Did Wirral Council’s Pensions Committee really approve the accounts of the £6.9 billion Merseyside Pension Fund?

Did Wirral Council’s Pensions Committee really approve the accounts of the £6.9 billion Merseyside Pension Fund?

Did Wirral Council’s Pensions Committee really approve the accounts of the £6.9 billion Merseyside Pension Fund?

Pensions Committee (Merseyside Pension Fund) 15th September 2015 Left Peter Wallach Head of Pensions Right Cllr Paul Doughty Chair of the Pensions Committee
Pensions Committee (Merseyside Pension Fund) 15th September 2015 Left Peter Wallach Head of Pensions Right Cllr Paul Doughty Chair of the Pensions Committee

Below is a copy of my statutory objection to the approval of the accounts of the Merseyside Pension Fund (a £6.9 billion pension fund that form part of Wirral Council’s accounts) which go to Wirral Council and its auditors Grant Thornton.

It’s rather dull and technical, but in the interests of openness and transparency I am publishing it below. It relates to yesterday’s meeting of the Pensions Committee that can be viewed below. I was so cheesed off I made two spelling mistakes in the email (a corrected version is below).

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!

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Wirral Council’s Pension Committee public meeting of the 15th September 2015 Part 1 of 2 (Merseyside Pension Fund)

I reckon receiving this email will probably be about as welcome at Wirral Council as someone breaking wind in an open plan office. However such is life! The press are independent for a reason!

Subject: Statutory objection to Pensions Committee approval of Merseyside Pension Fund Accounts for 2014/15

CC: Pat Philips
CC: Colin Hughes
CC: Surjit Tour
CC: Peter Wallach
CC: Joe Blott
CC: Tom Sault

CC: Cllr Paul Doughty
CC: Cllr Ann McLachlan
CC: Cllr George Davies
CC: Cllr Treena Johnson (email address unknown)
CC: Cllr Adrian Jones
CC: Cllr Brian Kenny
CC: Cllr Geoffrey Watt
CC: Cllr Kathy Hodson
CC: Cllr Cherry Povall
CC: Cllr Pat Cleary
CC: Cllr Anita Leech

CC: Cllr Nick Crofts (Liverpool City Council)
CC: Cllr John Fulham (St Helens Council)
CC: Cllr William Weightman (Knowsley Council)
CC: Paulette Lappin (Sefton Council)

CC: Cllr Jim Crabtree
CC: Cllr Ron Abbey
CC: Cllr Chris Blakeley
CC: Cllr Angela Davies
CC: Cllr David Elderton
CC: Cllr Phil Gilchrist
CC: Cllr John Hale
CC: Cllr Matthew Patrick

CC: Fiona Blatcher
CC: Heather Green
CC: Chris Blakemore

Dear all,

I am a local government elector in the Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council area and make this statutory objection to the Pensions Committee approval of the the Merseyside Pension Fund Accounts for 2014/15 (see Audit Commission Act 1998, s.16).

For the purposes of clarity to the auditor this is a statutory objection to a matter not in relation to a matter covered by Audit Commission Act 1998, s.17-18 but Audit Commission Act 1998, s.8.

As required I am sending a copy of this objection to the auditor, those I have contact details for on Wirral Council’s Pensions Committee (I do not have an email address for Cllr Treena Johnson), Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee and those tasked with corporate governance at Wirral Council such as the Monitoring Officer Mr. Tour, the Head of Pensions Peter Wallach, the Strategic Director for Transformation and Resources Joe Blott and Tom Sault the Acting 151 Officer as well as other relevant people.

I do not have contact details for some on the Pensions Committee. I am sending this to the officer who took the minutes of the Pensions Committee meeting on the 14th September 2015 in the hope that it can be forwarded to those I do not have contact details for (the non-councillor members and Cllr Treena Johnson).

As this is a rather technical objection, I provide below a summary of the key points.

However I first need to declare an interest. I have a close family relative who is currently paid a pension by Merseyside Pension Fund, therefore a close interest in the corporate governance of the Fund being done properly.

On the 14th September 2015, I and three other members of the public (two of whom were employed by Grant Thornton and are Wirral Council’s auditors) attended a public meeting of Wirral Council’s Pensions Committee.

This meeting was filmed by myself and published shortly after, see

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One of the functions of the Pensions Committee as detailed in Wirral Council’s constitution is to approve the statement of accounts and financial statements of the Merseyside Pension Fund and recommend these to the Audit and Risk Management Committee.

This is because the Merseyside Pension Fund forms part of Wirral Council’s accounts. There is a statutory deadline to approve the statement of accounts for the 2014/15 financial year by the 30th September 2015.

As mentioned at the Pensions Committee itself by one of the councillors this Fund is valued at ~£6.9 billion.

Item 4 and 5 on the agenda of that meeting were the pension fund accounts 2014/15 and draft annual report.

As the Pensions Committee is a public meeting of a local authority, legislation that governs public meetings applies to it. The statement of accounts formed part of a document known as the “Report & Accounts 2014/15” which was given to those on the Pensions Committee present on the afternoon of the meeting itself.

Please note the reference below to principal council, by virtue of Local Government Act 1972, s.100E also apply to committees and sub-committees of a principal council. The Pensions Committee is a committee of a principal council.

Local Government Act 1972, s.100B(4), is quite clear on the procedure that should be followed in the case of agenda items that are not open to inspection by members of the public five clear days before the meeting.

(4) An item of business may not be considered at a meeting of a principal council unless either—

(a) a copy of the agenda including the item (or a copy of the item) is open to inspection by members of the public in pursuance of subsection (1) above for at least [five clear days] before the meeting or, where the meeting is convened at shorter notice, from the time the meeting is convened; or

(b) by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the chairman of the meeting is of the opinion that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.

It is clear that the Report & Accounts 2014/15 for the Merseyside Pension Fund did not fall under the description in s. 100B (4)(a) and therefore the procedure in 100B(4)(b) applies. The Chairman of the Pensions Committee Cllr Paul Doughty did not specify at the meeting itself his opinion that the item should be considered as a matter of urgency, nor would the reasons for this be specified in the minutes.

This is an important corporate governance safeguard written into legislation.

Firstly, if the documents are not made available to the public five clear days before the meeting, the public and press cannot scrutinise them. Secondly (as was mentioned at the meeting itself) at least one councillor expressed the view that half an hour was insufficient to scrutinise a highly technical 46 page document.

This is not a one off occurrence. Officers in previous years have frankly played these games of brinkmanship with accounts routinely handed to those tasked with corporate governance to approve on the evening of the meeting itself. The safeguard above in s.100(4)(b) above, details a procedure to be followed if the matter is urgent.

Therefore my objection is that because of what I have detailed above, the Pensions Committee did not approve the statement of accounts for the Merseyside Pension Fund because:

(a) the report was late and
(b) it is clear from the legislation that a procedural step was missed making the decision ultra vires.

I am however not an unreasonable person and suggest the following course of corrective action. If this is followed I will happily withdraw my objection.

i) That the Pensions Committee holds a further meeting between now and 30th September 2015.
ii) The Audit and Risk Management Committee recommendation is altered (agenda item 12 meeting of the 22nd September 2015) to be conditional on the meeting outlined in i) and the same for any Cabinet meeting that has to approve the same item
iii) That at this special meeting it considers the items referred to in this objection in a way that is not open to legal challenge or perceived to be ultra vires and that the information for this meeting is published on Wirral Council’s website five clear days before the meeting.

As Wirral Council’s auditors Grant Thornton will no doubt make clear, the matter that forms this objections needs to be resolved before the accounts are signed off. I look forward to reading and hearing responses to this objection.

However as this is a perceived serious corporate governance failing, I am making this objection public.

Yours sincerely,

John Brace

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Which councillor claimed £72.05 for a dinner?

Which councillor claimed £72.05 for a dinner?

Which councillor claimed £72.05 for a dinner?


Cllr Leslie Byrom Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority meeting 30th June 2015
Cllr Leslie Byrom Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority meeting 30th June 2015


Above is Cllr Leslie Byrom, Vice-Chair of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority. He is one of the Labour representatives from Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council. Some readers may recognise him as the councillor who chaired the public meeting when councillors decided to close Upton and West Kirby fire stations.

Last year he submitted an expense claim to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service. You can see this expense claim and the accompanying receipt below.

Cllr Leslie Byrom expense claim September 2014 page 1 of 2
Cllr Leslie Byrom expense claim September 2014 page 1 of 2
Cllr Leslie Byrom expense claim September 2014 page 2 of 2
Cllr Leslie Byrom expense claim September 2014 page 2 of 2

So, as you can see from the above the hotel receipt is for one night bed and breakfast (£100) and dinner (£72.05) which comes to a total of £172.05.

On the claim form however, despite Cllr Byrom signing a declaration that “I declare that I have actually and necessarily incurred additional expense” this £172.05 amount becomes £180. Someone has reduced the value of the claim £180 to £172.05.

Dinners costing £72.05 are of course technically within the expense claiming rules as if you read page 202 councillors can claim up to £180 for a subsistence allowance for stays in London.

However under the expenses system had Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service paid his accommodation directly, Cllr Byrom would’ve only been allowed to claim up to £47.81 for meals (a daily allowance of £56.82 minus £9.01 for the cost of breakfast).

As to whether spending £72.05 on a dinner is necessary. On an earlier stay at the same hotel, Cllr Leslie Byrom’s dinner was only £45.70 (see below).

Cllr Leslie Byrom hotel invoice February 2014
Cllr Leslie Byrom hotel invoice February 2014
Cllr Leslie Byrom expenses February 2014
Cllr Leslie Byrom expenses February 2014

As you can see he didn’t claim for the cost of the £45.70 dinner for that trip, but someone at Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service has increased the value of the claim to include it anyway!

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49 pages of secret expenses on fruit cake, stays at the Hilton, first class travel & taxis for councillors

49 pages of secret expenses on fruit cake, stays at the Hilton, first class travel & taxis for councillors

49 pages of secret expenses on fruit cake, stays at the Hilton, first class travel & taxis for councillors


At the end of this piece are 49 pages of invoices paid directly by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority. If a councillor pays for a meal or a taxi fare but claims the money back, it’s included in the annual totals for each councillor. You can view the table of annual totals for each councillor that was on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority on the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority website.

The pages of expenses below that cover stays in hotels, train fares and meals (which would usually be in the travel and subsistence or overnight categories of expenditure of that table) aren’t included. Below is what Regulation 15(3) of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 states what should be included. Recipient refers to a recipient of a payment under the allowances scheme.

15. Records of Allowances
(3) As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of a year to which the scheme relates, an authority shall make arrangements for the publication within the authority’s area of the total sum paid by it in the year under the scheme to each recipient in respect of each of the following—

(a) basic allowance;
(b) special responsibility allowance;
(c) dependants’ carers’ allowance;
(d) travelling and subsistence allowance; and
(e) co-optees’ allowance.


The blog post Which Wirral councillor claimed £50 on taxis to and from a public meeting? includes a letter explaining why Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority doesn’t do this.

In that letter Janet Henshaw (Monitoring Officer for Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service) writing on behalf of the Wirral councillors wrote:

“It was not possible to show travel & event bookings made directly by MFRA [Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority] (as opposed to members paying and then claiming back their allowances) due to the fact that this Authority uses an electronic software system to make each booking at the cheapest possible price for both members and officers. We were invoiced monthly in the last year for both Officers and Members without differentiation. Thus it would have been a wholly unreasonable use of scare resources to break this down each month between the two groups and then each and every individual.”

CFO on one of the receipts refers to the Chief Fire Officer Dan Stephens. DCFO refers to the Deputy Chief Fire Officer Phil Garrigan. As some of the names of the councillors below will be unfamiliar to readers I include a key below. The key has the name of the councillor, political party, which local authority they represent (or represented as Cllr Ted Grannell and Cllr Tony Newman are no longer on the Fire Authority) and whether they hold the position of Chair or Vice-Chair on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority.

Cllr Dave Hanratty, Labour, Liverpool, Chair
Cllr Linda Maloney, Labour, St Helens, Vice-Chair
Cllr Leslie T Byrom, Labour, Sefton, Vice-Chair
Cllr Ted Grannell (down on invoice as Ted Grenell), Labour, Knowsley
Cllr Tony Newman, Labour, Knowsley
Cllr Steve Niblock, Labour, Wirral

Continue reading “49 pages of secret expenses on fruit cake, stays at the Hilton, first class travel & taxis for councillors”

EXCLUSIVE: 155 invoices paid by Wirral Council in 2013/14 for legal services, external audit, physiotherapy and psychological assessments

EXCLUSIVE: 155 invoices paid by Wirral Council in 2013/14 for legal services, external audit, physiotherapy and psychological assessments

EXCLUSIVE: 155 invoices paid by Wirral Council in 2013/14 for legal services, external audit, physiotherapy and psychological assessments


Below are 155 of the invoices I requested during the 2013/14 audit. They range from invoices to the Council’s external auditor Grant Thornton UK LLP, criminal work, a couple of judicial reviews, appealing an ICO decision notice to the First Tier Tribunal (Information Rights) as well as a lot of times Wirral Council have taken parents to court about their children. Some of these invoices I’ve previously written about on this blog, such as about the invoice about appealing the ICO decision notice. Turns out now I look at it more carefully there was a further invoice for £1,008 from February 2014 in that matter too.

Some of the others I’ve already on the blog as I received them in August 2014. However I didn’t publish them in August because I’ve had to go through a process of blacking out all the names (and partial names) of children and parents.

Added in green to many invoices are the representative (where known) from the list of payments in 2013/14 greater than £500. I’ve also added back in (on some) text which has been obscured by information blacked out on double-sided pages and bled through.

There is an index to all 155 invoices that can be downloaded here. I’ve tried to use the following file format when naming each file “Wirral Council invoice” followed by representative/organisation, amount, date, page number where there are multiple pages for the same invoice followed by invoice number.

Invoices 73 & 74 aren’t published here as they were cancelled and replaced by invoices 75 & 76. There is another batch of invoices I have yet to scan in, which is a mix of invoices for legal services and other general invoices. Below you should find all 155 invoices.

Wirral Council invoice Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited £520 Page 1 of 3 18th March 2013 1
Wirral Council invoice Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited £520 Page 1 of 3 18th March 2013 1
Wirral Council invoice Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited £520 Page 2 of 3 18th March 2013 1
Wirral Council invoice Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited £520 Page 2 of 3 18th March 2013 1
Wirral Council invoice Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited £520 Page 3 of 3 18th March 2013 1
Wirral Council invoice Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited £520 Page 3 of 3 18th March 2013 1
Wirral Council invoice The Lucy Faithfull Foundation £699.31 28th March 2013 2
Wirral Council invoice The Lucy Faithfull Foundation £699.31 28th March 2013 2
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings £10,344 page 1 of 2 15th March 2013 3
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings £10,344 page 1 of 2 15th March 2013 3

Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings £10,344 page 2 of 2 15th March 2013 3

Wirral Council invoice Peta M L Harrison St Johns Buildings £1,548 23rd March 2013 4

Wirral Council invoice Peta M L Harrison St Johns Buildings £552 15th March 2013 5

Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings £1,320 18th March 2013 6
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings £1,320 18th March 2013 6

Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings £3,792 20th March 2013 7

Wirral Council invoice David Garside St Johns Buildings £840 8th March 2013 8

Wirral Council invoice Remy Zentar St Johns Buildings £1,488 25th March 2013 9

Wirral Council invoice Kerry Daynes psychological report £680.04 29th January 2013 10

Wirral Council invoice Forepsych Limited psychological assessment report £688.35 3rd February 2013 11
Wirral Council invoice Forepsych Limited psychological assessment report £688.35 3rd February 2013 11
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings £576 2nd April 2013 12
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings £576 2nd April 2013 12
Wirral Council invoice Remy Zentar St Johns Buildings £1,800 27th March 2013 13
Wirral Council invoice Remy Zentar St Johns Buildings £1,800 27th March 2013 13
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard £25,698 31st March 2013 Page 1 of 2 14
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard £25,698 31st March 2013 Page 1 of 2 14
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard £25,698 31st March 2013 Page 2 of 2 14
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard £25,698 31st March 2013 Page 2 of 2 14
Wirral Council invoice Gail A Owen St Johns Buildings £2,928 9th April 2013 15
Wirral Council invoice Gail A Owen St Johns Buildings £2,928 9th April 2013 15
Wirral Council invoice Nicola Miles 7 Harrington St Chambers £2,130 9th April 2013 16
Wirral Council invoice Nicola Miles 7 Harrington St Chambers £2,130 9th April 2013 16
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 9th April 2013 £792 17
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 9th April 2013 £792 17
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 11th April 2013 £864 18
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 11th April 2013 £864 18
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 16th April 2013 £720 19
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 16th April 2013 £720 19
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 16th April 2013 £1,032 20
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 16th April 2013 £1,032 20
Wirral Council invoice Dr Jennifer Ashcroft JJ Ashcroft Clinical Psychology Services Ltd 7th April 2013 £900.75 21
Wirral Council invoice Dr Jennifer Ashcroft JJ Ashcroft Clinical Psychology Services Ltd 7th April 2013 £900.75 21
Wirral Council invoice Gail A Owen St Johns Buildings 26th April 2013 £591.36 22
Wirral Council invoice Gail A Owen St Johns Buildings 26th April 2013 £591.36 22
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 20th April 2013 £600 23
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 20th April 2013 £600 23
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Bellamy St Johns Buildings 25th April 2013 £511.68 24
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Bellamy St Johns Buildings 25th April 2013 £511.68 24
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 26th April 2013 £528 25
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 26th April 2013 £528 25
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th April 2013 Page 1 of 2 £900 26
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th April 2013 Page 1 of 2 £900 26
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th April 2013 Page 2 of 2 £900 26
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th April 2013 Page 2 of 2 £900 26
Wirral Council invoice Remy Zentar St Johns Buildings 23rd April 2013 £936 27
Wirral Council invoice Remy Zentar St Johns Buildings 23rd April 2013 £936 27
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 2nd May 2013 £672 28
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 2nd May 2013 £672 28
Wirral Council invoice DMM Psychology Ltd 8th March 2013 £1660.80 29
Wirral Council invoice DMM Psychology Ltd 8th March 2013 £1660.80 29
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 8th May 2013 £823.68 30
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 8th May 2013 £823.68 30
Wirral Council invoice Rebecca Smith St Johns Buildings 8th May 2013 £720 31
Wirral Council invoice Rebecca Smith St Johns Buildings 8th May 2013 £720 31
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 9th May 2013 £1200 32
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 9th May 2013 £1200 32
Wirral Council invoice Rebecca Smith St Johns Buildings 9th May 2013 £720 33
Wirral Council invoice Rebecca Smith St Johns Buildings 9th May 2013 £720 33
Wirral Council invoice Benjamin Lawrence St Johns Buildings 13th May 2013 £787.50 34
Wirral Council invoice Benjamin Lawrence St Johns Buildings 13th May 2013 £787.50 34
Wirral Council invoice Advanced Childcare Assessments Limited 30th April 2013 £2,641.20 35
Wirral Council invoice Advanced Childcare Assessments Limited 30th April 2013 £2,641.20 35
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 15th May 2013 Page 1 of 2 £528 36
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 15th May 2013 Page 1 of 2 £528 36
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 15th May 2013 Page 2 of 2 £528 36
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 15th May 2013 Page 2 of 2 £528 36
Wirral Council invoice Louis Browne Exchange Chambers 15th May 2013 £3445.74 37
Wirral Council invoice Louis Browne Exchange Chambers 15th May 2013 £3445.74 37
Wirral Council invoice Claire Grundy St Johns Buildings 14th May 2013 £1800 38
Wirral Council invoice Claire Grundy St Johns Buildings 14th May 2013 £1800 38
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard 17th May 2013 £640 39
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard 17th May 2013 £640 39
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Building 17th May 2013 £1200 40
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Building 17th May 2013 £1200 40
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Building 17th May 2013 £528 41
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Building 17th May 2013 £528 41
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Building 21st May 2013 £576 42
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Building 21st May 2013 £576 42
Wirral Council invoice Cerys Williams St Johns Building 22nd May 2013 £2454.72 43
Wirral Council invoice Cerys Williams St Johns Building 22nd May 2013 £2454.72 43
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Building 24th May 2013 £768 44
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Building 24th May 2013 £768 44
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Building 28th May 2013 £811.29 Page 1 of 2 45
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Building 28th May 2013 £811.29 Page 1 of 2 45
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Building 28th May 2013 £811.29 Page 2 of 2 45
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Building 28th May 2013 £811.29 Page 2 of 2 45
Wirral Council invoice Simon Maddison St Johns Building 23rd May 2013 £1260 46
Wirral Council invoice Simon Maddison St Johns Building 23rd May 2013 £1260 46
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 31st May 2013 £607.48 47
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 31st May 2013 £607.48 47
Wirral Council invoice Document Technology Limited 10th May 2013 £569.58 48
Wirral Council invoice Document Technology Limited 10th May 2013 £569.58 48
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 4th June 2013 £849.60 49
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 4th June 2013 £849.60 49
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 10th June 2013 £993.60 50
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 10th June 2013 £993.60 50
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 11th June 2013 £799.68 51
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 11th June 2013 £799.68 51
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 13th June 2013 £2,208.96 52
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 13th June 2013 £2,208.96 52
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 14th June 2013 £63,504 53
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 14th June 2013 £63,504 53
Wirral Council invoice Catherine Rimmer St Johns Buildings 17th June 2013 £504 54
Wirral Council invoice Catherine Rimmer St Johns Buildings 17th June 2013 £504 54
Wirral Council invoice Stephen J Bedford St Johns Buildings 17th June 2013 £1,584 55
Wirral Council invoice Stephen J Bedford St Johns Buildings 17th June 2013 £1,584 55
Wirral Council invoice Stephen J Bedford St Johns Buildings 19th June 2013 £1,584 56
Wirral Council invoice Stephen J Bedford St Johns Buildings 19th June 2013 £1,584 56
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 25th June 2013 £552 57
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 25th June 2013 £552 57
Wirral Council invoice The Association of Electoral Administration 14th May 2013 £3,556.25 58
Wirral Council invoice The Association of Electoral Administration 14th May 2013 £3,556.25 58
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £960 59
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £960 59
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £4,910.40 Page 1 of 2 60
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £4,910.40 Page 1 of 2 60
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £4,910.40 Page 2 of 2 60
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £4,910.40 Page 2 of 2 60
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £523.20 61
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 1st July 2013 £523.20 61
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th June 2013 Page 1 of 2 £3,660 62
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th June 2013 Page 1 of 2 £3,660 62
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th June 2013 Page 2 of 2 £3,660 62
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington St Chambers 19th June 2013 Page 2 of 2 £3,660 62
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 3rd July 2013 £849.60 63
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 3rd July 2013 £849.60 63
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 28th May 2013 £3,264 Page 1 of 2 64
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 28th May 2013 £3,264 Page 1 of 2 64
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 28th May 2013 £3,264 Page 2 of 2 64
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 28th May 2013 £3,264 Page 2 of 2 64
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 12th July 2013 65 £1,440 65
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 12th July 2013 65 £1,440 65
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 12th July 2013 £552 66
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 12th July 2013 £552 66
Wirral Council invoice Gaynor Lloyd St Johns Buildings 12th July 2013 £1822.08 67
Wirral Council invoice Gaynor Lloyd St Johns Buildings 12th July 2013 £1822.08 67
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard 18th July 2013 £10,080 68
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard 18th July 2013 £10,080 68
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 25th July 2013 £696 69
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 25th July 2013 £696 69
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 25th July 2013 page 1 of 2 £7344 70
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 25th July 2013 page 1 of 2 £7344 70
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 25th July 2013 page 2 of 2 £7344 70
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 25th July 2013 page 2 of 2 £7344 70
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Manning Arden Chambers 26th July 2013 £1,800 71
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Manning Arden Chambers 26th July 2013 £1,800 71
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Manning Arden Chambers 26th July 2013 £1,800 72
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Manning Arden Chambers 26th July 2013 £1,800 72
Wirral Council invoice Helen Roberts Forensic Clinical Psychologist 1st August 2013 £821.10 75
Wirral Council invoice Helen Roberts Forensic Clinical Psychologist 1st August 2013 £821.10 75
Wirral Council invoice Helen Roberts Forensic Clinical Psychologist 1st August 2013 £590.50 76
Wirral Council invoice Helen Roberts Forensic Clinical Psychologist 1st August 2013 £590.50 76
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 7th August 2013 £1392 77
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 7th August 2013 £1392 77
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 5th August 2013 £639.36 78
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 5th August 2013 £639.36 78
Wirral Council invoice Gaynor Lloyd St Johns Buildings 12th August 2013 £1822.08 79
Wirral Council invoice Gaynor Lloyd St Johns Buildings 12th August 2013 £1822.08 79
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 12th August 2013 £2016 80
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 12th August 2013 £2016 80
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 19th August 2013 £528 81
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 19th August 2013 £528 81
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 15th August 2013 £511.68 82
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 15th August 2013 £511.68 82
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 22nd August 2013 £864 83
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 22nd August 2013 £864 83
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 21st August 2013 £703.68 84
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 21st August 2013 £703.68 84
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 4th September 2013 £576 85
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 4th September 2013 £576 85
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 12th September 2013 £63504 86
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 12th September 2013 £63504 86
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 11th September 2013 £687.36 87
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 11th September 2013 £687.36 87
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 11th September 2013 £1992 88
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 11th September 2013 £1992 88
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 16th September 2013 Page 1 of 2 £1296 89
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 16th September 2013 Page 1 of 2 £1296 89
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 16th September 2013 Page 2 of 2 £1296 89
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 16th September 2013 Page 2 of 2 £1296 89
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 16th September 2013 £1230.72 90
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 16th September 2013 £1230.72 90
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 17th September 2013 £655.68 91
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 17th September 2013 £655.68 91
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 25th September 2013 £561.60 92
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 25th September 2013 £561.60 92
Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 23rd September 2013 £930 93
Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 23rd September 2013 £930 93
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 30th September 2013 £720 94
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 30th September 2013 £720 94
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 2nd October 2013 £912 95
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 2nd October 2013 £912 95
Wirral Council invoice Benjamin William Jones St Johns Buildings 1st October 2013 £900 96
Wirral Council invoice Benjamin William Jones St Johns Buildings 1st October 2013 £900 96
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 7th October 2013 £511.68 97
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 7th October 2013 £511.68 97
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 10th October 2013 £1248 98
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 10th October 2013 £1248 98
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 14th October 2013 £720 99
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 14th October 2013 £720 99
Wirral Council invoice Cater Walsh Media Services Ltd 25th October 2013 £528 100
Wirral Council invoice Cater Walsh Media Services Ltd 25th October 2013 £528 100
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 21st October 2013 £831.36 101
Wirral Council invoice Sara A Mann St Johns Buildings 21st October 2013 £831.36 101
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 21st October 2013 £576 102
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 21st October 2013 £576 102
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 21st October 2013 £753.60 103
Wirral Council invoice Ginette Fitzharris St Johns Buildings 21st October 2013 £753.60 103
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 30th October 2013 £3235.20 104
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 30th October 2013 £3235.20 104
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 30th October 2013 £1113.60 105
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 30th October 2013 £1113.60 105
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 31st October 2013 £1128 106
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 31st October 2013 £1128 106
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 30th October 2013 £528 107
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 30th October 2013 £528 107
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 1st November 2013 £864 108
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 1st November 2013 £864 108
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 11th November 2013 £993.60 109
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 11th November 2013 £993.60 109
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 8th November 2013 £591.36 110
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 8th November 2013 £591.36 110
Wirral Council invoice David V Glasgow 30th October 2013 £740.37 111
Wirral Council invoice David V Glasgow 30th October 2013 £740.37 111
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 13th November 2013 £576 112
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 13th November 2013 £576 112
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 18th November 2013 £753.60 113
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 18th November 2013 £753.60 113
Wirral Council invoice Christine Johnson Atlantic Chambers 22nd November 2013 £2940 114
Wirral Council invoice Christine Johnson Atlantic Chambers 22nd November 2013 £2940 114
Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 22nd November 2013 Page 1 of 2 £4210 115
Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 22nd November 2013 Page 1 of 2 £4210 115
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Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 22nd November 2013 Page 2 of 2 £4210 115
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 25th November 2013 £696 116
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 25th November 2013 £696 116
Wirral Council invoice Robin Hopkins kbw 12th November 2013 £1872 117
Wirral Council invoice Robin Hopkins kbw 12th November 2013 £1872 117
Wirral Council invoice Wilkin Chapman LLP 16th October 2013 £1598.40 118
Wirral Council invoice Wilkin Chapman LLP 16th October 2013 £1598.40 118
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 21st November 2013 £576 119
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 21st November 2013 £576 119
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 26th November 2013 £1272 120
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 26th November 2013 £1272 120
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 11th December 2013 Page 1 of 2 £3473.28 121
Wirral Council invoice Jonathan Taylor St Johns Buildings 11th December 2013 Page 1 of 2 £3473.28 121
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Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 3rd December 2013 £2399.04 122
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 3rd December 2013 £2399.04 122
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 4th December 2013 £672 123
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 4th December 2013 £672 123
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 27th November 2013 £504 124
Wirral Council invoice Susan Edwards St Johns Buildings 27th November 2013 £504 124
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 12th December 2013 £51120 125
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 12th December 2013 £51120 125
Wirral Council invoice Ruth Stockley Kings Chambers 19th November 2013 £607.50 126
Wirral Council invoice Ruth Stockley Kings Chambers 19th November 2013 £607.50 126
Wirral Council invoice Cerys Williams St Johns Buildings 7th January 2014 £528 127
Wirral Council invoice Cerys Williams St Johns Buildings 7th January 2014 £528 127
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 8th January 2014 Page 1 of 3 £5096.64 128
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 8th January 2014 Page 1 of 3 £5096.64 128
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 8th January 2014 Page 2 of 3 £5096.64 128
Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 8th January 2014 Page 2 of 3 £5096.64 128
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Wirral Council invoice Jennifer Lesley Scully St Johns Buildings 8th January 2014 Page 3 of 3 £5096.64 128
Wirral Council invoice Nigel Lawrence 7 Harrington Street Chambers 11th December 2013 £27185.90 129
Wirral Council invoice Nigel Lawrence 7 Harrington Street Chambers 11th December 2013 £27185.90 129
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington Street Chambers 7th January 2014 £2220 130
Wirral Council invoice Tim D N Kenward 7 Harrington Street Chambers 7th January 2014 £2220 130
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 11th December 2013 £63504 131
Wirral Council invoice Grant Thornton UK LLP 11th December 2013 £63504 131
Wirral Council invoice Damien Sanders St Johns Buildings 15th January 2014 £600 132
Wirral Council invoice Damien Sanders St Johns Buildings 15th January 2014 £600 132
Wirral Council invoice Leona Harrison St Johns Buildings 15th January 2014 £1536 133
Wirral Council invoice Leona Harrison St Johns Buildings 15th January 2014 £1536 133
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 15th January 2014 £672 134
Wirral Council invoice Michael J Kennedy St Johns Buildings 15th January 2014 £672 134
Wirral Council invoice Catherine Rimmer St Johns Buildings 20th January 2014 £720 135
Wirral Council invoice Catherine Rimmer St Johns Buildings 20th January 2014 £720 135
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 21st January 2014 £912 136
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 21st January 2014 £912 136
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 17th January 2014 £951.36 137
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 17th January 2014 £951.36 137
Wirral Council invoice James Gatenby St Johns Buildings 20th January 2014 £607.68 138
Wirral Council invoice James Gatenby St Johns Buildings 20th January 2014 £607.68 138
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 23rd January 2014 £816 139
Wirral Council invoice Helen Wilson St Johns Buildings 23rd January 2014 £816 139
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 23rd January 2014 £696 140
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 23rd January 2014 £696 140
Wirral Council invoice Anthony Gill Kings Chambers 28th January 2014 £1860 141
Wirral Council invoice Anthony Gill Kings Chambers 28th January 2014 £1860 141
Wirral Council invoice Sweet & Maxwell Ltd 2nd January 2014 £1041.60 142
Wirral Council invoice Sweet & Maxwell Ltd 2nd January 2014 £1041.60 142
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 14th February 2014 £720 143
Wirral Council invoice Andrew Haggis St Johns Buildings 14th February 2014 £720 143
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 18th February 2014 £511.68 144
Wirral Council invoice Kate Burnell St Johns Buildings 18th February 2014 £511.68 144
Wirral Council invoice Peta M L Harrison St Johns Buildings 18th February 2014 £888 145
Wirral Council invoice Peta M L Harrison St Johns Buildings 18th February 2014 £888 145
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans LLP 25th February 2014 £1360.80 146
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans LLP 25th February 2014 £1360.80 146
Wirral Council invoice Damien Sanders St Johns Buildings 26th February 2014 £528 147
Wirral Council invoice Damien Sanders St Johns Buildings 26th February 2014 £528 147
Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 19th February 2014 Page 1 of 3 £1120 148
Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 19th February 2014 Page 1 of 3 £1120 148
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Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 19th February 2014 Page 2 of 3 £1120 148
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Wirral Council invoice Paul Burns Exchange Chambers 19th February 2014 Page 3 of 3 £1120 148
Wirral Council invoice Robin Hopkins KBW 10th February 2014 £1008 149
Wirral Council invoice Robin Hopkins KBW 10th February 2014 £1008 149
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 5th March 2014 £543.36 150
Wirral Council invoice Joanne Jade Abraham St Johns Buildings 5th March 2014 £543.36 150
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans LLP 30th January 2014 £4982.40 151
Wirral Council invoice Weightmans LLP 30th January 2014 £4982.40 151
Wirral Council invoice Lexis Nexis Butterworths 3rd March 2014 £1659 152
Wirral Council invoice Lexis Nexis Butterworths 3rd March 2014 £1659 152
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 10th March 2014 £528 153
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 10th March 2014 £528 153
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 10th March 2014 £600 154
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 10th March 2014 £600 154
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard 31st January 2014 £6468 155
Wirral Council invoice Sharpe Pritchard 31st January 2014 £6468 155
Wirral Council invoice Cerys Williams St Johns Buildings 13th March 2014 £816 156
Wirral Council invoice Cerys Williams St Johns Buildings 13th March 2014 £816 156
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 18th March 2014 Page 1 of 2 £1296 157
Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 18th March 2014 Page 1 of 2 £1296 157
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Wirral Council invoice Mark Senior St Johns Buildings 18th March 2014 Page 2 of 2 £1296 157

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Merseytravel’s Head of Internal Audit brands some whistleblowing as “Mickey Mouse” & “complete nonsense”

Merseytravel’s Head of Internal Audit brands some whistleblowing as “Mickey Mouse” & “complete nonsense”

Merseytravel’s Head of Internal Audit brands some whistleblowing as “Mickey Mouse” & “complete nonsense”


ED 26/11/14 15:16 – Following a complaint from Merseytravel received on the 26th November 2014, the word “some” has been added to the headline for the purposes of clarity.

Declaration of Interest: The author of this piece was years ago involved as the Claimant in litigation against Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority (defendant) and Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive (defendant) that started and concluded in 2007 in the Birkenhead County Court. This was after first raising his concerns internally with its former Chief Executive Neil Scales and former Chair of Merseytravel Cllr Dowd. At this stage the matter could have been easily settled for £15 but Merseytravel chose at that stage not to.

Merseytravel’s legal costs in the matter were estimated at £thousands (which Merseytravel paid themselves and would have had to pay whether they won or lost). The increased legal costs of Merseytravel were partly because of what happened as detailed below.

During the case Merseytravel’s barrister (in my opinion a barrister is indeed slight overkill for a £15 claim in the small claims track in the county court, but I know now it’s common practice in the public sector to do this) had to (rather embarrassingly) ask for the permission from both the Claimant (myself) and the Birkenhead County Court to withdraw the first signed witness statement of their expert witness (a Merseytravel employee) after I pointed out a factual inaccuracy in their witness statement (that the witness (a Merseytravel employee) had indeed signed a statement of truth for).

Merseytravel also sought (initially but later changed their mind on that) in 2008 to withhold documents referred to from the Claimant that were referred to in their defence. If I remember correctly a Merseytravel employee stated to me at the time that such documents (which were details of their charging policy for lost Solo and Trio passes) were not for the public.

The final judgement in the case (by agreement by both Merseytravel and myself) was later modified by the Birkenhead County Court due to a factual error made by the Judge who had not taken into account an earlier application in the case and chosen to ignore me pointing this out to him at the time of the hearing.

Although the judge at the final hearing agreed with me that Merseytravel had discriminated against me three times because of a protected characteristic, the court accepted Merseytrave’s reliance on a statutory defence that discrimination on these three times was justified due to a “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim” because of decisions by politicians.

The four councillors from Wirral Council at the time on Merseytravel (the Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority) were:

Cllr Ron Abbey (Labour)
former Cllr Denis Knowles (Labour at the time but switched to the Conservatives)

It is perhaps to be noted that as is relevant to how politicians and those in the public sector relate towards protected minorities (and this point here is obviously to do with attitudes towards a different protected minority) that Denis Knowles in 2012 later faced a Wirral Council Standards Hearing Panel hearing based on a complaint of Denis Knowles after a comment he left on Facebook about members of the LGBT community who were members of the Labour Party. He was suspended at the time from the Conservative Party.

former Cllr Jacqueline McKelvie (Conservative)
Cllr Dave Mitchell (Lib Dem)


A councillor asks a question about Merseytravel's whistleblowing policy at a public meeting of its Audit and Governance SubCommittee 24th November 2014
A councillor asks a question about Merseytravel’s whistleblowing policy at a public meeting of its Audit and Governance SubCommittee 24th November 2014

Cllr Steve Foulkes (Vice-Chair of Merseytravel’s Audit and Governance Sub-Committee) now part of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority sent his apologies to a public meeting to discuss Merseytravel’s whistleblowing policy and was not present.

Officers of Merseytravel were asking councillors for their comments on a draft whistleblowing policy which included such priceless paragraphs as:

“10.2 If you do take the matter outside Merseytravel, you should ensure that you do not disclose confidential information acquired during your employment unless it falls within the qualifying criteria for protected disclosures. Premature or inaccurate media exposure or adverse publicity may cause needless reputational damage, impede a proper investigation or cause unnecessary distress to individuals.”

I will translate those two sentences in the draft policy into what my interpretation of the intention behind it is and probably in much clearer English:

“10.2 If you rat on us to the press, not only will we [Merseytravel] start spinning to the press and refer to any damaging press report as “inaccurate”, we’ll go after you (despite what the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 c.23 states as we’re more bothered with our reputation and making sure that we control the flow of information about our organisation to both to the public and politicians.”

The references made during the public meeting itself to a hypothetical whistleblower as “Mickey Mouse” (whether made in jest or not) speaks volumes about cultural attitudes that still persist at Merseytravel.

However bearing in mind my unusually long declaration of interest made at the start of this piece, I had better not let how dysfunctional Merseytravel was in 2007 influence my reporting of it in 2014 as the Merseytravel politicians of 2014 are keen to put its somewhat chequered past behind it.

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Merseytravel’s (now part of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s) Audit and Governance Subcommittee public meeting of the 24th November 2014

The whistleblowing item (item 7) starts at 31m 48s into the meeting and can be watched above. The report and draft policy can be read on Merseytravel’s website.

Councillor Fulham at the meeting asked, “Thanks Chair. Errm, I appreciate that on page 48 of the agenda and at 7.4 in the policy, errm it says that this part of the that I’m looking at, I’ve found somewhere I’m looking at says this policy applies even if after investigation, disclosure is found to be incorrect or unfounded and there are statutory protections which the policy acknowledges for people who errm make a protected disclosure, that’s found out too. Well at the end of the process is found out not to be errm founded but it might be a reasonably held disclosure.

But what worries me is on page 46, where it says policy statement, under errm in chapter 4 “we will investigate all genuine and reasonable concerns”, but the way I would approach things, you can’t make an assessment whether it’s genuine or reasonable until you’ve investigated it? So it kind of precludes the investigation. So errm, why is that there?”

Stephanie Donaldson, Merseytravel’s Head of Internal Audit answered “OK, you’re absolutely right in so far as how can you tell that anything’s genuine or legitimate until you investigate it, so realistically everything will be investigated to a point.

However if something was found to be errm you know complete nonsense for want of a better word then that investigation would cease. We wouldn’t pursue investigating something which is you know completely unfounded or false then, but you’re right that there is the legislation requires that as long as it’s in the public interest it should still be investigated and that’s what the changes to the policy would fly at.

I suppose the purpose of that one in the policy statement and I will take some advice through you Chair from legal, is that errm, that if we received a complete nonsense of an allegation and it’s clearly complete nonsense from Mickey Mouse for example that we would not investigate that, there are boundaries aren’t there?

Errm, but you’re absolutely right to say that in a majority of I think all cases, it would be you have to undertake an investigation in order to assess its legitimacy.”

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