Economy & Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5th September 2011 Part 2 Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013

Kevin Adderley continued about the population demographics which was outlined on page 44. He did have good news of a Telegraph report on cities in the UK with the greatest growth over three years measured by companies that had grown 20% year on year. Birkenhead was second best after Aberdeen. 12% companies had grown 20% … Continue reading “Economy & Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5th September 2011 Part 2 Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013”

Kevin Adderley continued about the population demographics which was outlined on page 44. He did have good news of a Telegraph report on cities in the UK with the greatest growth over three years measured by companies that had grown 20% year on year. Birkenhead was second best after Aberdeen. 12% companies had grown 20% year on year, however there were signficant challenges in housing and the “worst recession in living memory” which led to small growth and difficult challenges. Universal Credit, housing benefits reforms and the work program being delivered by national providers as well as an aging population and housing were all issues to consider. Kevin talked about employer’s opportunities to retrain young people and keep the average age of the population down as the greatest reduction had been in young people of working age.

It was a changing global economy and the investment strategy had to include businesses and jobs. There was a focus on housing, specifically private sector housing. They were trying to secure inward investment into Wirral to tackle the economic problems. Wirral had 112,000 private sector units. Wirral Waters would help to tackle some of the economic disparities between different parts of the Borough.

The priorities were strategic planning and a strategic function for housing and planning. Hoylake, Devonshire Park and Liscard Neighbourhood were all involved in the Neighbourhood Planning Vanguard pilot. The land charge role was going to change and be opened up to the private sector. There would be partnerships between businesses, registered social landlords and developers. The European funding specification for Merseyside given since the 1980s was due to finish in 2012. There was discussion over continuing the regional program or a UK-wide program, they would lobby to maximise European funding. Cllr Mark Johnston thanked Kevin Adderley and the council officers.

Chris Davies MEP on Merseytravel’s Cllr Mark Dowd

As usual Chris Davies MEP puts things rather well in a defence of freedom of speech.

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Economy & Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5th September 2011 Part 1 Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013

The Chair, Cllr Johnston welcomed people to the meeting, he said he was varying the agenda to bring the budget item first, then apprenticeships, then the rest of the agenda.

Cllr Stuart Wittingham declared a personal interest as a Director of Wirral Partnership Homes in item 3 (Affordable Housing in Wirral). The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

The Chair said further information would go out tomorrow in an email about priority letting and a tour was in progress. He also said that 6 (Budget Issues for Economy and Housing in 2012/2013) was a last-minute agenda item, there would be a presentation, then he would make a statement giving every councillor a chance to speak in turn. They would then work out motions. Kevin Adderley said it was a Cabinet request for overview and scrutiny committees to consider the 2012 Budget and challenges. The projected shortfall was £25 million. The budget for areas under this committee’s control was £21 million revenue and £9.6 million capital. They had lost Housing Market Renewal Initiative funding and Working Neighbourhoods Fund funding of £20 million in 2011/2012. The £1.2 million funding for Homelessness and the Private Sector Housing Team (from the Community Fund and carry over of HMRI funds) was due to end in March 2012. There was a £500k shortfall in the income target for Development Control. The £740k in year grant for worklessness wouldn’t be received until 2012/2013. They have been successful in their ESF and ILM bid, but it had been taken out of the Budget that ended in May 2012.

Boundary Review: Bidston & St. James ward to end up in Wallasey

Relying on a leaked list of the Boundary Commission proposals for the North West it seems the current proposals are that Bidston & St. James ward is to become part of Wallasey Constituency.

Upton ward will move from Wirral West to Birkenhead.

Wirral West constituency will be renamed Hoylake and Neston and will include Neston & Parkgate.

Instead of Wirral South there’ll be a Mersey Banks constituency which is half Cheshire, a quarter Wirral (Bromborough and Eastham wards) and a quarter Halton.

Obviously these changes are only proposals, but I’m sure people will have their say on the new boundaries over the next few months.

Planning Committee Site Visit 5/9/2011 18 Bidston Road, Claughton Part 3

The architect said there were options such as triangular windows. An officer said it had previously been an old people’s home. The function of these rooms had been bedrooms and a sewing room, the separation distance was 21 metres. The issue of separation distances and the previous function were established facts.

Cllr Davies said the Chair had made his point, however he was still pushing for an alteration that might help. He said it had previously been used for a different type of clientele. The petitioner said there were houses at the back and trees as well as another house. An officer said the separation distances didn’t contravene the guidelines. Cllr Davies said he had been lent the keys and had gone right into the bedroom of the house at the back and he had seen the view. The Chair said they didn’t have time to go to the neighbour’s garden. Cllr Davies asked what the legal separation distance should be. The officer said there were different levels, but there was a greater distance if there was an authorised habitable use. He said it was not ideal regarding the outlook, however as it was an existing building with habitable rooms he saw no reason for refusal. The Chair said this had been brought up in the petition. He said he had seen the impact. He asked if everyone was happy and thanked people for attending the site visit, reminding them that the issue would be decided at tomorrow night’s meeting starting at 6pm.