Reports into finance and governance issues at Wirral Council recommend “reducing the number of libraries, leisure centres, golf clubs, and public conveniences”

Reports into finance and governance issues at Wirral Council recommend “reducing the number of libraries, leisure centres, golf clubs, and public conveniences”

Reports into finance and governance issues at Wirral Council recommend “reducing the number of libraries, leisure centres, golf clubs, and public conveniences”


Oliver Twist asks for more in Oliver! (1968)
Oliver Twist asks for more in Oliver! (1968)

By John Brace (Editor)
and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 3rd November 2021, 10:56 (GMT).

Two external reviews into Wirral Council were published by the
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities yesterday (2nd November 2021). The first was the final version of a 40 page report into Wirral Council’s finances which has logos of CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) and Peopletoo Ltd on its cover page.

The second was a 20 page governance review dated September 2021 written by an Ada Burns.
Continue reading “Reports into finance and governance issues at Wirral Council recommend “reducing the number of libraries, leisure centres, golf clubs, and public conveniences””

United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference starts: but will humankind change course?

United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference starts: but will humankind change course?                                                                    By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor) Please note that any comments left are subject to moderation before publication due to the ongoing byelection in Oxton. First publication date: 28th October 2021, 20:24 (BST, GMT+1). For over ten years this blog […]

United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference starts: but will humankind change course?


By John Brace (Editor)
and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

Protest about green spaces and climate change outside Liverpool Town Hall 15th January 2020
Protest about green spaces and climate change outside Liverpool Town Hall 15th January 2020

Please note that any comments left are subject to moderation before publication due to the ongoing byelection in Oxton.

First publication date: 28th October 2021, 20:24 (BST, GMT+1).

For over ten years this blog has had a focus on Wirral Council, broadening out also into an exploration of wider local government here in Merseyside and the Liverpool City Region.
Continue reading “United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference starts: but will humankind change course?”

Barrister for Government of United States of America asks for redactions (before disclosure to the press) to document during day 2 of UK (United Kingdom) High Court judicial review appeal hearing of earlier judicial decision not to extradite Julian Assange from the UK to America

Barrister for Government of United States of America asks for redactions (before disclosure to the press) to document during day 2 of UK (United Kingdom) High Court judicial review appeal hearing of earlier judicial decision not to extradite Julian Assange from the UK to America

Barrister for Government of United States of America asks for redactions (before disclosure to the press) to document during day 2 of UK (United Kingdom) High Court judicial review appeal hearing of earlier judicial decision not to extradite Julian Assange from the UK to America


By John Brace (Editor)

First publication date: 28th October 2021, 20:24 (BST, GMT+1).
Updated 29th October 2021 to add Kromberg declaration links

Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK (resized). Picture credit sjiong, made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 licence
Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK (resized). Picture credit sjiong, made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 licence.

Please note that comments are turned off due to the ongoing nature of this case.

For the last 2 days (27th October 2021 and 28th October 2021) I have observed an appeal hearing
heard before the Lord Chief Justice (The Right Honourable The Lord Burnett of Maldon PC) and The Right Honourable Lord Justice Holroyde which is a judicial review from the earlier decision not to extradite Julian Assange from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (“UK”) to the United States of America (“US”). This earlier decision was made in the Westminster Magistrates’ Court by District Judge Vanessa Baraitser on 4th January 2021 (all 132 pages can be read on the Courts and Tribunal Judiciary website) by following this link.
Continue reading “Barrister for Government of United States of America asks for redactions (before disclosure to the press) to document during day 2 of UK (United Kingdom) High Court judicial review appeal hearing of earlier judicial decision not to extradite Julian Assange from the UK to America”

What happened at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Policy and Resources Committee to discuss budget cuts proposals for 2022/23?

What happened at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Policy and Resources Committee to discuss budget cuts proposals for 2022/23?

What happened at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Policy and Resources Committee to discuss budget cuts proposals for 2022/23?


Wirral Council Policy and Resources Committee (25th October 2021) Left to Right Councillor Janette Williamson Philip McCourt resized
Wirral Council Policy and Resources Committee (25th October 2021) Left to Right, Councillor Janette Williamson (Chair) (left) and Philip McCourt (Monitoring Officer) (middle)

Before this piece on the special meeting of Wirral Council’s Policy and Resources Committee in the interests of openness and transparency I have three specific interests to declare.

1. During the meeting itself I am mentioned (briefly) by name by Councillor Julie McManus as I emailed her prior to the meeting with a combined series of questions, some of which are merely journalistic inquiries, others as I’m a local resident and she’s my local councillor. At the time of writing and publication I have not received answers to these questions yet from Wirral Council but when (and if) I do so I plan to update this piece with Wirral Council’s responses (although you can watch the video below for what was said by employees and councillors at te meeting).
Continue reading “What happened at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Policy and Resources Committee to discuss budget cuts proposals for 2022/23?”

Grant Thornton accepts as “eligible” objection to the 2020-21 accounts for Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside

Grant Thornton accepts as “eligible” objection to the 2020-21 accounts for Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside

Grant Thornton accepts as “eligible” objection to the 2020-21 accounts for Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: Monday 13th September 2021, 4:13 PM (BST).

Birchmore Willow Ltd invoice to Merseyside Police

In an update to an earlier blog post headlined Why am I objecting to the 2020-21 accounts for Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside? Grant Thornton (the auditors for Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside) have accepted the objection as eligible.
Continue reading “Grant Thornton accepts as “eligible” objection to the 2020-21 accounts for Merseyside Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside”