to Wirral Council.

Whoever is elected following the election will serve the remainder of Matthew Patrick’s term of office (until May 2020).
Continue reading “What’s the timetable for the Upton by-election of a councillor to Wirral Council?”

Wirral Council’s Standards Panel met to consider complaint made about Cllr Paul Hayes’ quote in a press release

Wirral Council’s Standards Panel met to consider complaint made about Cllr Paul Hayes’ quote in a press release

Wirral Council’s Standards Panel met to consider complaint made about Cllr Paul Hayes’ quote in a press release


Standards Panel (Wirral Council) 9th October 2018 Cllr Paul Hayes (foreground)
Standards Panel (Wirral Council) 9th October 2018 Cllr Paul Hayes (foreground)

Continue reading “Wirral Council’s Standards Panel met to consider complaint made about Cllr Paul Hayes’ quote in a press release”

VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?

VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?

VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?


A member of the public asking questions about the Local Plan Wirral West Constituency Committee 4th October 2018
A member of the public asking questions about the Local Plan Wirral West Constituency Committee 4th October 2018

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Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 Playlist – the Local Plan consultation discussion starts at 11:31 in the first video clip

The Wirral West Constituency Committee met for a two and a half hour public meeting on Thursday evening (4th October 2018) at St Chad’s Church Hall in Roslin Road, Irby.
Continue reading “VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?”

Hearing in Chalmers vs Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (E14YJ013) was adjourned

Hearing in Chalmers vs Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (E14YJ013) was adjourned

Hearing in Chalmers vs Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (E14YJ013) was adjourned


Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018
Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018

I went to Birkenhead County Court today (in Hamilton Street, Birkenhead) as a case involving Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council was listed for a hearing. Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council is the Defendant and the Claimant is Chalmers.
Continue reading “Hearing in Chalmers vs Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (E14YJ013) was adjourned”