When will Wirral Council update its Local Plan to take into account the new household projection figures?

When will Wirral Council update its Local Plan to take into account the new household projection figures?

When will Wirral Council update its Local Plan to take into account the new household projection figures?

House building on the Wirral 2018
House building on the Wirral 2018

Last Friday I published 477 new households a year required on Wirral according to Office for National Statistics, not 803 new households a year as Wirral Council claims; who is right and does Wirral’s greenbelt need to change? which appears to have led to articles in the Wirral Globe, Liverpool Echo, Wirral Leaks, Planning Resource, North West Place and a piece in the Council’s newspaper Wirral View (links are below).
Continue reading “When will Wirral Council update its Local Plan to take into account the new household projection figures?”

477 new households a year required on Wirral according to Office of National Statistics, not 803 new households a year as Wirral Council claims; who is right and does Wirral’s greenbelt need to change?

477 new households a year required on Wirral according to Office of National Statistics, not 803 new households a year as Wirral Council claims; who is right and does Wirral’s greenbelt need to change?

477 new households a year required on Wirral according to Office of National Statistics, not 803 new households a year as Wirral Council claims; who is right and does Wirral’s greenbelt need to change?

House building on the Wirral 2018
House building on the Wirral 2018

Last month I wrote a blog post querying whether the 803 new homes a year figure used by Wirral Council was correct.

Wirral Council’s ruling Labour Cabinet in July agreed to start a consultation on the Local Plan earlier this month. The Cabinet also agreed to use the 803 new homes a year figure with the conclusion being consulted on that this would require over the 15 year life of the Local Plan large areas of the Wirral that are currently in the greenbelt to be taken out of the greenbelt for the purposes of housing.
Continue reading “477 new households a year required on Wirral according to Office of National Statistics, not 803 new households a year as Wirral Council claims; who is right and does Wirral’s greenbelt need to change?”

What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?

What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?

What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?


And when it was up, it was up,
And when it was down, it was down,
And when it was only half-way up,
It was neither up nor down.

Below is the 147 page contract between Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the replacement of the Wirral Docks Bridges.

The original completion date in the contract was 4th December 2017 (later changed to 17th January 2018) but the actual date the bridges were reopened was 28th June 2018.
Continue reading “What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?”

Wirral Council paid a day rate of over £700 a day for some agency staff!

Wirral Council paid a day rate of over £700 a day for some agency staff!

Wirral Council paid a day rate of over £700 a day for some agency staff!


Matrix SCM Ltd Wirral Council 20th December 2017 £308534.18
Matrix SCM Ltd Wirral Council 20th December 2017 £308534.18

During the public inspection period I requested copies of a number of invoices from Matrix SCM Ltd to Wirral Council for agency staff. An example of one of those invoices for £308,534.18 (which doesn’t state much detail) is above.

Agency staff are provided by Matrix SCM Ltd to Wirral Council on either an hourly rate or day rate. In addition to this there can also be claims for mileage, parking and tunnel tolls.
Continue reading “Wirral Council paid a day rate of over £700 a day for some agency staff!”

What has Wirral Council been spending money on in 2017 and 2018 (part 2)?

What has Wirral Council been spending money on in 2017 and 2018 (part 2)?

What has Wirral Council been spending money on in 2017 and 2018 (part 2)?


Last week I published some invoices to Wirral Council, I received some more of the invoices I’d requested on Friday, some of which are below.

Some are to Wirral Council for the legal expenses of barristers (who are self-employed). Section 26(8) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 specifically states that names that relate to a business carried on by a sole trader can’t be withheld as personal information. Despite this Wirral Council has blacked out the names of the barristers on some of the invoices below.
Continue reading “What has Wirral Council been spending money on in 2017 and 2018 (part 2)?”