Wirral Council 17th October 2011 Part 1

Here’s the first twenty or so minutes of the full Council meeting on the 17th October 2011. Apologies for the sound quality in advance, but nearby Tweeters in the public gallery on their mobile phones unfortunately caused interference with the sound recording and with a full public gallery there was plenty of rustling of papers … Continue reading “Wirral Council 17th October 2011 Part 1”

Here’s the first twenty or so minutes of the full Council meeting on the 17th October 2011. Apologies for the sound quality in advance, but nearby Tweeters in the public gallery on their mobile phones unfortunately caused interference with the sound recording and with a full public gallery there was plenty of rustling of papers and coughing too.

Subtitles are included for the first minute or so of the meeting. It covers apologies for Cllr Bridson and Cllr Mountney & Mayor’s Communications, Declarations of Interest, petitions, minutes of the last meeting (18th July 2011), questions (one withdrawn and another from a councillor about foxes) and then part of item 5 (Leadership of the Council).

People that can be seen on the right in the video are, Mayor (Cllr. Moira McLaughlin), Deputy Mayor (Cllr. Gerry Ellis), Mayor’s Consort (Anna McLaughlin).

Also on the Conservative benches: Cllr Chris Blakeley, Cllr Jeff Green, Cllr Lesley Rennie and a few others.

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Wirral Council Cabinet 13/10/2011 Statement of Accounts 2010/11, Annual Governance Report Part 6

Ian Coleman, Director of Finance said he agreed with the comments except the last comment. They had closed the accounts on the 4th July. Complying with International Financial Reporting Standards had been a lot of work. He said that 75% in the North West had not achieved the 30th September deadline. He said it had been a battle to the last-minute regarding the auditors’ requirements. The auditors had commented on the level of resources and he said they will be acting on that. Ian Coleman said they will look at the whole process and what can be improved. However, he said many problems shouldn’t re-occur as they now know what to do. There would not be restating of the previous year’s accounts to International Financial Reporting Standards standards.

Cllr Steve Foulkes said that he and Jim would sign them.

Ian Coleman, Director of Finance then introduced the Audit Commission’s Annual Governance Report. He said this was another statutory report which covered two areas. He said the Audit and Risk Management Committee had put on record its views on the Value for Money analysis which was qualified for the first time. He said he would look at the reasons why.

Cllr Phil Davies said on the last point, there was a clear and damning comment on page 21 about the HESPE contract and its operation for the last two and a half years. He said there was no performance management information which was a basic issue, he asked for suggestions?

Wirral Council Cabinet 13/10/2011 Merseyside Pension Fund Annual Governance Report, Statement of Accounts 2010-11 Part 5

Cllr Steve Foulkes referred to the “massive” training given to councillors with oversight of the Merseyside Pension Fund. He referred to continuity and how it was important that the same councillors learn. He asked if the learning could be transferred?

Ian Coleman said it was a statutory requirement on trustees to comply with the national requirements. He had to make an annual return to government on the training that had taken place of trustees and of the Chair. He said it was a more rigorous training regime.

Cllr Steve Foulkes asked the Cabinet to endorse the report.

The meeting moved onto item 6 Statement of Accounts 2010-11 which was also introduced by Ian Coleman, Director of Finance. Ian Coleman said the accounts had been agreed by the Audit and Risk Management Committee and were a “weighty tome”. The Audit Commission had given an unqualified opinion. There had been a number of technical alterations, however there was no change on the position.

Cllr Steve Foulkes said he had discussed it with the District Auditor. He referred to the “tortuous route” and rewrites and said they had met the deadline “only just” which was “not impressive at all”. He asked why they [Wirral Council] were struggling when other local authorities were not?

Wirral Council Cabinet 13/10/2011 Job Evaluation, Merseyside Pension Fund accounts, Part 4

Chris Hyams, Head of HR & OD introduced Agenda Item 23: Job Evaluation. She said she sought Cabinet’s approval for the implementation of stage 4 which covered the Heads of Service and Chief Officers. The costs were in Agenda Item 35 – Exempt Appendix – Job Evaluation. She wanted to complete the process and they were working on stages 2 and 3. Stage 3 was underway regarding the evaluation of jobs.

Cllr Steve Foulkes asked if there was much option about taking it through to the upper grades?

Chris Hyams responded that there had been a local agreement in 2008 [by Cabinet].

Cllr Adrian Jones referred to 3.1 in the report . The recommendations were agreed.

Ian Coleman, Director of Finance introduced item 4 Merseyside Pension Fund Accounts. He said it was a statutory report that had already been agreed by the Pension Committee and the Audit and Risk Management Committee. The auditors had given an unqualified opinion.

Cllr Steve Foulkes said he was happy to endorse the accounts. The item was agreed.

Ian Coleman, Director of Finance introduced item 5 Audit Commission – Merseyside Pension Fund Annual Governance Report. He said it had already been presented to the Audit & Risk Management committee.

Cllr Steve Foulkes said that Wirral Council had been entrusted with the governance of one of the largest pension funds. Regarding best practice and skills, he asked how much it was possible for cross-skilling so Wirral’s corporate governance could pick up best practice from the Pension Fund?

Ian Coleman, Director of Finance said the Pension Fund was a division in the Department of Finance. He said the Pension Fund was a single service operation so governance was easier. The Pension Fund had to stick to Pension Committee policies and had oversight by the Audit Commission.

Wirral Council Cabinet 13/10/2011 Child Poverty Strategy Action Plan – Progress Report Part 3

Cllr Ann McLachlan said [the Child Poverty Strategy Action Plan] was an “important piece of work” whose “natural home is the Children’s Trust Board”. She said she wanted to move a motion.

Cllr George Davies mentioned Cllr Sheila Clarke and Cllr Mark Johnston. He said that they “owe it to the people of Wirral” and the “statistics are frightening”. He talked about a Tranmere Community Project which had welcomed people from the United States of America to share views. He said certain parts of the Wirral had not altered in the areas of unemployment, housing and deprivation. He said, “Talking has to stop, action has to start.”

Cllr Steve Foulkes referred to the conference and the will to tackle the issue as well as recent press coverage. He also talked about the governance priorities, trends going forward into the future and the last paragraph in which it was declared to be a Budget priority. He said in light of the consultation exercise, he would prefer to call it a “key priority” as it was premature to fit it in the Budget. He said the last paragraph reflected that they would make it a key priority for 2012/13.

Cllr Ann McLachlan said she recognises the issues and welcomed the Action Plan. She emphasised the extreme urgency and referred to an Institute for Fiscal Studies study and referred to 600,000 in child poverty by 2012/13 which would mean the 2010 targets would be missed. She asked Cabinet to agree the recommendations. She thanked people and wanted to make tacking child poverty a key priority. Cllr Steve Foulkes seconded the motion which was agreed.