Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ

A report on Wirral Council’s Planning Committee meeting held on the 27th June 2013 | OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ

This transcript continues from an earlier blog post covering the end of the third agenda item and the first planning application.

Matthew Davies: It’s been referred to the character, the garden faces the properties fronting Noctorum Avenue are hardly ever after this point, and as such adding an RSA? can be obtained within an … one and can be provided for ordinary dwellings as are the parking provision.

The property’s key density of thirty dwellings per a hectare is relatively low commensurate with the density on Hadley Avenue and Winston Drive in certain key instances and the bungalow in my view improves the area given its responsibility and impact on character.

In terms of amenity there’s a good separation distance between the rear of the property currently and Winston Drive. It’s indicated that they would separate the part in my view to prevent overbearing produced on this land, whilst good separation distance will also be achievable and unavoidable of itself avoiding the ability indeed for that property on the … to be alleviated. Plans would be required to support a third party’s application.

Considering highway safety, access to both the two dwellings and the road has already has a number of access points. It is therefore to be noted that there are no highway concerns.

The Head of ??? takes ??? for ?????tation, so there’s no objections to the development so the planning conditions have been imposed and have adequately taken place according to my view.

Overall the building is considered to comply with UDP policy HS10 and HS4 and is recommended for approval subject to the conditions as …. and objections in the report. It fits the requirements for planning reasons such as open space, landscaping and amenity of the neighbours.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Thank you. Errm, would the representative of the people you address with no time limit be here?

Cllr Denise Roberts: I’m here, Chair.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Would you like to come forward?

Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ.

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) Site Visits | OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ

A report on Wirral Council’s Planning Committee meeting held on the 27th June 2013 | Site Visits | OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ

This transcript continues from an earlier blog post covering the first three agenda items.

Cllr Steve Foulkes: Sorry Chair, yes Chair, err…the party on the.. simply note those site visits.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): OK thank you very much, are there any other site visits?

Cllr David Elderton (Conservative spokesperson): So that’s three site visits.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): That’s three site visits.

Cllr David Elderton (Conservative spokesperson): We’re going to have, thank you very much.

Cllr Bernie Mooney: So anybody’s here, anybody who’s here in the building to listen to errm the Woodend Cottage Cottage, err Marsh Lane that will not be discussed tonight. Hoylake Lawn Tennis Club will not be discussed tonight and Thornton Manor will not be discussed tonight. They are subject to site visits and they will be on the agenda for the next Planning Committee. So, anybody here for them items, then they aren’t being discussed, so errm if you’d like to leave or you’re more than welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting if you want.

Before we do this, could I ask for …., because we move it around errm in proportion for the people who are here to to to listen to the applications, we think that would be…councillor number four now and then people are going to I was going to say number twelve, number thirteen and number eleven, err number ten, so that’s where we’re going. Err, can we have a presentation please for item agenda number four please?

Matthew Davies: Thank you Chair, through you Chair, errm there is a qualifying petition errm through this application. Errm following the outline planning application with all matters reserved, the two dwellings err on the site there through the .. to our end ..running between Hawthorne and Noctorum Avenue. Errm other outline application, a further application will be needed to secure the detail of the development’s layout, appearance, scale and landscaping. The dwelling is indeed and has been utilising the proposed two dormer bungalows parallel parallel to the property fronting on Noctorum Avenue.

In principle this type of development is thwarted by the Unitary Development Plan, in terms of highways and residential amenity, primarily in a residential area such as this. UDP policy HS10, subject to criteria would normally let the backland development on the site, while HS4 sets out the minimum criteria for the new housing development. The key issues that are considered to be that the essential impact on character, impact on dwellings and residential properties in terms of amenity and impact on highway safety.

Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 27th June 2013 OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ.

Planning Committee – 21/6/2011 – Part 1 – Introductions, application for a store in Noctorum

Present: Chair (Cllr Elderton), Cllr Mitchell, Cllr Clements, Cllr Hayes (Paul), Cllr Boult, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Kenny, Cllr Mooney, Cllr Realey and Cllr Kelly.

The meeting started with the Chair apologising for the meeting starting over five minutes late. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked those present (including officers) to introduce themselves.

He then asked for declarations of interest or party whip. None were declared. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. Cllr Boult asked why an application had not been received (in reference to the minutes). The Chair thanked Cllr Boult for his question and said he would arrange for it to be handed out. Cheryl Barry said she would make sure it was done. The minutes were agreed.

Site visits were requested by Cllr Hayes for item 14 (APP/11/00449 – 24 Dibbinsdale Road, Bromborough – Rear 1st floor extension) and item 18 (APP/11/00449 – 24 Dibbinsdale Road, Bromborough – Rear 1st floor extension). This was agreed, so site visits will be arranged and the items deferred to another meeting for a decision. The Chair made it clear to anybody present that decisions on these items would not be made until then.

The Chair then asked for permission to rearrange the order of business to reflect the numbers of members of the public present. This was agreed and the first item to be considered was item 6 on the agenda – APP/11/ 00065 – Townfield Close, Claughton – Demolition of an existing petrol filling station and erection of Class A1 retail unit.

Planning Committee – decision tonight on application about land adjacent to 290 Upton Road, Noctorum

Planning Committee – decision tonight on application about land adjacent to 290 Upton Road, Noctorum

Planning Committee – decision tonight on application about land adjacent to 290 Upton Road, Noctorum


A decision will be made tonight at Wirral Council’s Planning Committee about the new house on Upton Road.

I notice although the recommendation to approve it hasn’t changed, an extra condition 8 has been added (compared to the previous report was on this planning application). This extra condition is:-

"Prior to the occupation of the dwelling hereby approved,the south-facing landing window and east facing bathroom window shall be obscurely glazed and non-opening above 1.7 metres in height and shall be retained as such thereafter."

Hopefully this should satisfy the two who objectors (although I got the feeling talking to them they were against the principle of a house being built there at all). Even if it was turned down tonight as the previous application was approved (and is valid) it would still probably be built. This plan just asks for a further bedroom and bathroom.

Separation distances and privacy are important things to be considered; the former has been on the mind of the Planning Committee ever since in a case nearby to Upton Road someone was awarded compensation because a plan was approved without due regard given to them. I look forward to tonight’s meeting.

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